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  • ABO blood groups Sandbox - The system by which human blood is classified, based on proteins occurring on red blood cells; the four classification groups are A, AB, B, and O
  • ACE inhibitor Sandbox - a drug typically used to treat high blood pressure (Angiotensin-Converting
  • AIDS-related complex Sandbox - symptoms including weight loss, fever, and enlarged lymph nodes experienced by people who are infected with HIV but do not yet have AIDS
  • AIDS Sandbox - see Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
  • ALS Sandbox - see Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  • ARC Sandbox - see AIDS-related complex
  • Abdominal cavity Sandbox - the part of the body between the bottom of the ribs and the top of the thighs, containing most of the digestive and urinary systems along with some reproductive organs
  • Abortion Sandbox - termination of a pregnancy; can occur because of natural causes (called a miscarriage) or be a medical intervention
  • Abscess Sandbox - an accumulation of pus in a body tissue, usually caused by a bacterial infection
  • Achilles tendon Sandbox - the tendon at the back of the lower leg that connects the calf muscle to the heel bone
  • Acid reflux Sandbox - a disorder in which acid in the stomach comes up into the esophagus, because the valve separating the stomach and esophagus does not function properly
  • Acid-base balance Sandbox - the mechanisms that the body uses to keep its fluids close to neutral (neither basic nor acidic) so that the body can function properly
  • Acidosis Sandbox - a condition marked by abnormally high acid levels in the blood, associated with some forms of diabetes, lung disease, and severe kidney disease
  • Acne Sandbox - a skin condition characterized by inflamed, pus-filled areas that occur on the skin's surface, most commonly occurring during adolescence
  • Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Sandbox - infection by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes a weakening of the immune system
  • Acquired Sandbox - a word describing any condition that is not present at birth, but develops some time during life
  • Acute respiratory disease Sandbox - an urgent condition in which oxygen levels in the blood are lower than normal and breathing is difficult
  • Acute Sandbox - describes a condition or illness that begins suddenly and is usually short-lasting
  • Addiction Sandbox - dependence on a substance (such as alcohol or other drugs) or an activity, to the point that stopping is very difficult and causes severe physical and mental reactions
  • Adenitis Sandbox - infection and inflammation of a gland, especially a lymph node
  • Adipose tissue Sandbox - another term for fatty tissue; it stores energy, insulates, and cushions the body
  • Adjuvant therapy Sandbox - the use of drugs or radiation therapy in the treatment of cancer along with surgery
  • Adrenal failure Sandbox - a condition in which the adrenal glands do not produce enough of the hormones that control important functions such as blood pressure
  • Adrenal glands Sandbox - two small glands located on top of the kidneys that secrete several important hormones into the blood
  • Adverse reaction Sandbox - an unintended and unwanted side effect of some sort of treatment, usually drug therapy
  • Aerobic exercise Sandbox - physical activity during which the heart and lungs must work harder to meet the body's increased oxygen demand
  • Affective disorder Sandbox - a mental disorder involving abnormal moods and emotions; affective disorders include manic-depressive disorder
  • Afterbirth Sandbox - the placenta and membranes that are eliminated from the woman's uterus following the birth of a child
  • Afterpains Sandbox - normal contractions of the uterus after childbirth that usually occur for the first few days after delivery
  • Air embolism Sandbox - the blockage of an artery by air bubbles, which may have entered during surgery or after an injury
  • Airway obstruction Sandbox - blockage of the passage of air through the windpipe to the lungs
  • Airways Sandbox - the passageways that air moves through while traveling in and out of the lungs during breathing
  • Albinism Sandbox - a condition in which people are born with insufficient amounts of the pigment melanin, which is responsible for hair, skin, and eye color
  • Alcoholic cardiomyopathy Sandbox - heart damage and failure caused by intake of too much alcohol
  • Alimentary canal Sandbox - another term for the digestive tract
  • Alkalosis Sandbox - dangerously decreased acidity of the blood, which can be caused by high altitudes, hyperventilation, and excessive vomiting
  • Alkylating agents Sandbox - substances used in cancer treatment that interfere with the division of cells
  • Allergen Sandbox - a substance that causes an allergic reaction
  • Allergic rhinitis Sandbox - irritation of the nasal passages and the whites of the eyes, causing sneezing, runny nose, and sore eyes
  • Allergy Sandbox - a negative reaction to a substance that in most people causes no reaction
  • Alopecia Sandbox - baldness or loss of hair, mainly on the head, either in defined patches or completely; the cause is unknown
  • Altitude sickness Sandbox - headaches, dizziness, and nausea usually experienced at heights above 8,000 ft because of reduced oxygen in the air
  • Alzheimer disease Sandbox - a condition that occurs late in life and worsens with time in which brain cells degenerate; it is accompanied by memory loss, physical decline, and confusion
  • Amenorrhea Sandbox - absence of menstrual periods, occurring either after or before menstruation has begun
  • Amniocentesis Sandbox - a procedure in which a small amount of amniotic fluid is removed from the mother’s womb in order to detect abnormalities of the fetus
  • Amniotic fluid Sandbox - clear fluid that surrounds a fetus during pregnancy and cushions and protects it
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Sandbox - the most common of a group of disorders known as motor neuron diseases, in which the nerves in the brain that control the movement of muscles degenerate and muscle function is gradually lost; commonly called Lou Gehrig's disease
  • Anabolic steroid Sandbox - a drug similar to the male hormone testosterone that builds muscles and strengthens bones, but has adverse side effects
  • Anal fissure Sandbox - a long, open sore on the skin of the anus
  • Anal fistula Sandbox - an abnormal tubelike passage connecting the anus to the surface of the surrounding skin
  • Anal sphincter Sandbox - a ring of muscle fibers at the opening of the rectum, controlling the opening and closing of the anus
  • Analgesic Sandbox - a drug that relieves pain, such as aspirin or acetaminophen
  • Anaphylactic shock Sandbox - a life-threatening allergic reaction resulting in difficulty breathing and low blood pressure
  • Anatomy Sandbox - the structure of bodies; commonly refers to the study of body structure
  • Androgen Sandbox - a hormone (such as testosterone) that causes development of male characteristics and sex organs
  • Anemia Sandbox - a condition in which the blood does not contain enough hemoglobin, the compound that carries oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body
  • Anencephaly Sandbox - a fatal birth defect in which the brain and spinal cord have failed to develop, resulting in the absence of a portion of the skull and brain
  • Anesthesia Sandbox - a loss of sensation in a certain part of the body or throughout the body
  • Anesthetic Sandbox - a substance that temporarily causes a person to be unable to feel pain, either in a certain area or over the entire body
  • Aneurysm Sandbox - an abnormal swelling of the wall of an artery, caused by a weakening in the vessel wall
  • Angina pectoris Sandbox - pain experienced in the chest, arms, or jaw because of a lack of oxygen to the heart muscle
  • Angioma Sandbox - a tumor made of blood vessels or lymph vessels that is not cancerous
  • Angioplasty Sandbox - the use of surgery to make a damaged blood vessel function properly again; may involve widening or reconstructing the blood vessel
  • Anorexia nervosa Sandbox - a dangerous eating disorder mainly affecting young girls in which the sufferer has an intense fear of looking fat, avoids food, and loses weight excessively
  • Antacid Sandbox - a drug that neutralizes stomach acids; used to treat indigestion, heartburn, and acid reflux
  • Antibiotic resistance Sandbox - the development by bacteria of the ability to live in the presence of a certain antibiotic, making treatment difficult
  • Antibiotics Sandbox - bacteria-killing substances that are used to fight infection
  • Antibody Sandbox - a protein made by white blood cells that reacts with a specific foreign protein as part of the immune response
  • Anticoagulants Sandbox - drugs used to stop abnormal blood clotting, such as to prevent stroke
  • Antiemetics Sandbox - drugs used to treat nausea and vomiting
  • Antihistamine Sandbox - a drug that relieves an allergic reaction by stopping the effects of histamine, the substance responsible for the negative symptoms associated with the reaction
  • Antihypertensives Sandbox - drugs used to relieve the symptoms and prevent the damage that can occur from high blood pressure
  • Antioxidants Sandbox - substances that protect against cell damage by guarding the cell from oxygen free radicals
  • Antipsychotics Sandbox - drugs used to treat severe mental disorders
  • Antiseptics Sandbox - chemicals applied to the skin that prevent infection by killing bacteria and other harmful organisms
  • Anus Sandbox - the opening through which feces are passed from the body
  • Aorta Sandbox - the main artery in the body, carrying oxygenated blood from the heart to other arteries in the body
  • Aortic stenosis Sandbox - narrowing of the opening of the aortic valve in the heart, which increases resistance to blood flow from the left ventricle to the aorta; commonly a birth defect or caused by scarring and calcium accumulation in the valve from rheumatic fever
  • Apgar score Sandbox - a system for evaluating the health of a newborn baby; rated on a scale of 0- 10
  • Aplasia Sandbox - the complete or partial failure of any organ or tissue to grow
  • Aplastic anemia Sandbox - a severely reduced number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets
  • Apnea Sandbox - a possibly life-threatening condition in which breathing stops, for either a short or long period of time
  • Appendectomy Sandbox - surgical removal of the appendix to treat appendicitis
  • Appendicitis Sandbox - inflammation of the appendix
  • Appendix Sandbox - a short, tubelike structure that branches off the large intestine; does not have any known function
  • Arteriosclerosis Sandbox - a disorder causing thickening and hardening of artery walls
  • Arteritis Sandbox - inflammation of the walls of an artery that causes the passageway to become narrower; can lead to tissue damage because oxygen is not properly supplied
  • Artery Sandbox - a large blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to tissues and organs in the body
  • Arthritis Sandbox - a disease of the joints characterized by inflammation, pain, stiffness, and redness
  • Arthroscopy Sandbox - a procedure used to examine the inside of a joint using a viewing tube (an endoscope)
  • Artificial insemination Sandbox - injection of semen into the cervix
  • Artificial respiration/ventilation Sandbox - the forcing of air (either by mouth-to-mouth or mouthto-nose means) into the lungs of a person who has stopped breathing
  • Ascites Sandbox - excess fluid in the abdominal cavity, which leads to swelling
  • Ascorbic acid Sandbox - the chemical term for vitamin C
  • Aspermia Sandbox - the failure either to produce or to ejaculate sperm
  • Asphyxia Sandbox - the medical term for suffocation; can be caused by choking on an object, by lack of oxygen in the air, or by chemicals such as carbon monoxide, which reduce the amount of oxygen in the blood
  • Asthma Sandbox - a disorder characterized by inflamed airways and difficulty breathing
  • Astigmatism Sandbox - a disorder in which the front surface of the eye (the cornea) is not correctly spherical, resulting in blurry vision
  • Atherectomy Sandbox - a procedure performed to remove plaque that is blocking an artery
  • Atheroma Sandbox - fatty deposits on the inner walls of blood vessels, which can cause narrowing and decrease blood flow
  • Atherosclerosis Sandbox - narrowing of the lining of the arteries due to the accumulation of fat and other materials; leads to coronary heart disease, stroke, and other disorders
  • Athlete's foot Sandbox - an infection between the toes caused by a fungus, which leads to sore, cracked, and peeling skin
  • Atresia Sandbox - a birth defect in which a normal body opening or canal is absent; usually requires surgical repair soon after birth
  • Atria Sandbox - the two upper chambers of the heart; the singular form is atrium
  • Atrial fibrillation Sandbox - an irregular heartbeat in which the upper chambers of the heart (the atria) beat inconsistently and rapidly
  • Atrial flutter Sandbox - an irregular heartbeat in which the upper chambers of the heart (the atria) beat rapidly but consistently
  • Atrial septal defect Sandbox - a hole located in the wall between the two upper chambers of the heart
  • Atrophy Sandbox - the shrinkage or near disappearance of a tissue or organ
  • Attention-deficit disorder Sandbox - a disorder mainly present in children and adolescents, characterized by learning and behavior problems, inability to pay attention, and sometimes hyperactivity
  • Audiogram Sandbox - a graph showing a person's hearing ability, determined from a set of tests examining hearing acuity of different sound frequencies
  • Aura Sandbox - a "warning" signal that comes before a migraine headache or an epileptic seizure, which might include emotions or sensations of movement or discomfort
  • Auscultation Sandbox - the act of listening to sounds within the body, such as the heartbeat, with a stethoscope
  • Autism Sandbox - a mental disorder characterized by an inability to relate to other people and extreme withdrawal
  • Autoimmune disease Sandbox - a disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks itself
  • Autonomic nervous system Sandbox - the part of the nervous system that controls automatic body functions, such as heart rate, sweating, pupil dilation, and digestion; divided into the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system
  • Autopsy Sandbox - the examination of a body following death, possibly to determine the cause of death or for research
  • Autosomal dominant Sandbox - a term describing a gene on any chromosome other than the sex chromosomes that produces its effect whenever it is present; can also describe the effect of the gene itself
  • Autosomal recessive Sandbox - a term used to describe a gene on any chromosome other than the sex chromosomes that produces its effect only when two copies of it are present; can also describe the effect of the gene itself
  • Axilla Sandbox - medical term for the armpit
  • B cell Sandbox - a white blood cell that makes antibodies to fight infections caused by foreign proteins
  • B lymphocyte Sandbox - a type of white blood cell that makes antibodies and is an important part of the immune response
  • BCG vaccine Sandbox - a vaccine used to protect against tuberculosis
  • Bacillus Sandbox - any bacteria that is rod-shaped; responsible for diphtheria, dysentery, tetanus, and tuberculosis, as well as other diseases
  • Bacteremia Sandbox - a condition in which bacteria are present in the bloodstream; may occur after minor surgery or infection and may be dangerous for people with a weakened immune system or abnormal heart valves
  • Bacteriostatic Sandbox - term used to describe a substance that stops the growth of bacteria (such as an antibiotic)
  • Bacterium Sandbox - a tiny, single-celled microorganism, commonly known as a germ; some bacteria, called pathogens, cause disease
  • Bacteriuria Sandbox - bacteria in the urine; large amounts can indicate bladder, urethra, or kidney infection
  • Ball-and-socket joint Sandbox - a joint consisting of a ball-shaped bone that fits into a cup-shaped bone, making the joint free to rotate; examples include the hip and shoulder
  • Balloon angioplasty Sandbox - a technique that uses a balloon catheter to open arteries clogged with fatty deposits
  • Balloon catheter Sandbox - a hollow tube with a small, inflatable balloon at the tip; used to open a narrowed artery or organ that has become blocked
  • Barbiturates Sandbox - a group of sedatives that reduce activity in the brain; are habit-forming and are possibly fatal when taken with alcohol
  • Barium enema Sandbox - a technique in which barium is placed into the large intestine and rectum and then X-rays are taken to check for possible disorders of these organs
  • Barrier method of contraception Sandbox - a birth-control technique using a condom, diaphragm, or another similar device to block the path of sperm to an egg
  • Bartholin's glands Sandbox - two pea-sized glands that, when sexually aroused, release a fluid that lubricates the vagina
  • Basal cell carcinoma Sandbox - a type of skin cancer that is caused by exposure to large amounts of sunlight; commonly found on the neck, face, and arms
  • Basal metabolic rate Sandbox - the lowest rate at which a person can possibly use energy and remain alive; at this rate, only absolutely necessary functions such as breathing are maintained
  • Becker’s muscular dystrophy Sandbox - a hereditary disease in which the muscles weaken and waste away; similar to Duchenne muscular dystrophy but starts later in life and advances more slowly
  • Bell's palsy Sandbox - another name for facial palsy, the usually one-sided, temporary numbing of the facial muscles, caused by an inflamed nerve
  • Bends Sandbox - see Decompression sickness
  • Benign tumor Sandbox - a tumor that is not cancerous, which means it does not spread through the body, but may grow and become dangerous
  • Beta blocker Sandbox - a type of drug used to treat high blood pressure and heart disorders by reducing the strength and rate of the pumping by the heart
  • Beta carotene Sandbox - a pigment found in orange vegetables and fruits, which the body converts to vitamin A; possibly protects against cancer
  • Bifocal Sandbox - a lens that corrects both near and distant vision by having two parts with different focusing strengths
  • Bilateral Sandbox - a term describing a condition that affects both sides of the body or two paired organs, such as bilateral deafness (deafness in both ears)
  • Bile duct Sandbox - a tube that carries bile from the liver to the gallbladder and then to the small intestine
  • Bile Sandbox - a yellow-green liquid produced in the liver whose function is to remove waste from the liver and break down fats as food is digested
  • Biliary atresia Sandbox - a birth defect in which the bile ducts are not completely developed; often a liver transplant is necessary
  • Biliary colic Sandbox - a severe pain in the upper right section of the abdomen, usually caused by a gallstone passing out of the bladder or through the bile ducts
  • Biliary tract Sandbox - the system of organs and ducts through which bile is made and transported from the liver to the small intestine
  • Bilirubin Sandbox - the orange-yellow pigment in bile, causing jaundice if it builds up in the blood and skin; the levels of bilirubin in the blood are used to diagnose liver disease
  • Binging and purging Sandbox - behavior characteristic of the disorder bulimia in which a person overeats then rids themselves of the food before it can be absorbed by the body, either by forced vomiting or through the use of laxatives
  • Biochemistry Sandbox - the science that studies the chemistry of living organisms, including humans
  • Bioequivalent Sandbox - a drug that has the same effect on the body as another drug
  • Biofeedback Sandbox - a technique used to gain control over a function that is normally automatic (such as blood pressure or pulse rate); the function is monitored and relaxation techniques are used to change it to a desired level
  • Bipolar disorder Sandbox - an illness in which the patient goes back and forth between opposite extremes; the most notable bipolar disorder is manic-depressive disorder, which is characterized by extreme highs and lows in mood
  • Birth canal Sandbox - the passage that includes the uterus and vagina through which the baby passes at birth
  • Birth control Sandbox - the regulation of the number of children born, referring either to the prevention of pregnancy (by birth control pill, sterilization, etc) or the prevention of birth (by abortion, etc)
  • Birth defect Sandbox - an abnormality that is present when a baby is born
  • Birthmark Sandbox - any area of discolored skin that is present when a baby is born
  • Bisexuality Sandbox - sexual interest in members of both sexes
  • Bladder Sandbox - an organ located in the pelvis whose function is to collect and store urine until it is expelled
  • Blepharitis Sandbox - inflammation of the eyelids
  • Blind spot Sandbox - a spot in the field of vision that is not sensitive to light; it is a product of the entrance of the optic nerve into the eyeball, where no light receptors are present on the retina
  • Blood clot Sandbox - a semisolid mass of blood that forms to help seal and prevent bleeding from a damaged vessel
  • Blood poisoning Sandbox - see Septicemia
  • Blood pressure Sandbox - the tension in the main arteries that is created by the beating of the heart and the resistance to flow and elasticity of the blood vessels
  • Blood transfusion Sandbox - the transfer of blood or any of its parts to a person who has lost blood due to an injury, disease, or operation
  • Blood type Sandbox - a category used to describe a person's blood according to the kinds of proteins present on the surface of the red blood cells
  • Blood-brain barrier Sandbox - a layer of tightly bound cells that prevents certain substances carried in the bloodstream from entering the brain
  • Boil Sandbox - an inflamed, raised area of skin that is pus-filled; usually an infected hair follicle
  • Bone marrow transplant Sandbox - a surgical procedure in which defective or cancerous bone marrow is replaced with healthy marrow, either from the patient or a donor
  • Bone marrow Sandbox - the fatty yellow or red tissue inside bones that is responsible for producing blood cells
  • Bone spur Sandbox - an abnormal growth of bone out of another bone, often located on the heel and usually painful
  • Booster Sandbox - an additional dose of a vaccine taken after the first dose to maintain or renew the first one
  • Botulism Sandbox - poisoning from poorly preserved food contaminated with a dangerous bacterial toxin that results in paralysis
  • Bowel Sandbox - see Intestine
  • Bradycardia Sandbox - a slow heart rate, usually below 60 beats per minute in adults
  • Brain damage Sandbox - permanent death or damage of brain cells resulting in decreased mental ability
  • Brain death Sandbox - the condition in which the brain stops functioning while the heart continues to beat
  • Breech birth Sandbox - childbirth in which the baby is turned around in the uterus and emerges head-last instead of head-first
  • Bronchiolitis Sandbox - an infection caused by a virus in the bronchioles (the smallest airways in the lungs), mainly affecting young children
  • Bronchitis Sandbox - inflammation of the bronchial tubes, which connect the trachea to the lungs
  • Bronchoconstrictor Sandbox - a substance that causes the lung airways to tighten up and become more narrow
  • Bronchodilator Sandbox - a drug that widens the airways in the lungs to improve breathing; works by relieving muscle contraction or buildup of mucus
  • Bronchospasm Sandbox - the temporary narrowing of the airways in the lungs, either as a result of muscle contraction or inflammation; may be caused by asthma, infection, lung disease, or an allergic reaction
  • Bruise Sandbox - see Contusion
  • Bruxism Sandbox - an unaware clenching or grinding of the teeth, usually during sleep
  • Bubonic plague Sandbox - a form of plague in which lymph nodes in the groin and armpit swell
  • Bulimia Sandbox - a disorder in which a person eats large amounts of food then forces vomiting or uses laxatives to prevent weight gain (called binging and purging)
  • Bunion Sandbox - a hard, fluid-filled pad along the inside joint of the big toe; may be caused by wearing high-heeled shoes or a genetically weak joint
  • Burkitt's lymphoma Sandbox - a cancer of lymph tissue that most frequently occurs in the abdomen, the ovaries, and the bones of the face; it is associated with malaria
  • Bursa Sandbox - a fluid-filled sac that cushions and reduces friction in certain parts of the body
  • Bursitis Sandbox - inflammation of a bursa due to excessive pressure or friction, or from injury
  • Butterfly bandage Sandbox - a butterfly-shaped bandage that can help close a minor cut for proper healing
  • Bypass Sandbox - a surgical technique in which the flow of blood or another body fluid is redirected around a blockage
  • CAT scanning Sandbox - see Computed tomography scanning
  • CNS Sandbox - see Central nervous system
  • CPR Sandbox - see Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  • CT scanning Sandbox - a procedure that uses X-rays and computers to create cross-sectional images of the body to diagnose and monitor disease
  • CVS Sandbox - see Chorionic villus sampling
  • Calcification Sandbox - the depositing of calcium salts in the body, which occurs normally in teeth and bones but abnormally in injured muscles and narrowed arteries
  • Calcitonin Sandbox - a hormone made in the thyroid gland that controls calcium levels in the blood by slowing the loss of calcium from bones; used to treat hypercalcemia (excess calcium in the blood)
  • Calcium channel blocker Sandbox - a drug used to treat chest pain, high blood pressure, and irregular heartbeat by preventing the movement of calcium into the muscle
  • Calcium Sandbox - a plentiful mineral in the body and the basic component of teeth and bones; essential for cell function, muscle contraction, transmission of nerve impulses, and blood clotting
  • Callus Sandbox - a thickened area of skin due to consistent pressure or friction, or the area around a bone break where new bone is formed
  • Calorie Sandbox - a unit that is used to measure the energy content in food
  • Canal Sandbox - a tunnel-like passage
  • Cancer staging Sandbox - a method to determine how much a cancer has developed
  • Cancer Sandbox - a group of diseases in which cells grow unrestrained in an organ or tissue in the body; can spread to tissues around it and destroy them or be transported through blood or lymph pathways to other parts of the body
  • Candidiasis Sandbox - a yeast infection caused by the fungus Candida albicans; occurs most often in the vagina, but also in the mouth, on moist skin, or on the penis
  • Canker sore Sandbox - small, painful sore that usually occurs on the inside of the lip or cheek, or sometimes under the tongue; caused by bacteria, irritation of the area, stress, or allergies
  • Capillary Sandbox - a tiny blood vessel that connects the smallest arteries to the smallest veins and allows exchange of oxygen and other materials between blood cells and body tissue cells
  • Carbohydrate Sandbox - a substance, mainly sugar and starch, that is a main source of energy for the body and is found in sources such as cereals, breads, pastas, grains, and vegetables
  • Carbon dioxide Sandbox - a colorless, odorless gas present in small amounts in the atmosphere and formed during respiration
  • Carcinogen Sandbox - anything that can cause cancer
  • Carcinoma Sandbox - a cancer that occurs on the surface or lining of an organ
  • Cardiac arrest Sandbox - the sudden cessation of the heart's pumping action, possibly due to a heart attack, respiratory arrest, electrical shock, extreme cold, blood loss, drug overdose, or a severe allergic reaction
  • Cardiogenic shock Sandbox - a severely dangerous condition involving decreased blood output from the heart, usually as a result of a heart attack
  • Cardiomegaly Sandbox - a condition marked by enlargement of the heart, either because of a thickened heart muscle or an enlarged heart chamber; usually a result of the heart having to work harder than normal, as occurs with high blood pressure
  • Cardiomyopathy Sandbox - a disease of the heart muscle that results in decreased output and reduced blood flow
  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation Sandbox - the administration of heart compression and artificial respiration to restore circulation and breathing
  • Cardiovascular system Sandbox - the heart and blood vessels that are responsible for circulating blood throughout the body
  • Carditis Sandbox - inflammation of the heart
  • Carotene Sandbox - an orange pigment present in colored plants such as carrots that is converted by the body to the essential nutrient vitamin A
  • Carotid arteries Sandbox - four main arteries that carry blood to the head and neck
  • Carpal bones Sandbox - eight bones that together make the wrist
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome Sandbox - a condition in which pressure on the median nerve in the wrist causes soreness, tingling, and numbness in the thumb and index and middle fingers
  • Cartilage Sandbox - a connective tissue (softer than bone) that is part of the skeletal system, including the joints
  • Cast Sandbox - a hard plaster or fiberglass shell that molds to a body part such as an arm and holds it in place for proper healing
  • Cat-scratch fever Sandbox - an illness transmitted to humans through a cat's bite or scratch, which is thought to be caused by an unidentified bacteria; characterized by a swollen lymph node or blister near the bite or scratch, fever, rash, and headache; most commonly occurring in children
  • Cataract Sandbox - a disorder in which the lens of the eye becomes less transparent and in some cases a milky white, making vision less clear
  • Catheter Sandbox - a hollow, flexible tube inserted into the body to put in or take out fluid, or to open up or close blood vessels
  • Catheterization Sandbox - a technique in which a hollow, flexible tube is used to drain body fluids (such as urine), to introduce fluids into the body, or to examine or widen a narrowed vein or artery
  • Cauliflower ear Sandbox - a deformed ear caused by repeated injury
  • Cauterization Sandbox - the use of heat, an electric current, or a chemical to destroy tissue or stop bleeding
  • Cecum Sandbox - the beginning of the large intestine, which is connected to the appendix at its lower end
  • Cell Sandbox - the tiny structures that make up all the tissues of the body and carry out all of its functions
  • Cellulitis Sandbox - a skin infection caused by bacteria (usually streptococci); can lead to tissue damage and blood poisoning if untreated; characterized by fever, chills, heat, tenderness, and redness
  • Central nervous system Sandbox - the brain and spinal cord
  • Cerebellum Sandbox - a region of the brain located at the back; responsible for coordination of movement and maintaining balance
  • Cerebral palsy Sandbox - a group of disorders of movement and posture resulting from damage to the brain early in a child's development; causes muscle weakness, difficulty coordinating voluntary movements, and sometimes complete loss of motion
  • Cerebrospinal fluid Sandbox - a clear, watery fluid circulating in and around the brain and spinal column, which contains glucose, proteins, and salts for nutrition
  • Cerebrovascular disease Sandbox - a disease affecting any artery supplying blood to the brain; may cause blockage or rupture of a blood vessel, leading to a stroke
  • Cerebrum Sandbox - the largest part of the brain and the site of most of its activity, including sensory and motor functions
  • Cervical cap Sandbox - a small rubber cup that is placed tightly over the cervix to prevent pregnancy
  • Cervical dysplasia Sandbox - changes that occur in the cells on the surface of the cervix that usually precede the stages of cancer
  • Cervical incompetence Sandbox - a weakness of the neck of the uterus, which can lead to spontaneous abortion due to an inability to support the weight of the fetus
  • Cervical smear Sandbox - a procedure in which cells are scraped off of the cervix and examined to detect changes that might precede the stages of cancer; also called a Pap smear
  • Cervicitis Sandbox - inflammation of the cervix
  • Cervix Sandbox - a small, round organ making up the neck of the uterus and separating it from the vagina
  • Cesarean section Sandbox - an operation performed to remove a fetus by cutting into the uterus, usually through the abdominal wall
  • Chancre Sandbox - a painless sore that has a thick, rubbery base and a defined edge; usually occurs on the genitals after the contraction of the sexually transmitted disease syphilis
  • Chemotherapy Sandbox - the treatment of infections or cancer with drugs that act on diseaseproducing organisms or cancerous tissue; may also affect normal cells
  • Chickenpox Sandbox - a contagious disease that causes a rash and a fever; most commonly occurs during childhood
  • Chlamydia Sandbox - microorganisms that cause several human infections and can be transmitted sexually
  • Cholecystectomy Sandbox - the surgical removal of the gallbladder
  • Cholera Sandbox - a bacterial infection of the small intestine that causes severe watery diarrhea, dehydration, and possibly death
  • Cholesterol Sandbox - a substance in body cells that plays a role in the production of hormones and bile salts and in the transport of fats in the bloodstream
  • Chondritis Sandbox - inflammation of cartilage
  • Chondroma Sandbox - a noncancerous tumor that occurs in cartilage
  • Chondromalacia patellae Sandbox - painful damage to the cartilage behind the kneecap
  • Chondrosarcoma Sandbox - a cancerous cartilage tumor that develops inside of bone or on its surface
  • Chorionic villus sampling Sandbox - a method of diagnosing fetal defects in which a small amount of tissue is taken from the placenta and analyzed for abnormalities
  • Choroiditis Sandbox - inflammation of the blood vessels behind the retina that line the back of the eye
  • Chromosome analysis Sandbox - examination of a person’s chromosomes either to determine if that person has an abnormality or to investigate one
  • Chronic obstructive lung disease Sandbox - a combination of the lung diseases emphysema and bronchitis, characterized by blockage of airflow in and out of the lungs
  • Chronic Sandbox - describes a disorder that continues for a long period of time
  • Cilia Sandbox - tiny, hairlike structures on the outside of some cells, providing mobility
  • Circumcision Sandbox - the surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis
  • Cirrhosis of the liver Sandbox - gradual loss of liver function due to cell damage and internal scarring
  • Claudication Sandbox - a cramping pain in one or both legs while walking, which can cause limping
  • Claustrophobia Sandbox - fear of being confined in an enclosed or crowded space
  • Clavicle Sandbox - the medical term for the collarbone
  • Cleft lip Sandbox - a birth defect in which the upper lip is split vertically, extending into one or both nostrils
  • Cleft palate Sandbox - a birth defect in which the roof of the mouth is split, extending from behind the teeth to the nasal cavity; often occurs with other birth defects such as cleft lip and partial deafness
  • Clinical trial Sandbox - carefully monitored and planned testing of a new drug or treatment
  • Clitoris Sandbox - a small female organ located near the opening of the vagina that swells when sexually aroused
  • Clone Sandbox - an exact copy of a gene, cell, or organism
  • Closed fracture Sandbox - a bone break that does not break the skin
  • Clotting factor Sandbox - a substance in the blood that is needed for blood to harden and stop a wound from bleeding
  • Clubfoot Sandbox - a genetic disorder in which the foot is twisted and misshapen
  • Cluster headache Sandbox - severe pain that occurs suddenly and affects one side of the head, including the face and neck
  • Coagulation Sandbox - a process that plays a large role in the hardening and thickening of blood to form a clot
  • Cocarcinogen Sandbox - a substance that does not cause cancer by itself, but increases the effect of a substance that does cause cancer
  • Coccyx Sandbox - four fused bones that form a triangular shape at the base of the spine (also known as the tailbone)
  • Cochlea Sandbox - a coiled organ in the inner ear that plays a large role in hearing by picking up sound vibrations and transmitting them as electrical signals
  • Coitus Sandbox - sexual intercourse
  • Cold sore Sandbox - a small blister anywhere around the mouth that is caused by the herpes simplex virus
  • Colectomy Sandbox - the complete or partial surgical removal of the large intestine (the colon), usually as treatment of a cancerous tumor or a narrowing and blockage of the intestine
  • Colic Sandbox - waves of pain in the abdomen that increase in strength, disappear, and return; usually caused by a stone blocking a bile or urine passageway or an intestinal infection
  • Colitis Sandbox - inflammation of the large intestine (the colon), which usually leads to abdominal pain, fever, and diarrhea with blood and mucus
  • Collapsed lung Sandbox - a condition in which all or part of a lung cannot expand and fill with air
  • Colon Sandbox - the main part of the large intestine, between the cecum and the rectum
  • Colonoscopy Sandbox - investigation of the inside of the colon using a long, flexible fiberoptic tube
  • Color blindness Sandbox - any vision disorder in which the person sees colors abnormally, has trouble distinguishing between them, or cannot see them at all
  • Colostomy Sandbox - a surgical procedure in which some part of the colon is cut and moved to the surface of the abdomen so that feces can be passed into a bag worn outside of the body
  • Coma Sandbox - a condition in which the area of the brain involved in maintaining consciousness is somehow affected, resulting in a state of unconsciousness in which the patient does not respond to stimulation
  • Comminuted fracture Sandbox - a crushed or shattered bone
  • Common cold Sandbox - an infection caused by a virus, which results in an inflamed lining of the nose and throat; characterized by a stuffy and runny nose and, sometimes, a sore throat
  • Communicable disease Sandbox - a disease that can be passed from one individual to another
  • Compound fracture Sandbox - a bone break that breaks the skin
  • Compression fracture Sandbox - a break in a short bone in which its soft tissue is crushed
  • Computed tomography scanning Sandbox - a technique for producing cross-sectional images of the body in which X-rays are passed through the body at different angles and analyzed by a computer; also called CT scanning or CAT scanning
  • Concussion Sandbox - disturbance of electrical activity in the brain due to a blow to the head or neck, causing temporary loss of consciousness
  • Congenital Sandbox - present or existing at the time of birth
  • Congestive heart failure Sandbox - inability of the heart to efficiently pump blood through the body, causing buildup of blood in the veins and of other body fluids in tissue
  • Conjunctiva Sandbox - the clear membrane covering the white of the eye and the inside of the eyelid that produces a fluid that lubricates the cornea and eyelid
  • Conjunctivitis Sandbox - inflammation of the conjunctiva; commonly called pinkeye
  • Connective tissue Sandbox - strong tissue that connects and supports body structures
  • Constipation Sandbox - difficult or infrequent bowel movements of hard, dry feces
  • Contraindication Sandbox - an aspect of a patient's condition that makes the use of a certain drug or therapy an unwise or dangerous decision
  • Contusion Sandbox - damage to the skin and underlying tissue as a result of a blunt injury; a bruise
  • Corn Sandbox - a thickened callus on the foot that is caused by an improperly fitting shoe
  • Cornea Sandbox - the clear, dome-shaped front portion of the eye’s outer covering
  • Coronary arteries Sandbox - the arteries that branch off from the aorta and supply oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle
  • Coronary artery bypass surgery Sandbox - an operation in which a piece of vein or artery is used to bypass a blockage in a coronary artery; performed to prevent myocardial infarction and relieve angina pectoris
  • Coronary heart disease Sandbox - disorders that restrict the blood supply to the heart, including atherosclerosis
  • Coronary thrombosis Sandbox - the blockage of a coronary artery by a blood clot
  • Coronary Sandbox - describes structures that encircle another structure (such as the coronary arteries, which circle the heart); commonly used to refer to a coronary thrombosis or a heart attack
  • Corpuscle Sandbox - a tiny, rounded structure in the body, such as a red or white blood cell
  • Corticosteroids Sandbox - synthetic drugs that are used to replace natural hormones or to suppress the immune system and help prevent inflammation
  • Creatinine Sandbox - a waste product that is filtered from the blood by the kidneys and expelled in urine
  • Croup Sandbox - a usually mild and temporary condition common in children under the age of 4 in which the walls of the airways become inflamed and narrow, resulting in wheezing and coughing
  • Cruciate ligaments Sandbox - two ligaments in the knee that cross each other and help stabilize the knee joint
  • Culture Sandbox - the artificial growth of cells, tissue, or microorganisms such as bacteria in a laboratory
  • Curettage Sandbox - the use of a sharp, spoonlike instrument (a curet) to scrape away tissue that is abnormal or to obtain a sample that can be analyzed
  • Cyanosis Sandbox - a bluish discoloration of the skin, caused by low levels of oxygen in the blood
  • Cyst Sandbox - a lump filled with either fluid or soft material, occurring in any organ or tissue; may occur for a number of reasons but is usually harmless unless its presence disrupts organ or tissue function
  • Cystectomy Sandbox - surgical removal of the bladder; the bladder is often replaced with a short length of small intestine
  • Cystic fibrosis Sandbox - an inherited disorder in which the lungs are prone to infection, and fats and other nutrients cannot be absorbed into the body
  • Cystoscopy Sandbox - examination of the urethra and bladder using a long, thin, fiberoptic tube
  • Cystostomy Sandbox - the surgical placement of a drainage opening in the bladder
  • D and C Sandbox - see Dilatation and Curettage
  • DNA Sandbox - deoxyribonucleic acid; responsible for passing genetic information in nearly all organisms
  • Debridement Sandbox - surgical removal of dead, damaged, or infected tissue, or some foreign material from a wound or burn
  • Decompression sickness Sandbox - the formation of gas bubbles in the body’s tissues as a result of a scuba diver ascending too quickly from depth; commonly called the bends
  • Deep-vein thrombosis Sandbox - the formation of a blood clot inside of a deep-lying vein, usually in the legs
  • Defecation Sandbox - the passing of feces out of the body through the anus; a bowel movement
  • Defibrillation Sandbox - a short electric shock to the chest to normalize an irregular heartbeat
  • Degenerative arthritis Sandbox - the breakdown of the cartilage lining the bones in joints, usually weight-bearing joints (such as the knee); causes stiffness and pain (also called osteoarthritis)
  • Dehydration Sandbox - excessive, dangerous loss of water from the body
  • Dementia Sandbox - a gradual decline in mental ability usually caused by a brain disease, such as
  • Depilatory Sandbox - a chemical hair remover
  • Depot injection Sandbox - injection of a drug into a muscle; the drug is designed to absorb slowly into the body
  • Depression Sandbox - feelings of hopelessness, sadness, and a general disinterest in life, which for the most part have no cause and may be the result of a psychiatric illness
  • Dermabrasion Sandbox - removal of the surface layer of skin with a sanding wheel to treat scarring or to remove tattoos
  • Dermatitis Sandbox - inflammation of the skin
  • Dermis Sandbox - the inner skin layer
  • Desensitization Sandbox - the process of making a person less allergic to a substance by injecting gradually increasing amounts of the substance; sometimes done to prevent anaphylactic shock
  • Detoxification Sandbox - treatment given either to fight a person's dependence on alcohol or other drugs or to rid the body of a poisonous substance and its effects
  • Dextrocardia Sandbox - a rare genetic condition in which the heart is located on the right side of the body, instead of the left
  • Dextrose Sandbox - another name for the sugar glucose
  • Diabetes insipidus Sandbox - a rare condition characterized by increased urine production
  • Diabetes mellitus Sandbox - a common form of diabetes in which the body cannot properly store or use glucose (sugar), the body's main source of energy
  • Dialysis Sandbox - a procedure to treat kidney failure in which artificial means are used to filter waste, maintain acid-base balance, and remove excess fluid from the body
  • Diaper rash Sandbox - a common condition in babies in which the skin in the diaper area becomes irritated and red, usually because of exposure to urine, feces, or heat
  • Diaphragm Sandbox - the large, dome-shaped muscle separating the abdomen and chest that contracts and relaxes to make breathing possible; also, a thin, rubber dome that is used as a method of female contraception
  • Diastolic pressure Sandbox - the blood pressure measured when the heart is at rest between beats
  • Diathermy Sandbox - the use of high-frequency currents, microwaves, or ultrasound to produce heat in the body to increase blood flow, relieve pain, or destroy diseased tissue
  • Dilatation and Curettage Sandbox - a procedure in which the vagina and cervix are widened and the lining of the uterus is scraped away to diagnose and treat disorders of the uterus
  • Diphtheria Sandbox - a bacterial infection that causes a fever, headache, sore throat, and possibly death; diphtheria is rare in developed countries
  • Disk prolapse Sandbox - a disorder in which one of the disks located between the vertebrae in the spine breaks down and the pulpy interior squeezes out, causing pressure on a nerve; commonly called a "slipped" or "ruptured" disk
  • Dislocation Sandbox - displacement of the two bones in a joint
  • Distention Sandbox - swelling, enlargement, or stretching
  • Diuretic Sandbox - a drug that increases the amount of water in the urine, removing excess water from the body; used in treating high blood pressure and fluid retention
  • Diverticulitis Sandbox - inflammation of diverticula (small sacs in the intestine's inner lining); can cause fever, pain, and tenderness
  • Dominant gene Sandbox - a gene that always produces its effect when it is present
  • Dopamine Sandbox - a chemical that transmits messages in the brain and plays a role in movement
  • Down syndrome Sandbox - a genetic disorder in which a person’s cells have 1 too many chromosomes, causing moderate to severe mental handicap and a characteristic appearance
  • Duchenne muscular dystrophy Sandbox - a genetic condition in boys in which nerves degenerate and muscles get progressively weaker
  • Duodenal ulcer Sandbox - an erosion in the inner lining of the wall of the first part of the small intestine (called the duodenum)
  • Duodenum Sandbox - the first part of the small intestine, immediately following the stomach
  • Dysentery Sandbox - a severe intestinal infection, causing abdominal pain and diarrhea with blood or mucus
  • Dyspnea Sandbox - difficulty breathing
  • Dystrophy Sandbox - any disorder in which cells become damaged or do not develop properly because they do not receive adequate nutrition
  • ECG (sometimes called an EKG) Sandbox - an electrocardiogram, which is a record of the electrical impulses that trigger the heartbeat; used to diagnose heart disorders
  • EEG Sandbox - see Electroencephalography
  • Eardrum Sandbox - a thin, oval-shaped membrane that separates the inner ear from the outer ear and is responsible for transmitting sound waves
  • Echocardiogram Sandbox - an image of the heart that is created by high-frequency (ultrasound) sound waves
  • Eclampsia Sandbox - a serious condition that occurs in late pregnancy, characterized by seizures in the woman
  • Ectopic Sandbox - occurring at an abnormal position or time
  • Eczema Sandbox - inflammation of the skin, usually causing itchiness and sometimes blisters and scaling; may be caused by allergies, but often occurs for no apparent reason
  • Edema Sandbox - abnormal buildup of fluid in the body, which may cause visible swelling
  • Elective Sandbox - describes a treatment or procedure that is not urgent and can be arranged at the patient’s convenience
  • Electroencephalography Sandbox - a procedure for recording the electrical impulses of brain activity
  • Embolism Sandbox - the blockage of a blood vessel by an embolus ]] Sandbox - something previously circulating in the blood (such as a blood clot, gas bubble, tissue, bacteria, bone marrow, cholesterol, fat, etc)
  • Embryo Sandbox - a term used to describe a child in the womb from fertilization to 8 weeks following fertilization
  • Emetic Sandbox - a substance that causes vomiting; used to treat some cases of poisoning and drug overdose
  • Emphysema Sandbox - a chronic disease in which the small air sacs in the lungs (the alveoli) become damaged; characterized by difficulty breathing
  • Encephalitis Sandbox - inflammation of the brain, usually caused by a virus; may be very mild and barely noticeable, but is usually serious and can progress from headache and fever to hallucinations, paralysis, and sometimes coma
  • Endarterectomy Sandbox - surgery performed to remove the lining of an artery that has been narrowed by fatty tissue buildup
  • Endemic Sandbox - describes a disease that is always present in a certain population of people
  • Endocarditis Sandbox - inflammation of the inner lining of the heart, usually the heart valves; typically caused by an infection
  • Endocardium Sandbox - the inner lining of the heart
  • Endocrine gland Sandbox - a gland that secretes hormones into the bloodstream
  • Endogenous Sandbox - arising from inside of the body
  • Endometrial polyp Sandbox - a growth (usually noncancerous) occurring on the lining of the uterus
  • Endometriosis Sandbox - a condition in which fragments of the endometrium are found in other pelvic organs
  • Endometrium Sandbox - the membrane that lines the uterus
  • Endophthalmitis Sandbox - inflammation of the inside of the eye
  • Endorphin Sandbox - a group of chemicals produced in the brain that reduce pain and positively affect mood
  • Endoscope Sandbox - a lighted instrument used to view the inside of a body cavity
  • Endothelium Sandbox - the layer of flat cells that lines the blood and lymph vessels, the heart, and other structures in the body
  • Endotracheal tube Sandbox - a plastic tube that is fed down into the trachea through the mouth or nose to supply oxygen to a person who is not breathing properly
  • Enteritis Sandbox - inflammation of the small intestine, usually causing diarrhea
  • Enterobiasis Sandbox - infestation by a pinworm
  • Enuresis Sandbox - the medical term for wetting the bed
  • Enzyme Sandbox - a chemical, originating in a cell, that regulates reactions in the body
  • Epidemic Sandbox - a term used to describe a disease that is rare then suddenly affects more people than usually expected
  • Epidermis Sandbox - the outer layer of the skin
  • Epididymis Sandbox - a long, coiled tube, exiting from the back of the testicle, in which sperm mature
  • Epidural anesthesia Sandbox - a method of pain relief in which a painkilling drug is injected into the space surrounding the spinal cord to block sensations in the abdomen and lower body
  • Epilepsy Sandbox - a disorder of the nervous system in which abnormal electrical activity in the brain causes seizures
  • Epinephrine Sandbox - a hormone produced by the adrenal glands in response to stress, exercise, or fear; increases heart rate and opens airways to improve breathing; also called adrenaline
  • Episcleritis Sandbox - a patch of inflammation on the outer layer of the white of the eye
  • Episiotomy Sandbox - a surgical procedure in which an incision is made in the tissue between the vagina and anus to prevent tearing of this tissue during childbirth
  • Epithelium Sandbox - the layer of cells that covers the body and lines many organs
  • Epstein-Barr virus Sandbox - a virus that is the cause of mononucleosis and is involved in Burkitt’s lymphoma
  • Erysipelas Sandbox - an infection caused by streptococci bacteria; characterized by fever and rash
  • Erythema Sandbox - redness of the skin
  • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate Sandbox - a measure of the time it takes for red blood cells to collect at the bottom of a sample of blood; an elevated rate may mean that there is inflammation somewhere in the body
  • Erythrocyte Sandbox - a red blood cell
  • Erythroplakia Sandbox - red patches in the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat, or voice box (larynx) that can become cancerous; risk factors include smoking pipes and chewing tobacco
  • Esophageal spasm Sandbox - irregular contractions of the muscles in the esophagus, which lead to difficulty swallowing
  • Esophageal varices Sandbox - swollen veins in the lower esophagus and possibly the upper part of the stomach; can cause vomiting of blood and passing of black stool
  • Esophagus Sandbox - a tube-shaped canal in the digestive tract, connecting the throat to the stomach
  • Estrogen replacement therapy Sandbox - treatment with synthetic estrogen drugs to relieve symptoms of menopause and to help protect women against osteoporosis and heart disease
  • Estrogen Sandbox - a group of hormones (produced mainly in the ovaries) that are necessary for female sexual development and reproductive functioning
  • Eustachian tube Sandbox - the tube that connects the middle ear and the back of the nose, draining the middle ear and regulating air pressure
  • Euthanasia Sandbox - painlessly ending the life of a patient with an incurable disease who requests to die
  • Excision Sandbox - the surgical removal of diseased tissue
  • Excretion Sandbox - the process by which the body rids itself of waste
  • Exercise stress test Sandbox - the monitoring of the heart during strenuous exercise, usually on a treadmill or exercise bicycle, to evaluate how the heart responds to stress
  • Exercise thallium test Sandbox - an imaging test performed during and after an exercise stress test to evaluate functioning of the heart muscles
  • Exogenous Sandbox - arising from outside of the body
  • Expectorant Sandbox - a medication used to promote the coughing up of phlegm from the respiratory tract
  • Extensor muscle Sandbox - a muscle that causes a joint or limb to straighten
  • External version Sandbox - external repositioning of the fetus in the womb to the correct birth position
  • Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy Sandbox - a procedure performed to destroy kidney stones using external shock waves
  • Extradural anesthesia Sandbox - injection of an anesthetic into the space outside the dura mater, the fibrous membrane that envelops the spinal cord
  • FSH Sandbox - see Follicle stimulating hormone
  • Facial palsy Sandbox - inability to move the muscles of the face, usually on only one side, due to inflammation of a nerve
  • Failure to thrive Sandbox - describes a baby who grows and gains weight slower than expected
  • Fallopian tube Sandbox - either of two long, slender ducts connecting a woman's uterus to her ovaries, where eggs are transported from the ovaries to the uterus and sperm may fertilize an egg
  • Familial Sandbox - a term describing a disorder or characteristic (such as male pattern baldness) that occurs within a family more often than would be expected
  • Fasciitis Sandbox - inflammation of the layer of connective tissue that covers, separates, and supports muscles
  • Fatty acid Sandbox - any of a number of carbon-, oxygen-, and hydrogen-containing molecules that make up fats
  • Febrile Sandbox - a term used to describe something related to a fever, such as febrile seizures (seizures occurring in a child who has a fever)
  • Fecal occult blood test Sandbox - a test that uses a piece of chemically sensitive paper to detect blood in a stool sample; used to screen for possible signs of cancer in the large intestine or rectum
  • Femoral artery Sandbox - the main artery that supplies blood to the leg
  • Femur Sandbox - the bone located between the hip and the knee; the thighbone
  • Fertility drug Sandbox - a drug used to treat infertility that contains hormones or substances associated with hormones
  • Fertility Sandbox - the ability to produce a child
  • Fertilization Sandbox - the joining of an egg and a sperm, creating the first cell of a new life
  • Fetal alcohol syndrome Sandbox - a combination of defects in a fetus as a result of the mother drinking alcohol during pregnancy
  • Fetal distress Sandbox - physical distress experiencd by a fetus because of lack of oxygen
  • Fetal monitoring Sandbox - the use of an instrument to record or listen to a fetus' heartbeat during pregnancy and labor
  • Fetal tissue transplant Sandbox - an experimental procedure in which cells are taken from an aborted fetus and placed into the brain of a person with a brain disease such as Parkinson's
  • Fetus Sandbox - the term used to refer to an unborn child from 8 weeks after fertilization to birth
  • Fiber Sandbox - a constituent of plants that cannot be digested, which helps maintain healthy functioning of the bowels
  • Fiberoptics Sandbox - thin, flexible instruments that transmit light and images, allowing structures inside of the body to be viewed
  • Fibrillation Sandbox - rapid, inefficient contraction of muscle fibers of the heart caused by disruption of nerve impulses
  • Fibroadenoma Sandbox - a noncancerous tumor commonly found in the breast
  • Fibrocystic breast disease Sandbox - the most common cause of breast lumps
  • Fibroid Sandbox - a noncancerous tumor of the uterus made up of smooth muscle and connective tissue
  • Fibroma Sandbox - a noncancerous tumor of connective tissue
  • Fibrosis Sandbox - abnormal formation of connective or scar tissue
  • Fifth disease Sandbox - a childhood infection caused by a virus, which often starts as a rash on the cheeks and spreads
  • Fissure Sandbox - a groove or slit on the body or in an organ
  • Fistula Sandbox - an abnormal passageway from one organ to another or from an organ to the body surface
  • Fitness Sandbox - a measure of a person's physical strength, flexibility, and endurance
  • Flatulence Sandbox - excessive air or gas in the intestines, which is expelled through the anus
  • Floaters Sandbox - small spots that float across the field of vision, caused by debris floating in the gel-like substance that fills the eye
  • Flu Sandbox - see Influenza
  • Fluke Sandbox - a parasitic flatworm that can infest humans
  • Fluoride Sandbox - a mineral that helps protect teeth against decay
  • Fluoroscopy Sandbox - a method used to view organ structure and function by passing X-rays through the body and monitoring the resulting image on a fluorescent screen
  • Folic acid Sandbox - a vitamin essential to the production of red blood cells; plays an important role in the growth a developing fetus
  • Follicle stimulating hormone Sandbox - a hormone produced by the pituitary gland in the brain that stimulates the testicles to produce sperm in males and causes eggs to mature in females
  • Follicle Sandbox - a tiny pouchlike cavity in a structure of the body, such as a hair follicle
  • Folliculitis Sandbox - the inflammation of hair follicles due to a bacterial infection, causing boils or tiny blisters containing pus
  • Fontanelles Sandbox - the two soft spots on a baby’s scalp that are the result of gaps in the skull where bones have not yet fused
  • Food poisoning Sandbox - stomach pain, diarrhea, and/or vomiting caused by eating contaminated food
  • Forceps delivery Sandbox - the use of an instrument that cups the baby's head (called an obstetric forceps), to help deliver a baby
  • Forceps Sandbox - instruments resembling tweezers that are used to handle objects or tissue during surgery
  • Foreign body Sandbox - an object in an organ or body cavity that is not normally present
  • Foreskin Sandbox - the loose skin that covers the head of the penis
  • Fracture Sandbox - a bone break
  • Fraternal twins Sandbox - twins that develop from two different eggs fertilized by two different sperm; are not identical
  • Free radical Sandbox - see Oxygen free radical
  • Frostbite Sandbox - damage to body tissue as a result of freezing
  • Fulminant Sandbox - describes a disorder that begins suddenly and worsens quickly
  • Fungus Sandbox - an organism that is dependent on another organism for nourishment
  • GI series Sandbox - see Gastrointestinal series
  • GIFT Sandbox - see Gamete intrafallopian transfer
  • Galactocele Sandbox - a milk-filled tumor in a blocked breast milk duct
  • Galactorrhea Sandbox - breast milk production by a woman who is not pregnant and has not just given birth
  • Galactose Sandbox - a sugar that is formed from the breakdown of lactose
  • Galactosemia Sandbox - a genetic disorder in which galactose cannot be converted into glucose
  • Gallbladder Sandbox - a small, pear-shaped sac positioned under the liver, which concentrates and stores bile
  • Gallstone ileus Sandbox - an abnormal condition in which a gallstone passes from the gallbladder into the intestines through an abnormal passage and blocks the intestine
  • Gallstone Sandbox - a round, hard mass of cholesterol, bile, or calcium salts that is found in the gallbladder or a bile duct
  • Gamete intrafallopian transfer Sandbox - a method of treating infertility in which eggs are taken from a woman's ovaries and fertilized with sperm and then the fertilized egg is injected into one of her fallopian tubes
  • Gamma globulin Sandbox - a substance prepared from blood that carries antibodies to most common infections; also used in immunizations
  • Ganglion Sandbox - a fluid-filled cyst attached to a tendon sheath or joint
  • Gangrene Sandbox - death of a tissue because of a lack of blood supply
  • Gastrectomy Sandbox - surgical removal of all or part of the stomach
  • Gastric acid Sandbox - the digestive acid in the stomach
  • Gastric juice Sandbox - digestive fluids produced by the lining of the stomach that break down proteins and destroy harmful organisms
  • Gastric lavage Sandbox - washing out of the stomach with water, often to treat poisoning; commonly called "stomach pumping"
  • Gastric ulcer Sandbox - a peptic ulcer
  • Gastrin Sandbox - a hormone that stimulates the release of gastric acid in the stomach
  • Gastrinoma Sandbox - a tumor that produces gastrin, making the stomach and duodenum more acidic
  • Gastritis Sandbox - inflammation of the mucous membrane lining of the stomach; can have a number of causes, including viruses, bacteria, and use of alcohol and other drugs
  • Gastroenteritis Sandbox - inflammation of the stomach and intestines
  • Gastrointestinal series Sandbox - a set of X-rays, taken at different intervals after a barium sulfate solution is swallowed, to examine the gastrointestinal tract
  • Gastrointestinal tract Sandbox - the part of the digestive system that includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and intestines
  • Gastroscopy Sandbox - examination of the esophagus, stomach, and the first part of the small intestine (duodenum) using an endoscope inserted through the mouth
  • Gastrostomy Sandbox - the surgical creation of an opening in the abdominal wall into the stomach for drainage or a feeding tube
  • Gaucher’s disease Sandbox - a genetic disorder in which lipids cannot be properly broken down and build up in certain cells; causes enlargement of the spleen and liver, bone damage, and anemia
  • Gavage Sandbox - an artificial feeding technique in which liquids are passed into the stomach by way of a tube inserted through the nose
  • Gene therapy Sandbox - an experimental procedure in which disease-causing genes are replaced by normal, healthy genes
  • Gene Sandbox - the basic unit of DNA, which is responsible for passing genetic information; each gene contains the instructions for the production of a certain protein
  • General anesthesia Sandbox - a method of preventing pain in which the patient is induced to lose consciousness
  • Generic drug Sandbox - a drug marketed under its chemical name, instead of a brand name
  • Genetic analysis Sandbox - examination of DNA in a laboratory to diagnose genetic disorders
  • Genetic counseling Sandbox - information and advice given to persons considering pregnancy about the risk that a child will have an inheritable birth defect or genetic disorder
  • Genetic disorder Sandbox - a disorder caused partly or completely by a defect in genes, which carry hereditary information
  • Genetic engineering Sandbox - the alteration of genetic information to change an organism; mainly used to produce vaccines and drugs such as insulin
  • Genital herpes Sandbox - an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus, which causes a painful rash of fluid-filled blisters on the genitals; transmitted through sexual contact
  • Genital tract Sandbox - the organs that make up the reproductive system
  • Genital wart Sandbox - a growth on the skin in or around the vagina, penis, or anus, transmitted by sexual contact; can cause cancer of the cervix
  • Genome Sandbox - the complete set of an organism’s genes
  • Geographic tongue Sandbox - a condition in which the tongue is patchy where surface cells break down
  • Germ cell Sandbox - a sperm or egg cell, or the immature form of either
  • German measles Sandbox - the common name for Rubella
  • Gestation Sandbox - the period of time between fertilization of an egg by a sperm and birth of a baby
  • Giardiasis Sandbox - infection with a single-celled parasite, causing abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and nausea
  • Gingivectomy Sandbox - surgical removal of a diseased part of the gums
  • Gingivitis Sandbox - inflammation of the gums, typically caused by a buildup of plaque due to poor hygiene
  • Gland Sandbox - a group of cells or an organ that produces substances (such as hormones and enzyme) that are used by the body
  • Glaucoma Sandbox - a disease in which eye damage is caused by an increase in the pressure of the fluid within the eye
  • Glioblastoma multiforme Sandbox - a fast-growing, cancerous brain tumor
  • Glioma Sandbox - a brain tumor arising from cells that support nerve cells
  • Glomerulonephritis Sandbox - inflammation of the filtering structures in the kidneys, hindering removal of waste products from the blood
  • Glomerulosclerosis Sandbox - scarring of the filtering structures in the kidneys due to damage
  • Glossectomy Sandbox - surgical removal of all or part of the tongue
  • Glucagon Sandbox - a hormone produced by the pancreas that converts stored carbohydrates (glycogen) into glucose, the body’s energy source
  • Glucose tolerance test Sandbox - a test that evaluates the body's response to glucose after a period of fasting; used to check for diabetes mellitus
  • Glucose Sandbox - a sugar that is the main source of energy for the body
  • Glycogen Sandbox - the main form that glucose, the body’s energy source, takes when it is stored
  • Glycosuria Sandbox - glucose in the urine
  • Goiter Sandbox - enlargement of the thyroid gland, which produces a swelling on the neck
  • Gonadotropic hormones Sandbox - hormones that stimulate activity in the ovaries and testicles
  • Gonorrhea Sandbox - a common sexually transmitted disease, characterized by painful urination or a discharge from the penis or vagina
  • Gout Sandbox - a disorder marked by high levels of uric acid in the blood; usually experienced as arthritis in one joint
  • Graft Sandbox - healthy tissue that is used to replace diseased or defective tissue
  • Grand mal Sandbox - a type of seizure occurring with epilepsy, producing loss of consciousness and involuntary jerking movements
  • Granuloma Sandbox - a mass of tissue that forms at a site of inflammation, injury, or infection as a part of the healing process
  • Graves' disease Sandbox - an autoimmune disease that causes goiter, overproduction of thyroid hormones, and sometimes bulging eyeballs
  • Guillain-Barré syndrome Sandbox - a peripheral nervous system disease in which nerve inflammation causes weakness, loss of movement, and loss of sensation in the arms and legs
  • Guthrie test Sandbox - a blood test performed on babies to test for phenylketonuria
  • H1 (histamine) blocker Sandbox - a drug that blocks the action of histamine; used to treat inflammation
  • H2 (histamine) blocker Sandbox - a drug used in the treatment of peptic ulcers that blocks histamine from causing acid production in the stomach
  • HDL Sandbox - see High-density lipoprotein
  • HIV Sandbox - see Human immunodeficiency virus
  • HTLV Sandbox - see Human T-cell lymphotrophic virus
  • Hair follicle Sandbox - a tiny opening in the skin from which a hair grows
  • Halitosis Sandbox - the clinical term for bad breath; commonly caused by poor oral hygiene or eating certain foods; if persistent it can be a sign of illness
  • Hallucination Sandbox - a perception that occurs when there is actually nothing there to cause it (such as hearing voices when there are none)
  • Hammer toe Sandbox - an abnormality in the tendons of the toe that causes the toe to be flexed at all times
  • Hamstring muscle Sandbox - a muscle located at the back of the thigh that bends the leg at the knee and moves the leg backward
  • Hardening of the arteries Sandbox - the common name for arteriosclerosis
  • Hashimoto’s disease Sandbox - a disease in which the body’s immune system attacks cells of the thyroid gland, resulting in a decrease in thyroid hormones
  • Hay fever Sandbox - the common name for allergic rhinitis
  • Heart attack Sandbox - see Myocardial infarction
  • Heart block Sandbox - a disorder of the heart caused by a blockage of the nerve impulses to the heart that regulate heartbeat; may lead to dizziness, fainting, or stroke
  • Heart disease Sandbox - see Coronary heart disease
  • Heart failure Sandbox - the inability of the heart to pump blood effectively
  • Heart rate Sandbox - the rate at which the heart pumps blood, measured in the number of heartbeats per minute
  • Heart valve Sandbox - the structure at each exit of the four chambers of the heart that allows blood to exit but not to flow back in
  • Heart-lung machine Sandbox - a machine that takes over the functions of the heart and lungs during certain types of surgery
  • Heartburn Sandbox - a burning sensation experienced in the center of the chest up to the throat; may be caused by overeating, eating spicy food, or drinking alcohol; recurrent heartburn may be caused by acid reflux
  • Heat exhaustion Sandbox - fatigue, dizziness, and nausea experienced because of overexposure to heat; if not treated it can result in heat stroke
  • Heat stroke Sandbox - a life-threatening condition resulting from extreme overexposure to heat, which disrupts the body's system of regulating temperature
  • Heel spur Sandbox - an abnormal, often painful outgrowth of bone on the back of the heel
  • Heimlich maneuver Sandbox - a first-aid technique for choking; dislodges an object that is blocking a person’s airway
  • Helper T cells Sandbox - white blood cells, responsible for regulating other cells in the body's immune system, that are the main targets of the AIDS virus; also called CD4 cells
  • Hemangioma Sandbox - a purple-red mark on the skin, caused by an excess of blood vessels
  • Hemarthrosis Sandbox - bleeding into and swelling of a joint
  • Hematemesis Sandbox - vomiting of blood
  • Hematocrit Sandbox - the percentage of total blood volume that consists of red blood cells, which is determined by laboratory testing; can be an indicator of disease or injury
  • Hematoma Sandbox - an accumulation of blood from a broken blood vessel
  • Hematuria Sandbox - blood in the urine, which can be caused by urinary tract disorders (such as cysts, tumor, or stones) or by an infection
  • Hemochromatosis Sandbox - a genetic disorder in which too much iron is absorbed from food
  • Hemodialysis Sandbox - a method used to treat kidney failure, in which blood is passed through a machine that purifies it and returns it to the body
  • Hemoglobin Sandbox - the pigment in red blood cells that is responsible for carrying oxygen; hemoglobin bound to oxygen gives blood its red color
  • Hemoglobinuria Sandbox - hemoglobin in the urine
  • Hemolysis Sandbox - the breakdown of red blood cells in the spleen, which is normal but can cause jaundice and anemia when the red blood cells are broken down too quickly
  • Hemophilia Sandbox - an inherited disorder in which a person's blood lacks a certain protein important in forming blood clots, leading to excessive bleeding
  • Hemorrhage Sandbox - the medical term for bleeding
  • Hemorrhoid Sandbox - a bulging vein either at the opening of the anus or just inside the anus, often caused by childbirth or straining during bowel movements
  • Hemospermia Sandbox - blood in the semen
  • Hemostasis Sandbox - the stopping of bleeding by the body’s mechanisms
  • Hemothorax Sandbox - an accumulation of blood between the chest wall and the lungs
  • Hepatectomy Sandbox - surgical removal of all or part of the liver
  • Hepatic Sandbox - a term used to describe something that is related to the liver
  • Hepatitis A Sandbox - a form of hepatitis caused by the hepatitis A virus, usually transmitted by contact with contaminated food or water
  • Hepatitis B Sandbox - a form of hepatitis (generally more serious than hepatitis A) caused by the hepatitis B virus, which is transmitted through sexual contact or contact with infected blood or body fluids
  • Hepatitis C Sandbox - a form of hepatitis caused by the hepatitis C virus, which is transmitted through sexual contact or contact with infected blood or body fluids
  • Hepatitis D Sandbox - a form of hepatitis that only causes symptoms when the individual is already infected with hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis Sandbox - inflammation of the liver, which may be caused by a viral infection, poisons, or the use of alcohol or other drugs
  • Hepatoma Sandbox - a cancerous tumor of the liver
  • Hepatomegaly Sandbox - enlargement of the liver
  • Hereditary spherocytosis Sandbox - a genetic disorder in which red blood cells are smaller, rounder, and more fragile than normal, causing hemolytic anemia
  • Hereditary Sandbox - describes a genetic trait that is passed from parents to children
  • Hermaphroditism Sandbox - a rare condition in which an individual is born with both male and female reproductive organs
  • Hernia Sandbox - the bulging of an organ or tissue through a weakened area in the muscle wall
  • Herniated disk Sandbox - see Disk prolapse
  • Herpes encephalitis Sandbox - brain inflammation caused by a herpes simplex virus that has spread from another part of the body
  • Herpes simplex Sandbox - infection by the herpes simplex virus, which causes blisterlike sores on the face, lips, mouth, or genitals; in rare cases, can also affect the eyes, fingers, or brain
  • Herpes zoster Sandbox - see Shingles
  • Heterosexuality Sandbox - being sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex
  • Hiatal hernia Sandbox - a type of hernia in which the stomach bulges up into the chest cavity through an opening in the diaphragm
  • Hiccup Sandbox - involuntary sudden contraction of the diaphragm along with the closing of the vocal cords, producing a "hiccup" sound
  • High-density lipoprotein Sandbox - a type of protein found in the blood that removes cholesterol from tissues, protecting against heart disease
  • Hirschsprung's disease Sandbox - a condition that is present at birth in which nerve cells do not develop in parts of the intestine, causing the intestine to narrow and block the passage of feces
  • Hirsutism Sandbox - excessive hair or hair growth in unusual places, especially in women
  • Histamine Sandbox - a chemical in some cells of the body that is released during allergic reactions, causing inflammation; also causes production of acid in the stomach and narrowing of the airways
  • Histoplasmosis Sandbox - a respiratory disease acquired by inhaling the spores of a fungus found in soil, especially where there are bird or bat droppings
  • Hives Sandbox - the common term for urticaria, an itchy, inflamed rash that results from an allergic reaction
  • Hodgkin's disease Sandbox - a cancer of lymphoid tissue (found in lymph nodes and the spleen) that causes the lymph nodes to enlarge and function improperly; may cause illness, fever, loss of appetite, and weight loss
  • Homeostasis Sandbox - the body's coordinated maintenance of the stable, internal environment by regulating blood pressure, blood sugar, body temperature, etc
  • Homocystinuria Sandbox - a genetic disorder in which an enzyme deficiency causes a substance called homocystine to build up in the blood, leading to mental handicap and skeletal abnormalities
  • Homosexuality Sandbox - being sexually attracted to members of the same sex
  • Hookworm Sandbox - infestation by a small, round, blood-sucking parasite; commonly causes a rash on the foot, but can also cause cough, pneumonia, and anemia
  • Hormonal implant Sandbox - surgical insertion of a small object just under the skin that slowly releases a synthetic hormone for purposes such as birth control
  • Hormone replacement therapy Sandbox - the use of natural or artificial hormones to treat hormone deficiencies
  • Hormone Sandbox - a chemical produced by a gland or tissue that is released into the bloodstream; controls body functions such as growth and sexual development
  • Hospice Sandbox - a hospital or an area of a hospital dedicated to treating people who are dying, often of a specific cause
  • Hot flash Sandbox - a sudden, temporary feeling of heat and sometimes sweating; usually occurs as a result of low estrogen levels in women because of menopause or after a hysterectomy
  • Human T-cell lymphotrophic virus Sandbox - a virus similar to HIV that affects the same helper T cells, but usually accompanies adult T-cell leukemia or T-cell lymphomas
  • Human immunodeficiency virus Sandbox - a retrovirus that attacks helper T cells of the immune system and causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS); transmitted through sexual intercourse or contact with infected blood
  • Hydramnios Sandbox - an excess of amniotic fluid in the uterus during pregnancy
  • Hydrocele Sandbox - a painless swelling of the scrotum, caused by a collection of fluid around the testicle; commonly occurs in middle aged men
  • Hydrocephalus Sandbox - excess cerebrospinal fluid within the brain; commonly referred to as "water on the brain"
  • Hydrocortisone Sandbox - a corticosteroid drug that is used to treat inflammation and allergies
  • Hygiene Sandbox - the practice, maintenance, and study of health; commonly refers to cleanliness
  • Hymen Sandbox - a thin fold of membrane partly closing the opening of the vagina; usually torn during first sexual intercourse or insertion of a tampon
  • Hyperactivity Sandbox - a type of behavior characterized by excessive physical activity, sometimes associated with neurological or psychological causes
  • Hyperalimentation Sandbox - a method of providing nutrients by the use of a tube or intravenously to a person who cannot eat food or needs nutrients because of an illness
  • Hyperbilirubinemia Sandbox - a condition in which there is too much bilirubin, a substance produced when red blood cells are broken down; can lead to jaundice
  • Hypercalcemia Sandbox - a condition marked by abnormally high levels of calcium in the blood; can lead to disturbance of cell function in the nerves and muscles and, if not treated, can be fatal
  • Hypercholesterolemia Sandbox - an abnormally high level of cholesterol in the blood, which can be the result of an inherited disorder or a diet that is high in fat
  • Hyperglycemia Sandbox - a condition characterized by abnormally high levels of glucose in the blood, usually as a result of untreated or improperly controlled diabetes mellitus
  • Hyperlipidemia Sandbox - a general term for a group of disorders in which lipid levels in the blood are abnormally high, including hypercholesterolemia
  • Hyperparathyroidism Sandbox - overactivity of the parathyroid glands, which increases calcium levels in the blood (called hypercalcemia) and decreases calcium in bones (causing osteoporosis)
  • Hyperplasia Sandbox - the enlargement of an organ or tissue
  • Hypersensitivity Sandbox - an excessive response of the body’s immune system to a foreign protein
  • Hypertension Sandbox - abnormally high blood pressure, even when at rest
  • Hyperthermia Sandbox - an abnormally high body temperature
  • Hyperthyroidism Sandbox - overactivity of the thyroid gland, causing nervousness, weight loss, fatigue, and diarrhea
  • Hypertrophy Sandbox - increase in the size of an organ due to an increase in the size of its cells
  • Hyperventilation Sandbox - abnormally rapid breathing
  • Hypochondriasis Sandbox - an abnormal condition in which a person is overly concerned with health and believes that he or she is suffering from a major illness despite medical opinion to the contrary
  • Hypodermic needle Sandbox - a thin, hollow needle attached to a syringe; used to inject a medication under the skin, into a vein, or into a muscle
  • Hypoglycemia Sandbox - abnormally low levels of glucose in the blood
  • Hypoplasia Sandbox - failure of a tissue or organ to develop normally
  • Hypotension Sandbox - the medical term for abnormally low blood pressure, which results in reduced blood flow to the brain, causing dizziness and fainting
  • Hypothermia Sandbox - an abnormally low body temperature
  • Hypothyroidism Sandbox - underactivity of the thyroid gland, causing tiredness, cramps, a slowed heart rate, and possibly weight gain
  • Hypoventilation Sandbox - a slower-than-normal breathing rate
  • Hypoxemia Sandbox - a reduced level of oxygen in the blood
  • Hypoxia Sandbox - a reduced level of oxygen in tissues
  • Hysterectomy Sandbox - surgical removal of the uterus
  • Hysteria Sandbox - a term used to describe symptoms that are caused by mental stress and occur in someone who does not have a mental disorder
  • Hysterosalpingography Sandbox - an X-ray examination performed to examine the inside of the uterus and fallopian tubes, in order to investigate and possibly treat infertility
  • Hysteroscopy Sandbox - a method used to examine the inside of the uterus and the cervix using a viewing instrument
  • IQ Sandbox - intelligence quotient; a measure of a person's intelligence as determined by specific tests
  • IUD Sandbox - see Intrauterine device
  • IVF Sandbox - see In vitro fertilization
  • Iatrogenic Sandbox - a term used to describe a disease, disorder, or medical condition that is a direct result of medical treatment
  • Ichthyosis Sandbox - a variety of diseases in which the skin is dry and scaly
  • Idiopathic Sandbox - a term used to describe something that occurs of an unknown cause
  • Ileostomy Sandbox - a surgical procedure in which the lower part of the small intestine (the ileum) is cut and brought to an opening in the abdominal wall, where feces can be passed out of the body
  • Ileum Sandbox - the lowest section of the small intestine, which attaches to the large intestine
  • Ilium Sandbox - one of the two bones that form the hip on either side of the body
  • Imaging Sandbox - the technique of creating pictures of structures inside of the body using X-rays, ultrasound waves, or magnetic fields
  • Immune deficiency Sandbox - impairment of the immune system, which reduces protection against infection and illness
  • Immune system Sandbox - the cells, substances, and structures in the body that protect against infection and illness
  • Immunity Sandbox - resistance to a specific disease because of the responses of the immune system
  • Immunization Sandbox - the process of causing immunity by injecting antibodies or provoking the body to make its own antibodies against a certain microorganism
  • Immunocompromised Sandbox - weakening of the body’s immune system
  • Immunodeficiency Sandbox - failure of the body’s immune system to fight disease
  • Immunoglobin Sandbox - proteins in blood and tissue fluids that help destroy microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses
  • Immunology Sandbox - the study of the immune system, including how it functions and disorders that affect it
  • Immunostimulant Sandbox - a drug that increases the ability of the body’s immune system to fight disease
  • Immunosuppressant Sandbox - a drug that inhibits the activity of the immune system; used to prevent rejection of a transplant organ and in disorders where the body's immune system attacks its own tissues
  • Impacted fracture Sandbox - a bone break in which the two broken ends have been forced into each other
  • Imperforate anus Sandbox - a birth defect in which the opening of the anus is not formed normally
  • Impetigo Sandbox - a highly contagious skin infection caused by bacteria, usually occurring around the nose and mouth; commonly occurring in children
  • Implant Sandbox - an organ, tissue, or device surgically inserted and left in the body
  • Impotence Sandbox - the inability to acquire or maintain an erection of the penis
  • In situ Sandbox - "in place"; often describes a cancer that has not spread
  • In vitro fertilization Sandbox - a treatment for infertility in which an egg and a sperm are joined outside the woman's body, and the fertilized egg is then inserted into the uterus or fallopian tube
  • In vitro Sandbox - "in glass"; a biological test or process that is carried out in a laboratory
  • In vivo Sandbox - "in the living body"; a biological process that occurs inside of the body
  • Incompetent cervix Sandbox - an abnormally weak cervix, which widens prematurely during pregnancy as a result of the weight of a developing fetus; may result in a miscarriage
  • Incontinence Sandbox - inability to hold urine or feces inside of the body
  • Incubation period Sandbox - the time period between when an infectious organism enters the body and when symptoms occur
  • Indigestion Sandbox - uncomfortable symptoms brought on by overeating or eating spicy, rich, or fatty foods; characterized by heartburn, pain in the abdomen, nausea, and gas, and can be more serious if recurrent
  • Induction of labor Sandbox - the use of artificial means to start the process of childbirth
  • Infarction Sandbox - tissue death due to lack of blood supply
  • Infection Sandbox - disease-causing microorganisms that enter the body, multiply, and damage cells or release toxins
  • Infective arthritis Sandbox - arthritis caused by bacteria from a wound or the bloodstream entering a joint
  • Infertility Sandbox - the inability to have children as a result of sexual intercourse
  • Inflammation Sandbox - redness, pain, and swelling in an injured or infected tissue produced as a result of the body's healing response
  • Inflammatory bowel disease Sandbox - the general term for two inflammatory disorders affecting the intestines; also known as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis
  • Inflammatory joint disease Sandbox - any type of arthritis that causes a joint to become inflamed
  • Influenza Sandbox - a viral infection characterized by headaches, muscle aches, fever, weakness, and cough; commonly called the "flu"
  • Informed consent Sandbox - agreement to undergo a medical procedure after the technique, its risks, and its possible complications have been explained
  • Infusion Sandbox - the introduction of a substance, such as a drug or nutrient, into the bloodstream or a body cavity
  • Ingestion Sandbox - taking something into the body through the mouth
  • Ingrown toenail Sandbox - a painful condition of the big toe in which the nail grows into the skin on either side, causing inflammation and/or infection
  • Inguinal hernia Sandbox - the bulging of a portion of the intestines or abdominal tissue into the muscles of the groin (the area just below the abdomen)
  • Inhaler Sandbox - a device used to introduce a powdered or misted drug into the lungs through the mouth, usually to treat respiratory disorders such as asthma
  • Inheritance Sandbox - the passing of traits from parent to child through genes
  • Injection Sandbox - the use of a syringe and needle to insert a drug into a vein, muscle, or joint or under the skin
  • Insemination Sandbox - the placement of semen into a woman's uterus, cervix, or vagina
  • Insomnia Sandbox - difficulty falling or remaining asleep
  • Insulin Sandbox - a hormone made in the pancreas that plays an important role in the absorption of glucose (the body's main source of energy) into muscle cells
  • Insulinoma Sandbox - a noncancerous tumor of the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas; the tumor releases excess insulin into the blood, causing glucose levels to drop dangerously low
  • Intensive care Sandbox - close monitoring of a patient who is seriously ill
  • Interferon Sandbox - a protein produced by body cells that fights viral infections and certain cancers
  • Internal fixation Sandbox - a method of holding a broken bone in place using surgically inserted screws, rods, or plates
  • Interstitial cystitis Sandbox - persistent inflammation of the lining and muscle of the bladder
  • Interstitial lung disease Sandbox - a disease of the connective tissue surrounding the air sacs of the lungs that causes a dry cough, scarring of lung tissue, and shortness of breath
  • Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis Sandbox - scarring of connective tissue in the lungs that leads to shortness of breath
  • Interstitial radiation therapy Sandbox - a treatment for cancer in which a radioactive material is inserted into or near a tumor to provide direct radiation
  • Interstitial Sandbox - lying between body structures or in the interspaces of tissues
  • Intervertebral disks Sandbox - broad, flat cartilage structures containing a gel-like fluid that cushion and separate vertebrae
  • Intestinal bypass Sandbox - a surgical procedure in which the beginning of the large intestine is joined to its end so that less food is absorbed; because of serious side effects, usually performed only on seriously obese people
  • Intestine Sandbox - a long, tube-shaped organ that extends from the stomach to the anus; absorbs food and water and passes the waste products of digestion as feces
  • Intra-aortic balloon pump Sandbox - a small balloon inserted into the aorta that helps to circulate blood by inflating between heartbeats
  • Intractable Sandbox - describes a condition that does not respond to treatment
  • Intramedullary rod Sandbox - a strong metal rod that is placed inside of a broken bone to help it heal correctly
  • Intraocular pressure Sandbox - the pressure of the fluids within the eye
  • Intrauterine device Sandbox - a device inserted into the uterus that helps to prevent pregnancy
  • Intravenous Sandbox - inside of or into a vein
  • Intrinsic Sandbox - a term used to describe something originating from or located in a tissue or organ
  • Intubation Sandbox - the passage of a tube into an organ or body structure; commonly used to refer to the passage of a tube down the windpipe for artificial respiration
  • Invasive Sandbox - describes something that spreads throughout body tissues, such as a tumor or microorganism; also describes a medical procedure in which body tissues are penetrated
  • Involuntary Sandbox - occurring without a person’s control or participation
  • Iodine Sandbox - an element for the formation of thyroid hormones
  • Ionizing radiation Sandbox - radiation that damages cells or genes; can be used to treat cancer
  • Iris Sandbox - the colored part of the eye
  • Iron-deficiency anemia Sandbox - a type of anemia caused by a greater-than-normal loss of iron due to bleeding, problems absorbing iron, or a lack of iron in the diet
  • Iron Sandbox - a mineral necessary for the formation of important biological substances such as hemoglobin, myoglobin, and certain enzymes
  • Irrigation Sandbox - the cleansing of a wound by flushing it with water, a medicated solution, or some other fluid
  • Irritable bladder Sandbox - involuntary contractions of muscles in the bladder, which can cause lack of control of urination
  • Irritable bowel syndrome Sandbox - abnormal muscle movement in the intestines, which causes abdominal pain and irregular bowel movements (diarrhea, constipation, or both)
  • Ischemia Sandbox - a condition in which a tissue or organ does not receive a sufficient supply of blood
  • Jaundice Sandbox - yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes because of the presence of excess bilirubin in the blood; usually a sign of a disorder of the liver
  • Jock itch Sandbox - an infection in the groin area caused by a fungus
  • Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis Sandbox - a rare form of persistent joint inflammation that affects children
  • Kaposi's sarcoma Sandbox - a skin cancer that is characterized by purple-red tumors that start at the feet and spread upward on the body; commonly occurs in people who have AIDS
  • Kawasaki disease Sandbox - a childhood disease causing fever, rash, skin peeling, swollen lymph nodes, and possibly complications of the heart and brain
  • Keloid Sandbox - a raised, firm, thick scar that forms as a result of a defect in the natural healing process
  • Keratin Sandbox - a tough protein found in skin, nails, and hair
  • Keratitis Sandbox - inflammation of the cornea
  • Keratolytic Sandbox - drugs that remove the keratin-containing outer layer of skin; used to treat skin disorders such as warts and dandruff
  • Keratoplasty Sandbox - surgical replacement or reshaping of the cornea
  • Keratosis Sandbox - a growth on the skin that is the result of overproduction of the protein keratin
  • Ketoacidosis Sandbox - the dangerous accumulation of chemicals called ketones in the blood, sometimes occurring as a complication of diabetes mellitus; also called ketosis
  • Kidney stone Sandbox - a hard mass composed of substances from the urine that form in the kidneys
  • Kidney Sandbox - one of two organs that are part of the urinary tract; responsible for filtering the blood and removing waste products and excess water as urine
  • Killer T cells Sandbox - white blood cells that are part of the immune system and destroy microorganisms and cancer cells
  • Kilocalorie Sandbox - a unit of energy; equal to a nutritional calorie
  • Kimmelstiel-Wilson syndrome Sandbox - a kidney disorder that can occur as a complication of diabetes mellitus; can cause swelling, high blood pressure, and kidney failure
  • Klinefelter’s syndrome Sandbox - a genetic disorder in which a man has at least 1 extra X chromosome in his cells, causing infertility and female characteristics
  • Knee-jerk reflex Sandbox - a test for a reflexive extension of the leg to check the functioning of the nervous system; tapping the knee just below the kneecap should cause the lower part of the leg to jerk upward
  • Kyphosis Sandbox - excessive curvature of the spine, which usually affects the top part of the spine and causes a hump
  • LDL Sandbox - see Low-density lipoprotein
  • LH Sandbox - see Luteinizing hormone
  • Labia Sandbox - the two pairs of skinfolds that protect the opening of the vagina
  • Labor Sandbox - the interval from onset of contractions to birth of a baby
  • Labyrinthitis Sandbox - inflammation of the fluid-containing chamber of the inner ear (called the labyrinth) that maintains balance; can cause a feeling that one's surroundings are spinning around (known as vertigo)
  • Laceration Sandbox - a torn or ragged wound
  • Lactase deficiency Sandbox - an inherited disorder in which a person does not have the enzyme lactase, which breaks down lactose (the sugar found in dairy products); lactase deficiency leads to lactose intolerance, which means the inability to digest lactose
  • Lactation suppression Sandbox - a decrease in milk production during pregnancy as a result of high levels of estrogen in the blood
  • Lactation Sandbox - the production of breast milk after giving birth
  • Lactic acid Sandbox - an acid produced by glucose-burning cells when these cells have an insufficient supply of oxygen
  • Lactose intolerance Sandbox - inability to break down and absorb the sugar lactose
  • Lactose Sandbox - the sugar found in dairy products
  • Lamaze method Sandbox - a method of preparing for childbirth that stresses physical conditioning, relaxation, and breathing exercises
  • Laminectomy Sandbox - a surgical procedure that removes part of a vertebra to relieve pressure on the spinal cord or a nerve branching from the spinal cord
  • Laparoscope Sandbox - a viewing instrument used to examine and treat disorders in the abdominal cavity; consists of a long tube with an eyepiece, a lens, and often a camera, which allows the image to be viewed on a monitor
  • Laparoscopic cholecystectomy Sandbox - surgical removal of the gallbladder using a laparoscope
  • Laparoscopy Sandbox - a procedure done to examine the abdominal cavity using a laparoscope, usually to investigate pelvic pain or gynecologic conditions such as infertility
  • Large intestine Sandbox - the part of the digestive tract that is located between the small intestine and the anus
  • Large-cell carcinoma Sandbox - one of the 4 major types of lung cancer
  • Laryngectomy Sandbox - surgical removal of all or part of the voice box (larynx) as a treatment for cancer
  • Laryngitis Sandbox - inflammation of the voice box, usually caused by a viral infection; characterized by a hoarse voice
  • Larynx Sandbox - the medical term for the voice box, the organ in the throat that produces voice and also prevents food from entering the airway
  • Laser treatment Sandbox - the use of a laser (a concentrated beam of light) to perform medical procedures, such as the destruction of tumors
  • Latent infection Sandbox - an infection that lies dormant in the body for months or years but can reappear
  • Lateral Sandbox - on one side
  • Laxatives Sandbox - drugs used to clear feces from the intestines; commonly used to treat constipation
  • Lazy eye Sandbox - the common name for the visual defect resulting from untreated strabismus, in which the eyes are not correctly aligned
  • Lead poisoning Sandbox - damage to the brain, nerves, red blood cells, or digestive system because of ingestion of lead
  • Learning disability Sandbox - any of a variety of disorders, including hyperactivity, dyslexia, and hearing problems, that can interfere with a person's ability to learn
  • Legionnaires’ disease Sandbox - a form of pneumonia that is mainly spread through airconditioning systems and water
  • Leiomyoma Sandbox - a noncancerous tumor of smooth muscle
  • Leishmaniasis Sandbox - a group of parasitic diseases affecting the skin, mucous membranes, and internal organs; transmitted by the bite of a sandfly
  • Leptospirosis Sandbox - infection by a spiral-shaped bacterium that affects the skin, eyes, muscles, kidneys, and liver; leptospirosis is carried by rodents
  • Lesch-Nyhan syndrome Sandbox - a genetic disorder affecting only men that causes mental handicap, self-mutilation, and aggressive behavior
  • Lesion Sandbox - an abnormality of structure or function in the body
  • Leukemia Sandbox - a group of bone marrow cancers in which white blood cells divide uncontrollably, affecting the production of normal white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets
  • Leukocyte count Sandbox - the number of white blood cells in the blood, which is used as a measure of health and possible infection
  • Leukocyte Sandbox - another name for a white blood cells
  • Leukodystrophy Sandbox - a group of childhood genetic disorders in which the protective coverings of the nerves are destroyed
  • Leukoplakia Sandbox - white patches that can develop in the mouth or on the penis or the opening of the vagina and are potentially cancerous
  • Lichen planus Sandbox - a common skin disease in which itchy, small, pink or purple spots appear on the arms or legs
  • Ligament Sandbox - a tough, elastic band of tissue that connects bones and suupports organs
  • Ligation Sandbox - the process of closing a blood vessel or duct by tying it off
  • Lipid-lowering drugs Sandbox - drugs taken to lower the levels of specific fats called lipids in the blood in order to reduce the risk of narrowing of the arteries
  • Lipidosis Sandbox - any disorder in which fats cannot be properly broken down by the digestive system
  • Lipids Sandbox - a group of fats stored in the body and used for energy
  • Lipoma Sandbox - a noncancerous tumor of fatty tissue
  • Lipoproteins Sandbox - substances containing lipids and proteins, comprising most fats in the blood
  • Liposarcoma Sandbox - a cancerous tumor of fatty tissue
  • Liposuction Sandbox - a surgical procedure in which fat is removed from areas of the body using a suction pump
  • Listeriosis Sandbox - a rare bacterial infection acquired by eating undercooked infected meat or from infected live animals; can be dangerous to newborns and the elderly
  • Lithotripsy Sandbox - a procedure done to break up stones in the urinary tract using ultrasonic shock waves, so that the fragments can be easily passed from the body
  • Liver failure Sandbox - the final stage of liver disease, in which liver function becomes so impaired that other areas of the body are affected, most commonly the brain
  • Liver Sandbox - the largest organ in the body, producing many essential chemicals and regulating the levels of most vital substances in the blood
  • Lobe Sandbox - a well-defined, separate part of an organ
  • Lobectomy Sandbox - surgical removal of a lobe
  • Local anesthesia Sandbox - a method of preventing pain by inducing the loss of sensation in a certain area of the body while the patient remains awake
  • Locked joint Sandbox - a joint that cannot be moved because of a disease or a lodged piece of bone or cartilage
  • Lockjaw Sandbox - a spasm of the jaw muscles that prevents the mouth from opening, such as that caused by tetanus
  • Locomotor system Sandbox - the structures of the body that are responsible for its movement
  • Lordosis Sandbox - the inward curvature of the spine at the lower back, which is normal to a certain degree; abnormal as a result of certain medical conditions, being overweight, or having muscle problems
  • Lou Gehrig's disease Sandbox - see Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  • Low-density lipoprotein Sandbox - a type of lipoprotein that is the major carrier of cholesterol in the blood, with high levels associated with narrowing of the arteries and heart disease
  • Lumbago Sandbox - dull, aching pain in the lower back
  • Lumbar puncture Sandbox - a procedure in which a needle is inserted into the lower region of the spinal canal to take out a sample of spinal fluid or to inject a drug
  • Lumbar spine Sandbox - the lower part of the spine between the lowest pair of ribs and the pelvis; made up of five vertebrae
  • Lumpectomy Sandbox - surgical removal of a section of breast containing cancer
  • Lung collapse Sandbox - a condition in which all or part of a lung cannot expand and fill with air
  • Lungs Sandbox - two organs in the chest that take in oxygen from the air and release carbon dioxide
  • Lupus erythematosus Sandbox - a disorder of the immune system that causes inflammation of connective tissue
  • Luteinizing hormone Sandbox - a hormone produced by the pituitary gland that causes the ovaries and testicles to release sex hormones and plays a role in the development of eggs and sperm
  • Lyme disease Sandbox - a disease caused by bacteria transmitted through the bite of a tick; characterized by fever, rash, and inflammation of the heart and joints
  • Lymph node Sandbox - a small gland that is part of the immune system; contains white blood cells and antibodies and helps fight against the spread of infection
  • Lymph Sandbox - a milky fluid containing white blood cells, proteins, and fats; plays an important role in absorbing fats from the intestine and in the functioning of the immune system
  • Lymphadenopathy Sandbox - swollen lymph nodes
  • Lymphangiography Sandbox - an X-ray procedure that creates images of the lymphatic system
  • Lymphatic system Sandbox - a network of vessels that drain lymph back into the blood
  • Lymphocyte Sandbox - a white blood cell that is an important part of the body's immune system, helping to destroy invading microorganisms
  • Lymphocytic leukemia Sandbox - a disease in which white blood cells called lymphocytes divide uncontrollably
  • Lymphogranuloma venereum Sandbox - a sexually transmitted chlamydial infection; common in countries with a tropical climate
  • Lymphomas Sandbox - a group of cancer of the lymph nodes and spleen that can spread to other parts of the body
  • Lymphosarcoma Sandbox - another name for a non-Hodgkin's sarcoma; a cancerous tumor in lymphoid tissue
  • MAO inhibitor Sandbox - see Monoamine oxidase inhibitor antidepressant
  • MRI Sandbox - see Magnetic resonance imaging
  • MS Sandbox - see Multiple sclerosis
  • Macula Sandbox - the area of the retina that allows fine details to be observed at the center of vision; also refers to any small, flat spot on the skin
  • Macular degeneration Sandbox - gradual loss of vision due to deterioration of nerve tissue in the retina
  • Magnesium Sandbox - a mineral that is essential for many body functions, including nerve impulse transmission, formation of bones and teeth, and muscle contraction
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Sandbox - a technique that uses magnetic fields and radio waves to create high-quality cross-sectional images of the body without using radiation
  • Malabsorption Sandbox - an impaired ability of the lining of the small intestine to absorb nutrients from food
  • Malaria Sandbox - a parasitic disease spread by mosquitos that causes chills and fever; potentially fatal complications in the liver, kidneys, blood, and brain are possible
  • Malformation Sandbox - abnormal development of an organ or tissue
  • Malignant hyperthermia Sandbox - a reaction to certain anesthesia gases involving intense muscle contractions and a high fever
  • Malignant melanoma Sandbox - the most serious type of skin cancer, in which a mole changes shape, darkens, becomes painful, and/or bleeds easily
  • Malignant Sandbox - a word used to describe a condition that is characterized by uncontrolled growth and/or that can be fatal, such as a cancerous tumor
  • Mallory-Weiss syndrome Sandbox - a condition associated with alcoholism in which the lower end of the esophagus tears, causing vomiting of blood
  • Mammography Sandbox - an X-ray procedure done to detect breast cancer
  • Mammoplasty Sandbox - a general term for a cosmetic operation on the breasts; includes breast reduction, enlargement, and reconstruction after a mastectomy
  • Mandible Sandbox - another term for the lower jaw
  • Mania Sandbox - a mental disorder characterized by extreme excitement, happiness, overactivity, and agitation; usually refers to the high of the highs and lows experienced in manicdepressive disorder
  • Manic-depressive disorder Sandbox - a mental disorder characterized by extreme mood swings, including either mania, depression, or a continuing shift between the two extremes
  • Marfan's syndrome Sandbox - a rare genetic disorder that affects connective tissue, leading to abnormalities of joints, bones, tendons, ligaments, arteries, and/or the heart
  • Mast cell Sandbox - a type of cell present in most body tissues that releases substances in response to an allergen, which causes symptoms such as inflammation
  • Mastectomy Sandbox - a surgical procedure in which all or part of the breast is removed to prevent the spread of cancer
  • Mastitis Sandbox - inflammation of the breast, which is usually caused by a bacterial infection
  • Maxilla Sandbox - one of two bones that form the upper jaw, the roof of the mouth, and the center portion of the face
  • Measles Sandbox - an illness caused by a viral infection, causing a characteristic rash and a fever; primarily affects children
  • Meconium Sandbox - thick, sticky, greenish-brown stool passed by a postmature fetus, or one experiencing fetal distress, into the amniotic fluid, or by an infant during the first couple of days after birth
  • Medial Sandbox - a term used to describe something situated on or near the midline of the body or a body structure
  • Median nerve Sandbox - a nerve running down the arm to the hand; controls muscle movement in the forearm and hand and conveys sensation from part of the hand
  • Mediastinoscopy Sandbox - investigation of the central chest compartment using an endoscope that is inserted through an incision in the neck
  • Medulla Sandbox - the center part of an organ or body structure; sometimes used to refer to the lower part of the brain stem
  • Medulloblastoma Sandbox - a type of cancerous tumor, occurring in the section of the brain that controls posture and balance; found mainly in children
  • Megacolon Sandbox - a severely swollen large intestine, causing severe constipation and abdominal bloating; may be present at birth or develops later
  • Megaloblastic anemia Sandbox - a type of anemia in which a lack of the vitamin B12 or folic acid interferes with red blood cells and causes them to be enlarged and deformed, resulting in tiredness and weight loss
  • Meiosis Sandbox - the type of cell division that occurs only in the ovaries and testicles, producing cells with half the genes of the original cell; these cells then form eggs and sperm
  • Melanin Sandbox - the pigment that gives skin, hair, and eyes their coloring
  • Melanocyte-stimulating hormone Sandbox - a hormone that coordinates pigmentation of the skin, eyes, and hair
  • Melanocytes Sandbox - cells that produce the pigment melanin
  • Melanoma Sandbox - a skin tumor composed of cells called melanocytes
  • Menarche Sandbox - the beginning of menstruation
  • Meniere's disease Sandbox - a disorder of the inner ear, causing hearing loss, ringing in the ear, and the sensation that one's surroundings are spinning
  • Meninges Sandbox - the three membranes that surround and protect the spinal cord and brain
  • Meningioma Sandbox - a rare noncancerous tumor developing in the protective membranes covering the brain called the meninges; can cause headaches and problems with vision and mental function
  • Meningitis Sandbox - inflammation of the meninges; usually caused by infection by a microorganism (meningitis caused by bacteria is life-threatening; viral meningitis is milder)
  • Meningocele Sandbox - a protrusion of the meninges through an opening in the skull or spinal cord due to a genetic defect
  • Meniscectomy Sandbox - surgical removal of all or part of a cartilage disk from a joint
  • Meniscus Sandbox - a crescent-shaped pad of cartilage in joints that helps to reduce friction
  • Menopause Sandbox - the period in a woman's life when menstruation stops, resulting in a reduced production of estrogen and cessation of egg production
  • Menorrhagia Sandbox - excessive loss of blood during menstruation, which can be caused by disorders of the uterus
  • Menstrual cycle Sandbox - the periodic discharge of blood and mucosal tissue from the uterus, occurring from puberty to menopause in a woman who is not pregnant
  • Menstruation Sandbox - the shedding of the lining of the uterus during the menstrual cycle
  • Mesenteric infarction Sandbox - death of tissue in the intestine due to lack of blood supply to that tissue
  • Mesenteric lymphadenitis Sandbox - inflammation of lymph nodes in an abdominal membrane
  • Mesothelioma Sandbox - a cancerous tumor occurring in the lining of the lungs and chest cavity, often associated with exposure to asbestos dust
  • Mesothelium Sandbox - a tissue layer that lines the heart, abdomen, chest cavity, and lungs
  • Messenger RNA Sandbox - an RNA molecule that transports the information stored in DNA out of a cell's nucleus in order to make proteins
  • Metabolic rate Sandbox - the speed at which the body uses energy
  • Metabolism Sandbox - a general term for all of the chemical processes that occur in the body
  • Metabolite Sandbox - any substance that takes part in a chemical reaction in the body
  • Metastasis Sandbox - the spreading of a cancerous tumor to another part of the body through lymph, blood, or across a cavity; also sometimes refers to a tumor that has been produced in this way
  • Metered-dose inhaler Sandbox - an inhaler that gives a specific amount of medication with each use
  • Microbe Sandbox - another term for a microorganism, especially one that causes disease
  • Microbiology Sandbox - the study of microorganisms
  • Microcephaly Sandbox - an abnormally small head
  • Microdiskectomy Sandbox - surgical removal of the protruding part of a prolapsed disk
  • Microorganism Sandbox - any tiny, single-celled organism (such as a bacterium, virus, or fungus)
  • Microsurgery Sandbox - a surgical technique that uses a special binocular microscope to operate on tiny, delicate, or hard-to-reach tissues
  • Micturition syncope Sandbox - fainting or feeling weak while standing at the toilet; caused by an abnormal heartbeat or a drop in blood pressure
  • Middle ear effusion Sandbox - the buildup of fluid in the middle ear, which can affect hearing
  • Middle ear Sandbox - the small cavity between the eardrum and inner ear; contains three tiny, linked bones that transmit sound to the inner ear
  • Midwifery Sandbox - a profession concerned with providing care to a mother and baby during pregnancy and childbirth
  • Migraine Sandbox - a severe headache, usually accompanied by vision problems and/or nausea and vomiting, and that typically recurs
  • Mineral Sandbox - a substance that is a necessary part of a healthy diet (such as potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, and magnesium)
  • Minipill Sandbox - an oral contraceptive containing only the synthetic hormone progesterone (birth control pills contain estrogen and progesterone)
  • Miotic Sandbox - a drug that causes the pupil to constrict
  • Miscarriage Sandbox - expulsion of a fetus before it has developed sufficiently to survive on its own
  • Mites Sandbox - small eight-legged animals, many of which burrow and feed on blood
  • Mitosis Sandbox - the process by which most cells divide in order to reproduce
  • Mitral insufficiency Sandbox - a problem with the ability of the mitral valve in the heart to close, which causes the heart to pump harder and reduces its efficiency
  • Mitral stenosis Sandbox - a condition in which the mitral valve in the heart becomes narrowed, making the heart work harder to pump blood; can lead to symptoms such as shortness of breath
  • Mitral valve prolapse Sandbox - a common condition in which the mitral valve in the heart is deformed, causing blood to leak back across the valve; characterized by a heart murmur and sometimes chest pain and disturbed heart rhythm
  • Mitral valve Sandbox - the valve in the heart that allows blood to flow from the left atrium to the left ventricle, but prevents blood from flowing back in
  • Modified radical mastectomy Sandbox - a treatment for breast cancer in which the entire breast, a section of the chest muscle, and lymph nodes in the chest and underarm are removed
  • Molar tooth Sandbox - large, strong teeth at the back of the jaw, primarily used to grind food
  • Mole Sandbox - a brown to dark-brown spot on the skin that can be flat or raised
  • Molecule Sandbox - the smallest unit of a substance that possesses its characteristics
  • Molluscum contagiosum Sandbox - a viral infection that causes white bumps on the skin; usually clears up in a few months
  • Mongolian spot Sandbox - a brown to blue-black spot on the lower back and buttocks at birth, caused by a concentration of pigment-producing cells; usually disappears by the age of 3 or 4 years
  • Monoamine oxidase inhibitor antidepressant Sandbox - a substance that works by stopping an enzyme that breaks down stimulating chemicals in the brain; used to treat depression
  • Monoclonal antibodies Sandbox - an antibody that is produced in the laboratory so that it will react with only one specific foreign protein; used to help diagnose certain kinds of cancer
  • Mononucleosis Sandbox - an infection caused by a virus that invades a type of white blood cell called a monocyte, causing fever, sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes
  • Monounsaturated fat Sandbox - a type of fat that is thought to be beneficial in the prevention of coronary heart disease; found in foods such as olive oil and peanut oil
  • Morbidity Sandbox - the state of being ill or having a disease
  • Morning sickness Sandbox - nausea and vomiting experienced early in a pregnancy, affecting about half of all pregnant women
  • Mortality Sandbox - the death rate, measured as the number of deaths per a certain population; may describe the population as a whole, or a specific group within a population (such as infant mortality)
  • Motor nerve Sandbox - a nerve that carries messages to a muscle that cause the muscle to contract
  • Motor neuron disease Sandbox - degeneration of the nerves in the spinal cord and brain that are responsible for muscle movement, causing weakness and muscle deterioration
  • Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation Sandbox - a method of artificial breathing in which someone rhythmically forces air into the lungs of a person who has stopped breathing
  • Mucocele Sandbox - a sac or body cavity that is swollen because of the production of mucus by the cells in its lining
  • Mucolytic Sandbox - a drug that lessens the sticky quality of phlegm and makes it easier to cough up
  • Mucous membrane Sandbox - the soft, pink layer of cells that produce mucus in order to keep body structures lubricated; found in structures such as the eyelids, respiratory tract, and urinary tract
  • Mucus Sandbox - a slippery fluid produced by mucous membranes that lubricates and protects the internal surfaces of the body
  • Multi-infarct dementia Sandbox - dementia caused by multiple strokes
  • Multiple myeloma Sandbox - a cancer that causes uncontrolled production of white blood cells in the bone marrow
  • Multiple pregnancy Sandbox - the presence of more than one fetus in the uterus, such as occurs with twins
  • Multiple sclerosis Sandbox - a disease in which the protective coverings (myelin) of nerve fibers in the brain are gradually destroyed; symptoms vary from numbness to paralysis and loss of control of bodily function
  • Multiple-gated acquisition scan Sandbox - a technique for evaluating heart efficiency by measuring blood flow into and out of the heart
  • Mumps Sandbox - a viral infection that causes inflammation of salivary glands; primarily affects children
  • Murmur Sandbox - a characteristic sound (heard through a stethoscope) of blood flowing irregularly through the heart; can be harmless or may be an indication of disease
  • Muscle fibers Sandbox - specialized, contracting cells that are bundled together to form muscles
  • Muscle relaxants Sandbox - a group of drugs used to relieve muscle spasm and to treat conditions such as arthritis, back pain, and nervous system disorders such as stroke and cerebral palsy
  • Muscle tone Sandbox - the natural tension in resting muscles
  • Muscle wasting Sandbox - the degeneration of a muscle (loss of bulk), caused by disease or starvation
  • Muscular dystrophy Sandbox - a rare genetic disorder in which muscles degenerate gradually and strength is lost
  • Mutagen Sandbox - anything that can increase the rate of abnormal change in cells, which can lead to cancer
  • Mutation Sandbox - a change in the genetic information within a cell
  • Myalgia Sandbox - the medical term for muscle pain
  • Myasthenia gravis Sandbox - a disease in which the muscles, mainly those in the face, eyes, throat, and limbs, become weak and tire quickly; caused by the body's immune system attacking the receptors in the muscles that pick up nerve impulses
  • Mycobacterium Sandbox - a type of slow-growing bacterium; resistant to the body's defense mechanisms and are responsible for diseases such as tuberculosis and leprosy
  • Mycoplasma Sandbox - the smallest free-living microorganisms
  • Mycosis Sandbox - any disease caused by a fungus
  • Mydriatic Sandbox - a drug that causes the pupil to dilate (widen)
  • Myelin sheath Sandbox - the fat]] Sandbox - and protein-containing material that surrounds and protects some nerves
  • Myelitis Sandbox - inflammation of the spinal cord, which can cause headaches, fever, muscle stiffness, pain, weakness, and eventually paralysis
  • Myelocele Sandbox - protrusion of the spinal cord and its coverings out from the spine; one of the more severe forms of spina bifida
  • Myeloma Sandbox - a cancer affecting cells in the bone marrow; sometimes used as an abbreviation for multiple myeloma
  • Myelosclerosis Sandbox - buildup of fibrous connective tissue in the bone marrow, affecting the production of blood components
  • Myocardial infarction Sandbox - the death of an area of heart muscle as a result of being deprived of its blood supply; characterized by severe pain in the chest; commonly called a heart attack
  • Myocarditis Sandbox - inflammation of the heart muscle, which can be caused by a virus, certain drugs, or radiation therapy
  • Myocardium Sandbox - the medical term for heart muscle
  • Myomectomy Sandbox - the surgical removal of a noncancerous tumor from muscle
  • Myopathy Sandbox - a muscle disease, usually one that results in the deterioration of muscle
  • Myopia Sandbox - the medical term for nearsightedness
  • Myositis Sandbox - muscle inflammation, causing pain and weakness
  • Myringotomy Sandbox - a surgical opening in the eardrum that allows for drainage
  • Myxoma Sandbox - a noncancerous tumor made of mucous material and fibrous connective tissue
  • NSAID Sandbox - see Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
  • Narcolepsy Sandbox - a disorder that causes excessive sleepiness during the day and frequent and uncontrollable episodes of falling asleep
  • Narcosis Sandbox - a drug (or other chemical)-induced drowsiness or stupor
  • Narcotic analgesics Sandbox - a type of painkiller that blocks the transmission of pain signals in the brain; often cause tolerance (the need for higher amounts of the drug to produce the same effect) and drug dependence
  • Narcotic Sandbox - an addictive substance that blunts the senses; can cause confusion, stupor, coma, and death with increased dosages
  • Nasal septum Sandbox - the section of the nose that divides the left and right nostrils; made of cartilage and bone and covered by a mucous membrane
  • Nasogastric tube Sandbox - a thin, plastic tube that is inserted through the nose, down the esophagus, and into the stomach; used to drain, wash, or take samples from the stomach, or to feed very sick patients who cannot eat
  • Nasopharynx Sandbox - the passageway connecting the back of the nose to the top of the throat
  • Natural childbirth Sandbox - a technique of giving birth that stresses relaxation techniques so that the use of pain-relieving drugs can be minimized; also called prepared childbirth
  • Natural methods of family planning Sandbox - methods of planning a family that focus on a woman's time of ovulation, either so that pregnancy can be avoided or conception is likely
  • Nausea Sandbox - feeling the need to vomit
  • Nebulizer Sandbox - an instrument that provides a drug in its misted form through a face mask; used for severe asthma attacks and for children who have asthma but cannot use an inhaler
  • Necrosis Sandbox - the medical term for the death of tissue cells
  • Needle aspiration Sandbox - the use of a thin, hollow needle and syringe to remove body fluid for examination
  • Needle biopsy Sandbox - the use of a hollow, wide-diameter needle to remove a sample of tissue for examination
  • Neonate Sandbox - a term used to describe a newborn infant from birth to 1 month of age
  • Neoplasm Sandbox - another term for a tumor
  • Nephrectomy Sandbox - the surgical removal of one or both kidneys
  • Nephritis Sandbox - inflammation of one or both kidneys because of an infection, an abnormal immune system response, or a disorder of metabolism
  • Nephroblastoma Sandbox - a fast-growing cancer of the kidneys that occurs most commonly in children under 4 years of age
  • Nephrolithotomy Sandbox - surgical removal of a kidney stone
  • Nephrons Sandbox - the tiny filtering units of the kidney
  • Nephrosclerosis Sandbox - the replacement of normal kidney structures with scar tissue
  • Nephrostomy Sandbox - the surgical placement of a tube into the kidney to drain urine
  • Nephrotic syndrome Sandbox - symptoms that result from damage to the filtering units of the kidney
  • Nerve block Sandbox - the dulling of sensation in an area of the body by injecting a painkiller into or around a nerve leading to that section of the body
  • Nerve cell Sandbox - the basic unit of the nervous system; transmits chemical messages throughout the body
  • Nerve compression Sandbox - pressure on a nerve, which can cause nerve damage and muscle weakness
  • Nerve Sandbox - a bundle of fibers that transmit electrical messages between the brain and areas of the body; these messages convey sensory or motor function information
  • Neural tube defects Sandbox - problems in the development of the spinal cord and brain in an embryo, such as the failure of the spine to enclose the spinal cord (spina bifida) and the failure of the brain to develop (anencephaly)
  • Neural tube Sandbox - the tube located along the back of an embryo that later develops into the spinal cord and brain
  • Neuralgia Sandbox - pain along the course of a nerve caused by irritation or damage to the nerve
  • Neuritis Sandbox - inflammation of a nerve, often characterized by pain, numbness, or tingling; also used to describe nerve damage and disease from causes other than inflammation
  • Neuroblastoma Sandbox - a cancerous childhood tumor located in the adrenal glands or the sympathetic nervous system
  • Neurofibrillary tangles Sandbox - abnormal spiral filaments on nerve cells in the brain; characteristic of Alzheimer disease
  • Neurofibromatosis Sandbox - a condition in which connective tissue tumors occur on nerves in the skin
  • Neuroleptic Sandbox - an antipsychotic drug
  • Neuroma Sandbox - a noncancerous tumor occurring in nerve tissue
  • Neuron Sandbox - another term for a nerve cell
  • Neuropathy Sandbox - disease, inflammation, or damage to the nerves connecting the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body
  • Neurosis Sandbox - relatively mild emotional disorders (such as mild depression and phobias)
  • Neurotoxins Sandbox - chemicals that attack and damage nerve cells
  • Neurotransmitters Sandbox - chemicals that transfer messages from one nerve cell to another or from a nerve cell to a muscle cell
  • Neutrophil Sandbox - a type of white blood cell
  • Nevus Sandbox - a marking on the skin; can be present at birth (birthmark) or develop later (such as a mole)
  • Newborn respiratory distress syndrome Sandbox - a disorder in which premature babies lack surfactant, a substance that stops the lungs from collapsing
  • Niacin Sandbox - a vitamin important in many chemical processes in the body; also known as vitamin
  • Night terrors Sandbox - a form of nightmlare causing abrupt awakening in terror; occurs mostly in children
  • Nitrates Sandbox - a group of drugs that widen blood vessels; used to treat insufficient blood supply to the heart (angina pectoris) and reduced pumping efficiency of the heart (heart failure)
  • Nocturia Sandbox - urination or a sleep-disturbing need to urinate during the night
  • Nocturnal emission Sandbox - ejaculation of semen during sleep, which is normal in adolescent males; commonly called a wet dream
  • Node Sandbox - a small, rounded tissue mass
  • Nodule Sandbox - a small lump of tissue that is usually abnormal; can form under the skin or protrude
  • Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Sandbox - any cancer in lymphoid tissue (found mostly in the spleen and lymph glands) that is not Hodgkin's disease
  • Non-insulin-dependent diabetes Sandbox - a type of diabetes mellitus that occurs mainly in those over 40 who are overweight; it is usually treated with diet changes and drugs that increase production of insulin by the pancreas (also known as type II diabetes mellitus)
  • Nondisjunction Sandbox - an error that occurs during the division of sex chromosomes, causing either too much or too little genetic information to be placed in an egg or sperm when it is formed
  • Noninvasive Sandbox - a term that is used to describe medical procedures that do not enter or penetrate the body; also refers to noncancerous tumors that do not spread to other sections of the body
  • Nonnarcotic analgesic Sandbox - a drug that relieves pain by blocking the production of chemicals that stimulate pain-sensing nerves
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Sandbox - a group of drugs that relieve pain and reduce inflammation
  • Norepinephrine Sandbox - a hormone that regulates blood pressure by causing blood vessels to narrow and the heart to beat faster when blood pressure drops
  • Norwalk virus Sandbox - a virus that causes acute gastroenteritis
  • Nosocomial infection Sandbox - an infection acquired in a hospital
  • Nucleic acids Sandbox - substances found in every living organism that provide the instructions for development; includes DNA and RNA
  • Nucleotide bases Sandbox - molecules that form nucleic acids
  • Nucleus Sandbox - the center or most important point of an object
  • Numbness Sandbox - the lack of sensation in a part of the body because of interruption of nerve impulses
  • Nurse-midwife Sandbox - a registered nurse who specializes in the care of a mother and child during pregnancy, labor, and delivery
  • Nutrient Sandbox - any substance that the body can use to maintain its health
  • Nystagmus Sandbox - persistent, rapid, involuntary movement of the eyes
  • OTC remedy Sandbox - see Over-the-counter remedy
  • Oat cell carcinoma Sandbox - another term for small-cell carcinoma
  • Obesity Sandbox - a condition in which there is an excess of body fat; used to describe those who weigh at least 20 percent more than the maximum amount considered normal for their age, sex, and height
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder Sandbox - a mental disorder in which a person is obsessed with certain thoughts, leading them to repeatedly perform specific acts; for example, constantly washing the hands out of fear of germs and dirt
  • Obstructive sleep apnea Sandbox - the blockage of the airways during sleep, which causes breathing to stop for very short periods of time, commonly caused by excessive relaxation of muscles at the back of the throat
  • Occlusion Sandbox - the blocking of an opening or passageway in the body
  • Occult blood Sandbox - blood in the feces that can be detected only by chemical tests
  • Occupational disease Sandbox - a disease that occurs as a result of factors in the workplace
  • Occupational therapy Sandbox - treatment to relearn physical skills lost as a result of an illness or accident
  • Ocular Sandbox - describes something related to the eyes
  • Oculomotor nerves Sandbox - nerves that stimulate movement of the eyeball
  • Olfactory nerves Sandbox - nerves that play a role in the sense of smell
  • Oligodendroglioma Sandbox - a rare type of cancerous brain tumor that occurs most commonly in the cerebrum
  • Oligohydramnios Sandbox - an unusually small amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus in the uterus, which can lead to complications with the pregnancy
  • Oligospermia Sandbox - a low level of sperm in the semen; one of the main causes of infertility in men
  • Oncogenes Sandbox - genes that, when altered by environmental factors or viruses, can cause abnormal cell growth
  • Oocyte Sandbox - an egg cell that has not developed completely
  • Oophorectomy Sandbox - the surgical removal of one or both ovaries; used to treat the growth of ovarian cysts or tumors
  • Open heart surgery Sandbox - any operation in which the heart is stopped temporarily and a machine is used to take over its function of pumping blood throughout the body
  • Ophthalmia Sandbox - severe inflammation of the eyes
  • Ophthalmologist Sandbox - a doctor who specializes in care of the eyes; treats eye diseases and disorders
  • Ophthalmoplegia Sandbox - partial or total loss of the ability to move the eyes
  • Ophthalmoscopy Sandbox - examination of the inside of the eye using a lighted viewing instrument
  • Opportunistic infection Sandbox - infection by organisms that would be harmless to a healthy person, but cause infection in those with a weakened immune system (for example, persons with AIDS or chemotherapy patients)
  • Optic nerves Sandbox - the pair of nerves that carry visual information from the retina to the brain
  • Optic neuritis Sandbox - inflammation of the optic nerve, often causing a partial loss of vision
  • Optic Sandbox - pertaining to the eyes
  • Optician Sandbox - a person who specializes in the making and adjustment of eyeglasses and contact lenses
  • Oral contraceptives Sandbox - drugs taken in pill form to prevent pregnancy; contain synthetic progesterone and estrogen hormones
  • Orbit Sandbox - the socket in the skull that contains the eyeball, along with its blood vessels, nerves, and muscles
  • Orchiectomy Sandbox - the surgical removal of one or both of the testicles
  • Orchiopexy Sandbox - an operation to correct an undescended testicle
  • Orchitis Sandbox - inflammation of a testicle, which can be caused by infection with the mumps virus
  • Organ donation Sandbox - an agreement to allow one or more organs to be removed and transplanted into someone else
  • Organism Sandbox - any single, functioning form of life
  • Orgasm Sandbox - involuntary contraction of genital muscles experienced at the peak of sexual excitement
  • Orphan drugs Sandbox - drugs used to treat rare diseases; not normally produced because potential sales are small
  • Orthopnea Sandbox - breathing difficulty experienced while lying flat; can be a symptom of heart failure or asthma
  • Orthotic Sandbox - a device used to correct or control deformed bones, muscles, or joints
  • Osgood-Schlatter disease Sandbox - painful enlargement and inflammation of the area of the shinbone just below the knee, usually occurring in adolescent boys
  • Osmosis Sandbox - the process of passage of the solvent portion of a lesser-concentrated solution through a semipermeable membrane into a higher-concentrated solution until the two solutions are equal in concentration; plays an important role in water distribution in the body
  • Ossification Sandbox - the formation and maintenance of bone
  • Osteitis deformans Sandbox - another name for Paget's disease
  • Osteitis Sandbox - inflammation of bone
  • Osteoarthritis Sandbox - see Degenerative arthritis
  • Osteoblast Sandbox - a cell that forms bone
  • Osteochondritis dissecans Sandbox - bone degeneration inside of a joint, causing small pieces of bone and cartilage to become detached
  • Osteochondritis juvenilis Sandbox - inflammation of a growing section of bone in a child or adolescent
  • Osteochondroma Sandbox - a noncancerous tumor made up of bone and cartilage
  • Osteoclast Sandbox - a cell that breaks down unwanted bone tissue; also refers to a device for fracturing a bone to correct a deformity
  • Osteodystrophy Sandbox - defective bone formation
  • Osteogenesis imperfecta Sandbox - a genetic disorder in which bones are abnormally fragile, leading to multiple breaks and deformity
  • Osteolysis Sandbox - the softening and destruction of bone
  • Osteoma Sandbox - a noncancerous bone tumor
  • Osteomalacia Sandbox - the loss of minerals and softening of bones because of a lack of vitamin D; called rickets in children
  • Osteomyelitis Sandbox - the inflammation of bones and bone marrow because of an infection, usually caused by bacteria
  • Osteopetrosis Sandbox - a rare hereditary disorder in which bones become harder and more dense, causing them to break more easily
  • Osteophyte Sandbox - an outgrowth of bone near a joint
  • Osteoporosis Sandbox - a condition in which bones become less dense, more brittle, and fracture easily
  • Osteosarcoma Sandbox - a cancerous bone tumor
  • Osteosclerosis Sandbox - an abnormal increase in density and hardness of bone
  • Otalgia Sandbox - the medical term for an earache
  • Otitis externa Sandbox - inflammation of the outer ear due to an infection; commonly called swimmer's ear
  • Otitis media Sandbox - inflammation of the middle ear (between the eardrum and inner ear) because of the spread of an infection from the nose, sinuses, and throat
  • Otorrhea Sandbox - a discharge from an inflamed ear
  • Otosclerosis Sandbox - progressive deafness caused by bone formation around structures in the middle ear
  • Ototoxicity Sandbox - harmful effect that some drugs have on the organs or nerves in the ears, which can lead to hearing and balance problems
  • Outpatient treatment Sandbox - medical attention that does not include an overnight stay at a hospital
  • Ovaries Sandbox - two almond-shaped glands located at the opening of the fallopian tubes on both sides of the uterus; produce eggs and the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone
  • Over-the-counter remedy Sandbox - a medication that can be purchased without a physician's prescription
  • Overdose Sandbox - an excessively large dose of a drug, which can lead to coma and death
  • Ovulation Sandbox - the development and release of the egg from the ovary, which usually occurs halfway through a woman's menstrual cycle
  • Ovum Sandbox - another term for an egg cell
  • Oxidation Sandbox - a chemical reaction involving active sources of oxygen (called oxygen free radicals) that damages cells
  • Oximetry Sandbox - determination of the amount of oxygen in the blood by measuring the amount of light transmitted through an area of skin
  • Oxygen free radicals Sandbox - active forms of oxygen found in pollution, cigarette smoke, and radiation that can damage cells and are believed to play a role in the aging process and cancer
  • Oxygen Sandbox - a gas that is colorless, odorless, and tasteless; essential to almost all forms of life
  • Oxytocin Sandbox - a hormone produced in the pituitary gland that causes contraction of the uterus during childbirth and stimulation of milk flow during breast-feeding
  • Ozone Sandbox - a poisonous form of oxygen that is present in the earth's upper atmosphere, where it helps to screen the earth from damaging ultraviolet rays
  • PET scanning Sandbox - see Positron emission tomography scanning
  • PID Sandbox - see Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • PKU Sandbox - see Phenylketonuria
  • PMS Sandbox - see Premenstrual syndrome
  • PUVA Sandbox - a form of phototherapy that combines the use of psoralens and ultraviolet light to treat skin disorders
  • Pacemaker Sandbox - a small electronic device that is surgically implanted to stimulate the heart muscle to provide a normal heartbeat
  • Paget's disease Sandbox - a disorder occurring in the middle-aged and elderly in which bone does not form properly, causing bone weakening, thickening, and deformity
  • Palate Sandbox - the roof of the mouth
  • Palliative treatment Sandbox - treatment that relieves the symptoms of a disorder without curing it
  • Pallor Sandbox - abnormally pale skin; usually refers to the skin of the face
  • Palpation Sandbox - the use of the hands to feel parts of the body to check for any abnormalities
  • Palpitation Sandbox - an abnormally rapid and strong heartbeat
  • Palsy Sandbox - loss of sensation or ability to move
  • Pancreas Sandbox - a long gland located behind the stomach that produces enzymes that help to break down food and hormones (insulin and glucagon) that help to regulate glucose levels in the blood
  • Pancreatitis Sandbox - inflammation of the pancreas, which is often caused by alcohol abuse
  • Pandemic Sandbox - a widespread epidemic
  • Panic disorder Sandbox - an emotional disorder characterized by attacks of anxiety that have no normal causes; usually made worse by stress
  • Pap smear Sandbox - a test in which cells are scraped off the cervix and examined for abnormalities; used to detect changes that might precede cervical cancer and to diagnose viral infections such as herpes simplex
  • Papilloma Sandbox - a tumor occurring on the skin or mucous membranes; usually not cancerous
  • Paracentesis Sandbox - the insertion of a needle into a body cavity to relieve pressure, inject a drug, or remove a sample for analysis
  • Paralysis Sandbox - the inability to use a muscle because of injury to or disease of the nerves leading to the muscle
  • Paramedic Sandbox - a person trained to give first aid and other emergency medical care
  • Paranoia Sandbox - a disorder in which a person becomes overly suspicious and emotionally sensitive
  • Paraphimosis Sandbox - strangulation of the head of the penis by a tight or inflamed foreskin that has been pulled back
  • Paraplegia Sandbox - complete or partial loss of sensation and movement of the legs
  • Parasite Sandbox - an organisms that lives on or in other organisms, from which it obtains nutrients
  • Parasympathetic nervous system Sandbox - the part of the autonomic nervous system that is stimulated during times of relaxation
  • Parathyroid glands Sandbox - small glands located in the neck that produce a hormone that regulates the levels of calcium in the blood
  • Parathyroid hormone Sandbox - a hormone released by the parathyroid glands that plays a role in controlling calcium levels in the blood
  • Parathyroidectomy Sandbox - the surgical removal of one or more of the parathyroid glands
  • Parenteral Sandbox - the introduction of a substance into the body by any route other than the digestive tract, such as through a vein or muscle
  • Paresis Sandbox - partial paralysis
  • Paresthesia Sandbox - numbness or tingling in the skin; commonly referred to as "pins and needles"
  • Parkinson's disease Sandbox - a brain disorder in which there is a lack of the chemical messenger dopamine, which helps control muscle movement; leads to muscle stiffness, weakness, and trembling
  • Paronychia Sandbox - a bacterial or yeast infection of the skin around the nail
  • Parotid glands Sandbox - salivary glands located in the mouth near the ears
  • Paroxysm Sandbox - a sudden attack or worsening of a disease's symptoms
  • Partial mastectomy Sandbox - a treatment for breast cancer in which a tumor is removed, along with the skin covering it and some of the surrounding tissues and muscles
  • Partial seizure Sandbox - an abnormal electrical discharge in a certain area of the brain, affecting only certain functions
  • Passive exercise Sandbox - exercise of an injured part of the body involving no effort from that injured part
  • Passive smoking Sandbox - a nonsmoker inhaling the cigar, cigarette, or pipe smoke of others (called second-hand smoke) in the same area, which increases the nonsmoker's risk of cancer and respiratory disorders
  • Patella Sandbox - the medical term for the kneecap
  • Patent ductus arteriosus Sandbox - a genetic disorder of the heart in which a channel connecting the pulmonary artery and the aorta fails to close and the heart must work harder to supply the body with blood
  • Patent Sandbox - not obstructed; open
  • Paternity testing Sandbox - use of blood tests to match up DNA or specific blood proteins to determine whether a man is the father of a child
  • Pathogen Sandbox - any substance capable of causing a disease; usually refers to a disease-causing microorganism
  • Pathogenesis Sandbox - the production and development of a disease or disorder
  • Pathology Sandbox - the study of disease
  • Patient-controlled analgesia Sandbox - a system for administering pain-killing drugs in which the amount of drug delivered is controlled by the patient
  • Peak flow measurement Sandbox - the maximum speed that air is exhaled from the lungs; used to diagnose asthma or to determine the effectiveness of asthma medications
  • Pectoral muscles Sandbox - the muscles of the upper part of the chest that move the arm across the body, raise some of the ribs, and move the shoulders
  • Pellagra Sandbox - a deficiency of the vitamin niacin; causes dermatitis, diarrhea, and mental disorders
  • Pelvic examination Sandbox - an examination of a woman's reproductive organs
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease Sandbox - inflammation of a woman's internal reproductive organs, usually as a result of a bacterial infection; one of the most common causes of pelvic pain and infertility in women
  • Pelvis Sandbox - the group of bones in the lower part of the trunk that support the upper body and protect the abdominal organs
  • Penile function tests Sandbox - tests used to determine the cause of impotence, including blood tests and nerve function tests
  • Penile implant Sandbox - an inflatable device surgically inserted into the penis that allows a man with impotence to have sexual intercourse
  • Penis Sandbox - the external male reproductive organ, which passes urine and semen out of the body
  • Pepsin Sandbox - the enzyme found in gastric juice that helps digest protein
  • Peptic ulcer Sandbox - an erosion in the lining of the esophagus, stomach, or small intestine, usually caused in part by the corrosive action of gastric acid
  • Percutaneous Sandbox - a procedure that is performed through the skin, such as an injection
  • Perforation Sandbox - a hole in an organ or body structure caused by disease or injury
  • Periarteritis nodosa Sandbox - inflammation and weakening of small and medium arteries
  • Pericardial effusion Sandbox - fluid buildup inside of the pericardium, affecting the performance of the heart
  • Pericarditis Sandbox - inflammation of the membranous sac that covers the heart, causing chest pain and fever
  • Pericardium Sandbox - the membranous sac that covers the heart and the base of the blood vessels that are attached to the heart
  • Perinatal Sandbox - occurring just before or just after birth
  • Periosteum Sandbox - the tissue covering bones, except the surfaces in joints
  • Periostitis Sandbox - inflammation of the periosteum
  • Peripheral nervous system Sandbox - the nerves that branch out from the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body
  • Peripheral vascular disease Sandbox - the narrowing of blood vessels in the legs or arms, causing pain and possibly tissue death (gangrene) as a result of a reduced flow of blood to areas supplied by the narrowed vessels
  • Peristalsis Sandbox - wavelike movement of smooth muscle-containing tubes, such as the digestive tract
  • Peritoneum Sandbox - the membrane that lines the abdominal cavity and covers the abdominal organs
  • Peritonitis Sandbox - inflammation of the peritoneum
  • Pernicious anemia Sandbox - an anemia caused by a failure to absorb vitamin B12; which is essential in the production of normal red blood cells
  • Perthes' disease Sandbox - inflammation of the growing head of a femur; a type of osteochondritis juvenilis
  • Pertussis Sandbox - a bacterial infection of the respiratory tract characterized by short, convulsive coughs that end in a whoop sound when breath is inhaled (commonly called whooping cough); mainly affects children
  • Petit mal Sandbox - a seizure characterized by loss of awareness for brief periods
  • Peutz-Jeghers syndrome Sandbox - a genetic disorder in which there are polyps in the small intestine and brown melanin spots on the lips, mouth, fingers, and toes pH]] Sandbox - a measure of the acidic or basic character of a substance
  • Phagocyte Sandbox - an immune system cell that can surround and digest foreign bodies, unwanted cellular material, and microorganisms
  • Phantom limb Sandbox - the sensation of a limb after it has been amputated
  • Pharmacology Sandbox - the study of medications, including drug development
  • Pharyngitis Sandbox - inflammation of the throat (the pharynx), causing sore throat, fever, earache, and swollen glands
  • Pharynx Sandbox - the throat; the tube connecting the back of the mouth and nose to the esophagus and windpipe
  • Phenothiazines Sandbox - a group of drugs used as antipsychotics, antihistamines, and antiemetics
  • Phenylketonuria Sandbox - a hereditary disorder in which the enzyme that converts the amino acid phenylalanine into another amino acid is defective, meaning phenylalanine must be kept out of the diet
  • Pheochromocytoma Sandbox - a noncancerous tumor of cells that produce epinephrine and norepinephrine, causing higher levels of these hormones in the blood and an increase in blood pressure
  • Phimosis Sandbox - tightness of the foreskin, which prevents it from being moved back over the head of the penis
  • Phlebitis Sandbox - inflammation of a vein
  • Phlebothrombosis Sandbox - formation of a blood clot in a vein
  • Phlegm Sandbox - mucus and other material produced by the lining of the respiratory tract; also called sputum
  • Phobia Sandbox - a persisting fear of and desire to avoid something
  • Phosphates Sandbox - salts containing phosphorus; essential to some body functions such as the bones and teeth
  • Phospholipids Sandbox - fatty substances that make up the membranes surrounding cells
  • Phosphorus Sandbox - a mineral that is an important part of structures such as bones, teeth, and membranes in the body; also involved in numerous other chemical reactions
  • Photocoagulation Sandbox - tissue destruction using a focused beam of light
  • Photophobia Sandbox - an abnormal sensitivity of the eyes to light
  • Photosensitivity Sandbox - an abnormal reaction to sunlight, which usually occurs as a rash
  • Phototherapy Sandbox - treatment with some form of light
  • Physical therapy Sandbox - the treatment of injuries or disorders using physical methods, such as exercise, massage, or the application of heat
  • Physiology Sandbox - the study of the body’s functions
  • Phytochemicals Sandbox - chemicals in plants that might help protect against disorders such as cancer
  • Pica Sandbox - a desire to eat materials that are not food
  • Pickwickian syndrome Sandbox - extreme obesity along with shallow breathing, sleep apnea, excessive sleepiness, and heart failure
  • Pigmentation Sandbox - the coloration of the skin, hair, and eyes by the pigment melanin
  • Pinkeye Sandbox - inflammation of the membrane that covers the white of the eyes and lines the eyelids, causing redness, discomfort, and a discharge; can be caused by infection or allergies
  • Pinworm Sandbox - a small parasite worm that can live in the intestines; commonly affects children
  • Pituitary adenoma Sandbox - a noncancerous tumor of the pituitary gland
  • Pituitary gland Sandbox - a small, round gland located at the base of the brain that releases hormones that control other glands and body processes
  • Pityriasis alba Sandbox - a common childhood or adolescent disorder in which there are pale, scaly patches on the skin of the face
  • Pityriasis rosea Sandbox - a mild skin condition in which flat, scaly spots occur on the trunk and upper arms
  • Pivot joint Sandbox - a joint designed for rotational movement
  • Placebo effect Sandbox - the positive or negative response to a drug that is caused by a person's expectations of a drug rather than the drug itself
  • Placebo Sandbox - a chemically inactive substance given in place of a drug to test how much of a drug's effectiveness can be attributed to a patient's expectations that the drug will have a positive effect
  • Placenta previa Sandbox - a disorder in which the placenta develops at the lower section of the uterus (close to or covering the cervix); varies in severity, from no effect on a pregnancy to vaginal bleeding and danger to the mother and the fetus
  • Placenta Sandbox - an organ formed in the uterus during pregnancy that links the blood of the mother to the blood of the fetus; provides the fetus with nutrients and removes waste
  • Placental abruption Sandbox - the separation of the placenta from the wall of the uterus before childbirth, which causes severe bleeding that threatens the life of the mother and the fetus
  • Placental insufficiency Sandbox - a disorder occurring during pregnancy in which the placenta does not function properly, causing the fetus to be deprived of nutrients
  • Plague Sandbox - a serious infectious disease transmitted to humans through bites of rodent fleas
  • Plantar reflex Sandbox - the normal curling of the toes downward when the sole of the foot is stroked
  • Plantar wart Sandbox - a rough-surfaced, hard spot on the sole of the foot that is caused by a virus
  • Plaque Sandbox - an area of buildup of fat deposits in an artery, causing narrowing of the artery and possibly heart disease; dental plaque refers to a coating on the teeth, consisting of saliva, bacteria, and food debris, which causes tooth decay
  • Plasma cell Sandbox - a white blood cell that makes antibodies
  • Plasma Sandbox - the liquid part of the blood, containing substances such as nutrients, salts, and proteins
  • Plasmapheresis Sandbox - a procedure for removing unwanted substances from the blood in which blood is drawn, its plasma is separated and replaced, and the cleansed blood is returned to the body
  • Platelet Sandbox - the smallest particle found in the blood, which plays a major role in forming blood clots
  • Pleura Sandbox - the double-layered membrane that lines the lungs and chest cavity and allows for lung movement during breathing
  • Pleural effusion Sandbox - a buildup of fluid between the membranes that line the lungs and chest cavity (the pleura); causes compression of the lungs, which leads to breathing difficulty
  • Pleural membranes Sandbox - the pleura
  • Pleural rub Sandbox - a rubbing sound produced by inflamed pleural membranes that can be heard when breathing
  • Pleural space Sandbox - the space between the two layers of the pleura
  • Pleurisy Sandbox - inflammation of the lining of the lungs and chest cavity, usually caused by a lung infection; characterized by sharp chest pain
  • Pleurodynia Sandbox - pain in the chest caused by a virus
  • Plummer-Vinson syndrome Sandbox - difficulty swallowing due to an abnormal web of tissue across the upper part of the esophagus
  • Pneumoconiosis Sandbox - a respiratory disease caused by dust inhalation
  • Pneumocystis pneumonia Sandbox - an opportunistic infection of the lungs caused by a singlecelled parasite
  • Pneumonectomy Sandbox - surgical removal of a lung
  • Pneumonia Sandbox - inflammation of the lungs due to a bacterial or viral infection, which causes fever, shortness of breath, and the coughing up of phlegm
  • Pneumothorax Sandbox - a condition in which air enters the space between the chest wall and the lungs, causing chest pain and shortness of breath; may occur spontaneously or be the result of a disease or an accident
  • Poliomyelitis Sandbox - an infectious disease caused by a virus; usually causes only mild symptoms but in rare cases can attack the brain and spinal cord and cause paralysis or death
  • Polyarthritis Sandbox - arthritis occurring in more than one joint
  • Polycystic kidney disease Sandbox - a condition in which there are multiple, slow-growing cysts on both kidneys
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome Sandbox - a hereditary disease characterized by multiple cysts on the ovaries, obesity, excessive hairiness, infertility, and irregular menstruation
  • Polycythemia Sandbox - an increased amount of red blood cells in the blood
  • Polydactyly Sandbox - the presence of an excessive number of fingers or toes
  • Polydipsia Sandbox - excessive thirst
  • Polymyalgia rheumatica Sandbox - a rare disease of the elderly, characterized by muscle stiffness and pain in the hips, thighs, shoulders, and neck
  • Polymyositis Sandbox - an autoimmune disease of connective tissue in which muscles weaken and become inflamed
  • Polyp Sandbox - a growth that occurs on mucous membranes such as those in the nose and intestine; bleeds easily and can become cancerous
  • Polysaccharide Sandbox - a complex carbohydrate composed of three or more simple carbohydrate molecules joined together
  • Polyunsaturated fat Sandbox - a fat or oil that contains well below the maximum number of hydrogen atoms possible; thought to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease
  • Polyuria Sandbox - the excessive production of urine; can be a symptom of various diseases, most notably diabetes mellitus
  • Porphyria Sandbox - a group of genetic disorders in which substances called porphyrins build up in the blood, often causing rashes brought on by exposure to sunlight and reactions to certain drugs
  • Portal hypertension Sandbox - increased blood pressure in the portal vein
  • Portal vein Sandbox - the vein connecting the stomach, intestines, and spleen to the liver
  • Positron emission tomography scanning Sandbox - an imaging method in which substances emitting positrons (positively charged particles) are introduced into the body, and detectors connected to a computer are used to form images of the tissues
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder Sandbox - feelings of anxiety experienced after a particularly frightening or stressful event, which include recurring dreams, difficulty sleeping, and a feeling of isolation
  • Postcoital contraception Sandbox - the prevention of pregnancy after sexual intercourse has occurred
  • Posterior Sandbox - describes something that is located in or relates to the back of the body
  • Postmenopausal bleeding Sandbox - bleeding from the vagina that occurs after menopause
  • Postmortem examination Sandbox - examination of a body after death to determine the cause of death; commonly called an autopsy
  • Postmyocardial infarction syndrome Sandbox - a condition that occurs following a heart attack or heart surgery; characterized by fever, chest pain, pericarditis, and pleurisy
  • Postnatal Sandbox - describes something that occurs after birth, usually to the baby
  • Postpartum Sandbox - a term that describes something that occurs after childbirth, usually to the mother
  • Postural drainage Sandbox - drainage of mucus from specific areas of the lungs by placing the body in a specific position
  • Postural hypotension Sandbox - unusually low blood pressure that occurs after suddenly standing or sitting up
  • Potassium Sandbox - a mineral that plays an important role in the body, helping to maintain water balance, normal heart rhythm, conduction of nerve impulses, and muscle contraction
  • Precancerous Sandbox - describes a condition from which cancer is likely to develop
  • Precordial movement Sandbox - movement of the heart that is seen and felt through the chest wall
  • Preeclampsia Sandbox - a serious disorder that occurs in the second half of pregnancy, in which a woman experiences high blood pressure, fluid retention, nausea, and headaches; if not treated it can lead to eclampsia
  • Premature labor Sandbox - labor that begins before the full term of pregnancy (about 37 weeks)
  • Premature rupture of membranes Sandbox - the rupture of the sac that holds the fluid surrounding the fetus before the full term of pregnancy (about 37 weeks)
  • Premedication Sandbox - drugs, usually painkillers, taken 1 to 2 hours before surgery
  • Premenopausal Sandbox - a term that describes the period of a few years in a woman's life just before menopause
  • Premenstrual syndrome Sandbox - physical and emotional changes that occur in a woman 1 or 2 weeks before menstruation, at or after ovulation; characterized by irritability, tension, depression, and fatigue
  • Prenatal care Sandbox - medical care of a pregnant woman and the fetus
  • Prenatal diagnosis Sandbox - techniques used to diagnose abnormalities in a fetus
  • Prenatal testing Sandbox - tests performed on a pregnant woman or her fetus to prevent or diagnose abnormalities
  • Prepared childbirth Sandbox - a technique in which a pregnant woman tries to minimize use of pain-relief medications during childbirth by learning relaxation techniques
  • Prepuce Sandbox - the foreskin
  • Presbycusis Sandbox - the loss of hearing that occurs naturally with age
  • Presbyopia Sandbox - the loss of the ability to focus the eyes on near objects that occurs naturally with age, as a result of loss of elasticity of the lens of the eyes
  • Pressure point Sandbox - specific points on the body where external pressure can be applied to prevent excessive arterial bleeding
  • Pressure sore Sandbox - an ulcer (erosion) on the skin that is a result of being bedridden; commonly called a bedsore
  • Priapism Sandbox - a painful, persistent erection without sexual arousal, requiring emergency treatment
  • Prickly heat Sandbox - a rash involving small, red, itchy spots and a prickly sensation that usually appears where sweat builds up
  • Primary Sandbox - a disease that began in the affected location
  • Prion Sandbox - an agent that is believed to cause several degenerative brain diseases
  • Procidentia Sandbox - severe prolapse of an organ
  • Proctalgia Sandbox - pain in the rectum
  • Proctitis Sandbox - inflammation of the rectum, which causes soreness and sometimes mucus and/or pus in the stool
  • Proctoscopy Sandbox - examination of the rectum using a viewing instrument
  • Productive cough Sandbox - a cough that brings up phlegm, which is the body's natural way of clearing blocked airways
  • Progeria Sandbox - an extremely rare condition in which the body ages prematurely
  • Progesterone Sandbox - a female sex hormone that plays many important roles in reproduction, including the thickening of the lining of the uterus during the menstrual cycle; and during pregnancy, the functioning of the placenta, and the initiation of labor
  • Prognosis Sandbox - a doctor's probable forecast of the effects and outcome of a disease
  • Progressive muscular atrophy Sandbox - gradual degeneration and weakening of muscles due to a degenerative spinal cord
  • Prolactin Sandbox - a hormone released by the pituitary gland that is responsible for the development of breasts and milk production in females
  • Prolapse Sandbox - the displacement of an organ from its normal position to a new one
  • Prolapsed disk Sandbox - see Disk prolapse
  • Prophylactic Sandbox - anything used to prevent disease
  • Proprioception Sandbox - the body's system for determining its position relative to the outside world
  • Prostate gland Sandbox - an organ located under the bladder that produces a large part of the semen
  • Prostatectomy Sandbox - the partial or complete surgical removal of the prostate gland
  • Prostatism Sandbox - symptoms caused by an enlarged prostate gland, including difficulty with urination
  • Prostatitis Sandbox - inflammation of the prostate gland, usually due to a bacterial infection spread from the urethra
  • Prosthesis Sandbox - an artificial replacement for a missing part of the body
  • Proteins Sandbox - large molecules made up of amino acids that play many major roles in the body, including forming the basis of body structures such as skin and hair, and important chemicals such as enzymes and hormones
  • Prothrombin time Sandbox - the time it takes for a sample of blood to clot after substances that speed clotting time have been added; used to measure the effect of anticoagulants
  • Proto-oncogene Sandbox - a gene that is normally inactive but can become a cancer-causing oncogene if made active
  • Proton pump inhibitor Sandbox - a drug used to treat peptic ulcers that reduces the amount of gastric acid produced
  • Protozoan Sandbox - a simple, single-celled organism
  • Proximal Sandbox - located nearer to a central point of reference on the body, such as the trunk
  • Pruritus Sandbox - the medical term for itching
  • Pseudogout Sandbox - a form of arthritis with symptoms similar to gout that results from the depositing of calcium salts in a joint
  • Pseudomembranous enterocolitis Sandbox - severe inflammation of the colon as a result of antibiotic use by an immunocompromised individual
  • Psittacosis Sandbox - a chlamydial infection resembling influenza that is spread to humans by the droppings of infected birds
  • Psoralens Sandbox - drugs that contain chemicals derived from plants; used to treat the skin disorders psoriasis and vitiligo
  • Psoriasis Sandbox - a skin disorder characterized by patches of thick, red skin often covered by silvery scales
  • Psoriatic arthritis Sandbox - a form of arthritis that develops as a complication of the skin disorder psoriasis
  • Psychogenic Sandbox - resulting from psychological or emotional disorders
  • Psychological Sandbox - relating to the mind and the processes of the mind
  • Psychosis Sandbox - a mental disorder in which a serious inability to think, perceive, and judge clearly causes loss of touch with reality
  • Psychosomatic Sandbox - describes a physical condition that is influenced by psychological or emotional factors
  • Psychotherapy Sandbox - the treatment of mental and emotional disorders using psychological methods, such as counseling, instead of physical means
  • Psychotic Sandbox - relating to psychosis
  • Psychotropic drug Sandbox - a drug that has a psychological effect
  • Ptosis Sandbox - the drooping of the upper eyelid
  • Puberty Sandbox - the period of time (usually between the ages of 10 and 15) during which sexual development occurs, allowing reproduction to become possible
  • Pubic louse Sandbox - a small insect that lives in pubic hair, feeds on blood, and is usually spread by sexual contact; pubic lice are popularly called "crabs"
  • Pudendal block Sandbox - a local anesthesia procedure used during childbirth, causing the lower part of the vagina to be insensitive to pain
  • Pudendum Sandbox - the external genitals, usually referring to the female
  • Puerperal sepsis Sandbox - infection of the female genital tract following childbirth, abortion, or miscarriage
  • Puerperium Sandbox - the time period after childbirth (about 6 weeks) during which a woman's body returns to its normal physical state
  • Pulmonary artery Sandbox - the artery that supplies the lungs with blood from the heart
  • Pulmonary edema Sandbox - the buildup of fluid in lung tissue, which is usually caused by heart failure
  • Pulmonary embolism Sandbox - blockage of the pulmonary artery by a floating mass in the blood
  • Pulmonary fibrosis Sandbox - a condition in which the tissue of the lungs has become thick and scarred, usually because of inflammation caused by lung conditions such as pneumonia or tuberculosis
  • Pulmonary heart valve Sandbox - the heart valve that stops blood pumped to the lungs from leaking back into the heart
  • Pulmonary hypertension Sandbox - increased blood pressure in the arteries supplying blood to the lungs; caused by increased resistance to blood flow in the lungs, usually a result of a lung disease
  • Pulmonary insufficiency Sandbox - a rare defect in the pulmonary heart valve in which it fails to close properly after each muscle contraction, allowing blood to leak back into the heart; weakens the heart's pumping ability
  • Pulmonary stenosis Sandbox - obstruction of the flow of blood from the heart to the lungs
  • Pulp Sandbox - the soft tissue inside of a tooth that contains blood vessels and nerves
  • Pulse Sandbox - the expansion and contraction of a blood vessel due to the blood pumped through it; determined as the number of expansions per minute
  • Pupil Sandbox - the opening at the center of the iris in the eye that constricts (contracts) and dilates (widens) in response to light
  • Purpuric rash Sandbox - areas of purple or reddish-brown spots on the skin, which are caused by bleeding from underlying tissues
  • Pus Sandbox - a thick, yellowish or greenish fluid that contains dead white blood cells, tissues, and bacteria; occurs at the site of a bacterial infection
  • Pustule Sandbox - a small blister containing pus
  • Pyelolithotomy Sandbox - surgical removal of a kidney stone
  • Pyelonephritis Sandbox - inflammation of the kidney, usually due to a bacterial infection
  • Pyloric sphincter Sandbox - a circular muscle located at the junction of the stomach and small intestine that controls the passage of food into the small intestine
  • Pyloric stenosis Sandbox - narrowing of the outlet located at the junction of the stomach and small intestine
  • Pyloroplasty Sandbox - surgical widening of the outlet between the stomach and small intestine
  • Pyrexia Sandbox - a body temperature of above 98.6°F in the mouth or 99.8°F in the rectum
  • Pyrogen Sandbox - any substance that causes a fever
  • Pyuria Sandbox - the presence of white blood cells in the urine; usually an indication of kidney or urinary tract infection
  • Quadriceps muscle Sandbox - the muscle (consisting of 4 distinct parts) located at the front of the thigh that straightens the leg
  • REM sleep Sandbox - rapid eye movement sleep; the stage of sleep in which dreaming occurs
  • RNA Sandbox - ribonucleic acid, which helps to decode and process the information contained in DNA
  • Rabies Sandbox - an infectious viral disease primarily affecting animals; can be transmitted to humans through an infected animal's bite; if untreated, can result in paralysis and death
  • Radial keratotomy Sandbox - a surgical procedure for correcting nearsightedness in which tiny cuts are made in the cornea to change its shape and focusing properties
  • Radiation therapy Sandbox - treatment of a disease, such as cancer, using forms of radioactivity that damage or destroy abnormal cells
  • Radiation Sandbox - a variety of types of energy, such as X-rays and ultraviolet
  • Radical surgery Sandbox - treatment of disease by surgically removing all tissue that is or may be affected
  • Radiculopathy Sandbox - any disease of the nerve roots; can be caused by disk prolapse, arthritis, and other problems
  • Radioallergosorbent test Sandbox - a blood test performed to help determine the cause of an allergy by detecting the presence of antibodies to various allergens
  • Radiography Sandbox - the formation of images of the inside of the body using radiation projected through the body and onto film; a radiograph is also called an X-ray
  • Radionuclide scanning Sandbox - an imaging technique in which a radioactive substance is introduced into the body and its emitted radiation is detected; specific organs can be studied according to the amount of the radioactive substance that they absorb
  • Radius Sandbox - one of the two long bones of the forearm, located on the thumb side of the arm
  • Radon Sandbox - a colorless, odorless, tasteless radioactive gas that is produced by materials in soil, rocks, and building materials; suspected of causing cancer
  • Rales Sandbox - abnormal crackling or bubbling sounds heard in the lungs during breathing
  • Rash Sandbox - an area of inflammation or a group of spots on the skin
  • Raynaud's disease Sandbox - a condition in which the fingers and toes become pale when exposed to cold or emotional stress, owing to sudden narrowing of the arteries that supply them with blood
  • Receptor Sandbox - a nerve cell that responds to a stimulus and produces a nerve impulse; also refers to the area on the surface of a cell that a chemical must bind to in order to have its effect
  • Recessive gene Sandbox - a gene that does not produce its effect when it occurs with a dominant gene, but produces its effect only when there are two copies of it
  • Reconstructive surgery Sandbox - surgery to rebuild part of the body that has been damaged or defective from birth
  • Rectal prolapse Sandbox - bulging of the lining of the rectum through the anus, usually due to straining during a bowel movement
  • Rectum Sandbox - a short tube located at the end of the large intestine, which connects the intestine to the anus
  • Red blood cell Sandbox - a doughnut-shaped blood cell that carries oxygen from the lungs to body tissues
  • Reduction of fracture Sandbox - the realignment of the broken ends of a bone
  • Referred pain Sandbox - pain felt in a part of the body remote from the site where pain originates
  • Reflex Sandbox - an automatic, involuntary response of the nervous system to a stimulus
  • Reflux esophagitis Sandbox - the backflow of gastric acid from the stomach to the lower esophagus, owing to a defect in the valve that separates them
  • Regurgitation Sandbox - the backflow of fluid; can refer to food and drink flowing back up from the stomach into the mouth or blood flowing back into the heart through a defective heart valve
  • Rehabilitation Sandbox - treatment for an injury or illness aimed at restoring physical abilities
  • Rehydration Sandbox - treatment for dehydration (an abnormally low level of water in the body) in which levels are restored by taking fluids containing water, salt, and glucose by mouth or, if severe, through a vein
  • Reiter's syndrome Sandbox - a disorder characterized by inflammation of the joints, urethra, and sometimes the conjunctiva
  • Relapse Sandbox - the return of a disease or symptom after it had disappeared
  • Remission Sandbox - the temporary disappearance of a disease or its symptoms, either partially or completely; also refers to the time period in which this occurs
  • Renal cell carcinoma Sandbox - the most common type of kidney cancer
  • Renal colic Sandbox - severe pain on one side of the lower back, usually as a result of a kidney stone
  • Renal tubular acidosis Sandbox - inability of the kidneys to remove sufficient amounts of acid from the body, making the blood more acidic than normal
  • Renin Sandbox - an enzyme that plays a role in increasing a low blood pressure
  • Repetitive strain injury Sandbox - an injury that occurs when the same movement is repeated continuously
  • Reproductive system Sandbox - the organs and structures that allow men and women to have sexual intercourse and produce children
  • Resection Sandbox - partial or complete surgical removal of a diseased organ or structure
  • Respiration Sandbox - the process by which oxygen is taken in and used by tissues in the body and carbon dioxide is released
  • Respirator Sandbox - another term for a ventilator
  • Respiratory arrest Sandbox - a condition in which a person suddenly stops breathing
  • Respiratory distress syndrome Sandbox - a condition experienced after an illness or injury damages the lungs, causing severe breathing difficulty and resulting in a life-threatening lack of oxygen in the blood
  • Respiratory failure Sandbox - the failure of the body to exchange gases properly, which leads to a buildup of carbon dioxide and a lack of oxygen in the blood
  • Respiratory system Sandbox - the organs that carry out the process of respiration
  • Resting pulse Sandbox - the pulse rate when a person is not experiencing any physical activity or mental stress
  • Reticulocyte Sandbox - an immature red blood cell
  • Retina Sandbox - a membrane lining the inside of the back of the eye that contains light-sensitive nerve cells that convert focused light into nerve impulses, making vision possible
  • Retinal artery occlusion Sandbox - obstruction of an artery that supplies blood to the retina, resulting in some degree of temporary or permanent blindness
  • Retinitis pigmentosa Sandbox - gradual loss of the field of vision, owing to a degeneration of the light-sensitive nerve cells of the retina
  • Retinoblastoma Sandbox - a hereditary, cancerous tumor of the retina affecting infants and children
  • Retinoid Sandbox - a substance resembling vitamin A that is used to treat skin conditions such as acne and has been reported to reduce skin wrinkling
  • Retinopathy Sandbox - any disease or disorder of the retina; usually refers to damage to the retina caused by high blood pressure or diabetes mellitus
  • Retinoscopy Sandbox - a method of determining focusing errors of the eye in which light is shined through the pupil and the reflected beam is measured
  • Retroviruses Sandbox - a group of viruses that are made up of RNA instead of DNA, including HIV and the virus that causes T-cell leukemia
  • Reye's syndrome Sandbox - a rare disorder mainly affecting those under the age of 15 that is characterized by brain and liver damage following a viral infection such as chickenpox or the flu; may be linked to taking aspirin to treat a viral infection
  • Rh blood group Sandbox - a blood group classifying whether the substances called Rhesus (Rh) factors are present on the surface of red blood cells; the "positive" or "negative" designation in blood classification (for example, "O negative")
  • Rh immunoglobulin Sandbox - a substance used to prevent a woman who is Rh incompatible with her fetus from becoming Rh sensitized
  • Rh incompatibility Sandbox - a condition in which a pregnant woman's Rh factor does not match that of the fetus; can lead to the production of antibodies by the mother that destroy the fetus' red blood cells
  • Rh sensitized Sandbox - a condition in which a woman who has a negative Rh factor develops permanent antibodies against Rh-positive blood as a result of exposure to the blood of her fetus; can cause fetal hemolysis in subsequent pregnancies
  • Rheumatic fever Sandbox - a disorder that follows a throat infection by the streptococcus bacteria and causes inflammation in body tissues
  • Rheumatoid arthritis Sandbox - a condition in which joints in the body become inflamed, stiff, painful, and sometimes deformed because of the body's own immune system attacking the tissues
  • Rheumatoid factors Sandbox - antibodies that are present in about 80% of people with rheumatoid arthritis; their detection through blood testing can help to diagnose the disorder
  • Rhinitis Sandbox - inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the nose, which can cause sneezing, runny nose, congestion, and pain; when caused by substances in the air, it is called allergic rhinitis or hay fever
  • Rhinophyma Sandbox - a bulb-shaped deformity and redness of the nose as a result of severe rosacea
  • Rhinoplasty Sandbox - surgery that changes the structure of the nose, either to improve appearance or to correct a deformity or injury
  • Rhythm method Sandbox - a method of preventing pregnancy in which a couple does not have sexual intercourse during the days of the menstrual cycle during which fertilization can occur
  • Riboflavin Sandbox - a vitamin belonging to the vitamin B complex that is important in many processes in the body and helps to maintain healthy skin
  • Rickets Sandbox - a childhood disease in which bones lack calcium and are deformed as a result of vitamin D deficiency (vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium)
  • Rigor mortis Sandbox - the stiffness that occurs in the body after death
  • Ringworm Sandbox - a skin infection caused by a fungus that spreads out in an even circle, characterized by ring-like, scaly patches of red skin
  • Rinne's test Sandbox - a test that uses a tuning fork to diagnose hearing loss resulting from poor conduction of sound from the outer to the inner ear
  • Rocky mountain spotted fever Sandbox - a rare disease transmitted to humans through the bites of ticks; characterized by small pink spots on the wrists and ankles that spread to other parts of the body, become larger, and bleed
  • Rosacea Sandbox - a skin disorder that is characterized by patches of red skin on the nose and cheeks and acne-like bumps; most commonly occurs in middle-aged women
  • Roseola infantum Sandbox - a common disease in young children characterized by a sudden fever and rash
  • Rotator cuff Sandbox - a structure made up of four muscle tendons that reinforces the shoulder joint
  • Roundworm Sandbox - a group of worms that includes many of the major human parasites
  • Rubella Sandbox - a mild viral infection (also known as German measles) that produces a rash and fever; dangerous when it infects a woman during the early stages of pregnancy, when it can spread causing birth defects in the fetus
  • Rubeola Sandbox - another term for measles
  • Rupture Sandbox - a tear or break in an organ or tissue
  • SADS Sandbox - see Seasonal affective disorder syndrome
  • SIDS Sandbox - see Sudden infant death syndrome
  • SPECT Sandbox - see Single photon emission computed tomography
  • STD Sandbox - see Sexually transmitted disease
  • Saccharides Sandbox - a group of carbohydrates, including sugars and starches
  • Sacroiliac joints Sandbox - the pair of joints located in the pelvis between the sacrum and the hipbones
  • Sacroiliitis Sandbox - inflammation of the sacroiliac joints, which causes pain in the lower body
  • Sacrum Sandbox - the triangular bone located at the bottom of the spine that is connected to the tailbone, the hipbones near the sacroilial joints, and the rest of the spine
  • Safe sex Sandbox - measures taken to reduce the risk of acquiring a sexually transmitted disease, such as the use of a condom
  • Saline Sandbox - a salt solution or any substance that contains salt
  • Salivary glands Sandbox - a group of glands that secrete saliva into the mouth
  • Salmonella Sandbox - a group of bacteria; includes a species that causes food poisoning and another responsible for typhoid fever
  • Salmonellosis Sandbox - infection by salmonella bacteria
  • Salpingectomy Sandbox - surgical removal of one or both fallopian tubes
  • Salpingitis Sandbox - inflammation of a fallopian tube
  • Salpingo-oophorectomy Sandbox - the surgical removal of one or both of the fallopian tubes and one or both of the ovaries
  • Salpingography Sandbox - X-ray examination of the fallopian tubes
  • Salpingolysis Sandbox - removal of abnormal scar tissue between a fallopian tube and nearby tissue
  • Salpingostomy Sandbox - surgical opening of a fallopian tube for drainage or removal of an obstruction
  • Sarcoidosis Sandbox - a rare disease with no known cause that leads to inflammation in tissues throughout the body, including the lymph nodes, lungs, liver, skin, and eyes
  • Sarcoma Sandbox - a cancer in connective tissue, fibrous tissue, or blood vessels
  • Saturated fat Sandbox - fats that contain the maximum amount of hydrogen possible, such as those found in meats and dairy products; can contribute to coronary heart disease and the development of some cancers
  • Saturday night palsy Sandbox - temporary paralysis of the arm after extended pressure on a nerve in the armpit
  • Scabies Sandbox - a highly contagious skin disorder caused by a mite that burrows into the skin and produces an intense, itchy rash
  • Scarlet fever Sandbox - an infectious childhood disease, caused by a streptococcus bacteria, that leads to a sore throat, fever, and rash
  • Schistosomiasis Sandbox - infestation by a parasitic blood worm that can damage the liver, bladder, and intestines
  • Schizophrenia Sandbox - a group of mental disorders characterized by abnormal thoughts, moods, and actions; sufferers have a distorted sense of reality, and a split personality (thoughts do not logically fit together)
  • Schönlein-Henoch purpura Sandbox - inflammation and leakage of blood vessels, causing a rash
  • Sciatica Sandbox - pain along the sciatic nerve, which runs down the length of the leg to the foot; usually caused by pressure on the nerve due to disk prolapse or a tumor, abscess, or blood clot
  • Sclera Sandbox - the tough, white coating that covers and protects the inner structures of the eye
  • Scleroderma Sandbox - an immune system disorder of varying degree that can affect many areas of the body
  • Sclerotherapy Sandbox - treatment of varicose veins by injection of a solution that destroys them
  • Scoliosis Sandbox - a condition in which the spine curves to one side and usually curves toward the opposite side in another section to compensate, producing a characteristic S shape
  • Screening Sandbox - the testing of an otherwise healthy person in order to diagnose disorders at an early stage
  • Scrotum Sandbox - the sac containing the testicles
  • Scurvy Sandbox - a disease caused by a lack of vitamin C, characterized by weakness, bleeding and pain in joints and muscles, bleeding gums, and abnormal bone and tooth growth
  • Seasonal affective disorder syndrome Sandbox - a type of depression that seems to be linked to shorter periods of daylight during the fall and winter
  • Sebaceous cyst Sandbox - a swelling that occurs under the skin, most commonly on the scalp, face, ears, and genitals; although usually harmless, can grow very large and become painful if infected
  • Seborrhea Sandbox - excessive oiliness of the face and scalp
  • Sebum Sandbox - the oily, lubricating substance that is secreted by glands in the skin
  • Secondary Sandbox - describes a disease or disorder that follows or is caused by another one
  • Sedatives Sandbox - a group of drugs that have a calming effect; used to treat anxiety and pain, bring on sleep, and help relax a person before surgery
  • Seizure Sandbox - sudden uncontrolled waves of electrical activity in the brain, causing involuntary movement or loss of consciousness
  • Selenium Sandbox - an element needed by the body only in very small amounts that helps maintain tissue elasticity
  • Semen analysis Sandbox - a procedure in which a semen sample is examined to determine the amount of sperm present, along with their shape and ability to move; commonly used in the treatment of male infertility
  • Semen Sandbox - fluid released during ejaculation that contains sperm along with fluids produced by the prostate gland and the seminal vesicles
  • Seminal vesicles Sandbox - two saclike glands in men that produce part of the fluid in semen
  • Seminiferous tubules Sandbox - coiled tubes inside of the testicle that are the site of sperm production
  • Seminoma Sandbox - a type of testicular cancer that is made up of only a single type of cell
  • Senile plaques Sandbox - abnormal deposits of a protein called amyloid in the brain; characteristic of Alzheimer disease
  • Sensorineural hearing loss Sandbox - deafness caused by damage to the inner ear or the nerve that conducts signals from the ear to the brain
  • Sensory nerve Sandbox - nerves that carry information about the body’s senses toward the brain
  • Sensory organ Sandbox - an organ that receives and relays information about the body’s senses to the brain
  • Sepsis Sandbox - the infection of a wound or tissue with bacteria, causing the spread of the bacteria into the bloodstream; now also known as systemic inflammatory response syndrome caused by a microbe
  • Septal defect Sandbox - a birth defect in which a hole is present in the wall that separates the left and right sides of the heart
  • Septic arthritis Sandbox - joint inflammation caused by a bacterial infection
  • Septic shock Sandbox - a life-threatening condition in which tissues become damaged and blood pressure drops due to bacteria multiplying and producing poisons in the blood
  • Septicemia Sandbox - a life-threatening condition in which bacteria multiply in the blood and produce toxic materials; commonly known as blood poisoning; now also known as systemic inflammatory response syndrome.
  • Serotonin Sandbox - a chemical that transmits nerve impulses in the brain, causes blood vessels to constrict (narrow) at sites of bleeding, and stimulates smooth muscle movement in the intestines
  • Serum Sandbox - the clear, watery fluid that separates from clotted blood
  • Sex chromosomes Sandbox - the X and Y chromosomes that determine a person’s gender; women normally have two X chromosomes and men normally have one X and one Y
  • Sex hormones Sandbox - hormones responsible for producing sex characteristics and controlling sexual functions
  • Sex-linked disorder Sandbox - a disorder that is caused by genes located on the sex chromosomes
  • Sexually transmitted disease Sandbox - infections that are most commonly spread through sexual intercourse or genital contact
  • Shigellosis Sandbox - a bacterial infection of the intestines, causing abdominal pain and diarrhea
  • Shin splints Sandbox - pain and tenderness experienced in the lower leg as a result of damage or strain to leg muscles and tendons; usually caused by exercise
  • Shingles Sandbox - a nerve infection caused by the chickenpox virus, causing areas of painful rash covered with blisters
  • Shock Sandbox - a reduced flow of blood throughout the body, usually caused by severe bleeding or a weak heart; without treatment, can lead to a collapse, coma, and death
  • Shunt Sandbox - an artificially constructed or an abnormal passage connecting two usually separate structures in the body
  • Sick sinus syndrome Sandbox - abnormal functioning of the structure that regulates the heartbeat, causing episodes of abnormal heart rhythm
  • Sickle cell anemia Sandbox - a genetic disorder in which the red blood cells are abnormal and deformed, causing anemia (reduced ability to transport oxygen in the blood) and clogging of blood vessels; bouts of fever, headache, and weakness result
  • Sickle cell trait Sandbox - a less serious form of sickle cell anemia
  • Sigmoidoscopy Sandbox - an examination of the rectum and the lowest part of the large intestine using a flexible viewing tube inserted through the anus
  • Silicone Sandbox - a group of compounds of silicon and oxygen; commonly used as implants in cosmetic surgery because they resist body fluids and are not rejected by the body
  • Silicosis Sandbox - a respiratory disease caused by inhalation of dust containing the mineral silica
  • Single photon emission computed tomography Sandbox - an imaging technique in which a radioactive substance is introduced into the body and the radiation emitted by the substance is detected by a camera and is transformed into cross-sectional images by a computer
  • Sinoatrial node Sandbox - the structure that regulates the heartbeat; a natural "pacemaker"
  • Sinus bradycardia Sandbox - a regular heart rate of less than 60 beats per minute
  • Sinus rhythm Sandbox - normal heart rhythm
  • Sinus tachycardia Sandbox - a regular heart rate of over 100 beats per minute
  • Sinus Sandbox - a cavity within bone or a channel that contains blood; also refers to an abnormal tract in the body
  • Sinusitis Sandbox - inflammation of the lining of the cavities in the bone surrounding the nose (the sinuses), usually as a result of a bacterial infection spreading from the nose
  • Sjögren's syndrome Sandbox - a condition characterized by dryness of the eyes, mouth, and vagina that tends to occur along with certain disorders of the immune system
  • Skin graft Sandbox - a method of treating damaged or lost skin in which a piece of skin is taken from another area of the body and transplanted in a damaged or missing section
  • Skin patch test Sandbox - a diagnostic test in which different allergens are taped to the skin to determine which causes an allergic reaction
  • Skin patch Sandbox - a sticky patch attached to the surface of the skin that releases drugs into the bloodstream
  • Skin prick test Sandbox - a test performed to determine a person’s sensitivity to a certain allergen by applying it to a small needle and using that needle to pierce the skin
  • Skull Sandbox - the bones that form the framework of the head and enclose and protect the brain and other sensory organs
  • Sleep apnea Sandbox - a condition in which breathing stops for very short periods of time during sleep
  • Sleeping sickness Sandbox - an infectious disease in Africa spread by the bite of a tsetse fly that causes a fever and weakness
  • Slipped disk Sandbox - the common term for disk prolapse
  • Small intestine Sandbox - the long tube running from the stomach to the large intestine that is involved in digestion of foods and absorption of nutrients
  • Small-cell carcinoma Sandbox - the most serious form of lung cancer
  • Smallpox Sandbox - a highly contagious and often fatal viral infection that has been completely eradicated by immunization
  • Smear Sandbox - a sample of cells spread across a glass slide to be examined through a microscope
  • Sodium bicarbonate Sandbox - a substance used as an antacid
  • Sodium Sandbox - a mineral that plays a role in the body's water balance, heart rhythm, nerve impulses, and muscle contraction; present in table salt (sodium chloride)
  • Solar plexus Sandbox - the largest network of nerves in the body, located behind the stomach
  • Somatic Sandbox - pertaining to the body
  • Spasm Sandbox - an involuntary muscle contraction; can sometimes be powerful and painful
  • Spastic paralysis Sandbox - spasticity involving partial paralysis
  • Spasticity Sandbox - muscle stiffness caused by an increase in contractions of the muscle fibers
  • Speculum Sandbox - an instrument that holds an opening of the body open so that an examination can be performed or a sample can be taken
  • Speech therapy Sandbox - treatment to help someone overcome a problem communicating verbally
  • Sperm antibody Sandbox - an antibody against sperm that can be produced by a woman’s immune system
  • Sperm count Sandbox - the amount of normally functioning sperm per some unit of semen; used to determine a man's fertility
  • Sperm Sandbox - the male sex cell produced in the testicles
  • Spermatocele Sandbox - a harmless cyst containing fluid and sperm that occurs in the tube through which sperm travel from the testicles
  • Spermicide Sandbox - a contraceptive substance that kills sperm
  • Sphincter Sandbox - a ring of muscle fibers located around a naturally occurring passage or opening in the body that opens and closes to regulate passage of substances
  • Sphygmomanometer Sandbox - an instrument used to measure blood pressure
  • Spider nevus Sandbox - a collection of dilated (widened) capillaries on the skin that creates a patch resembling a spider
  • Spina bifida occulta Sandbox - the least dangerous form of spina bifida, in which bones in the spine fail to close but there is no protrusion of the spinal cord or its fluid cushion out of the body
  • Spina bifida Sandbox - a birth defect in which a section of the baby's spine fails to develop completely, leaving the spinal cord exposed in that section
  • Spinal cord Sandbox - a long tube of nerve tissue inside the spinal column, running from the brain down the length of the back inside of the spine
  • Spinal fusion Sandbox - the surgical joining of two or more adjacent vertebrae using bone fragments; used to help severe back pain or prevent damage to the spinal cord
  • Spinal tap Sandbox - another term for a lumbar puncture
  • Spine Sandbox - the column of bones and cartilage running along the midline of the back that surrounds and protects the spinal cord and supports the head
  • Spiral fracture Sandbox - a coiled break in a bone, resembling a corkscrew
  • Spirometry Sandbox - a test of lung condition; a person breathes into a machine called a spirometer that measures the volume of air exhaled
  • Spleen Sandbox - an organ located in the upper left abdomen behind the ribs that removes and destroys old red blood cells and helps fight infection
  • Splenectomy Sandbox - surgical removal of the spleen
  • Splint Sandbox - a device that is used to immobilize a part of the body
  • Splinter hemorrhage Sandbox - a splinter-shaped area of bleeding under a fingernail or toenail
  • Spondylitis Sandbox - inflammation of the joints between the bones of the spine
  • Spondylolisthesis Sandbox - the slipping of a vertebra in the spine over the one below it
  • Spondylolysis Sandbox - a disorder in which the lower part of the spine is weakened by an abnormally soft vertebra
  • Sporotrichosis Sandbox - an infection with a fungus acquired through a skin wound; causes an ulcer at the site of infection and small, rounded masses of tissue near it
  • Sprain Sandbox - the tearing or stretching of the ligaments in a joint, characterized by pain, swelling, and an inability to move the joint
  • Sprue Sandbox - a digestive disorder in which nutrients cannot be properly absorbed from food, causing weakness and loss of weight
  • Sputum Sandbox - mucus and other material produced by the lining of the respiratory tract; also called phlegm
  • Squamous cell carcinoma Sandbox - a type of skin cancer arising from flat cells of the epithelium; can also affect the lungs, cervix, and esophagus
  • Stapedectomy Sandbox - surgical removal of a stapes (a sound-conducting bone in the middle ear) that cannot move to transmit sound; performed to treat hearing loss caused by otosclerosis
  • Staphylococci Sandbox - common bacteria that cause skin infections and a number of other disorders
  • Status asthmaticus Sandbox - a life-threatening asthma attack requiring immediate treatment
  • Status epilepticus Sandbox - a life-threatening succession of epileptic seizures
  • Stein-Leventhal syndrome Sandbox - see Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Stem cells Sandbox - cells that give rise to the different types of blood cells
  • Stenosis Sandbox - narrowing of a body passageway
  • Stent Sandbox - a device used to hold tissues in place, such as to support a skin graft
  • Stereotaxic surgery Sandbox - brain surgery done through a small opening in the skull and guided by X-rays or computer-aided imaging techniques
  • Sterilization Sandbox - a surgery performed to make a person incapable of reproducing; also refers to the process of killing microorganisms on objects such as surgical instruments
  • Sternum Sandbox - the long, flat bone located at the center of the chest
  • Steroids Sandbox - a group of drugs that includes corticosteroids, which resemble hormones produced by the adrenal glands, and anabolic steroids, which are similar to the hormones produced by the male sex organs
  • Stillbirth Sandbox - a baby that is born dead after the 28th week of pregnancy; also called late fetal death
  • Stoma Sandbox - a surgically formed opening on a body surface
  • Stomach bypass Sandbox - a surgical procedure to treat an obstructed stomach or severe obesity in which the passage of food is diverted around the stomach and directly into the small intestine
  • Stomach stapling Sandbox - a procedure in which the stomach is made smaller by partitioning it off using metal staples; used as an extreme treatment of severe obesity
  • Stool Sandbox - another term for feces
  • Strabismus Sandbox - a condition in which the eyes are not aligned correctly, such as cross-eye (one eye points inward) and walleye (one eye points outward)
  • Straight-leg raising Sandbox - a simple test performed in a doctor’s office to check for disk prolapse
  • Strain Sandbox - muscle damage resulting from excessive stretching or forceful contraction
  • Strangulated hernia Sandbox - a hernia in which the protruding organ or tissue loses its blood supply, requiring emergency surgery
  • Strawberry nevus Sandbox - a bright red, raised birthmark that usually disappears without treatment
  • Strep throat Sandbox - a throat infection caused by streptococcus bacteria; characterized by a sore throat, fever, and enlarged lymph nodes in the neck
  • Streptococci Sandbox - bacteria that cause a variety of diseases, including pneumonia and strep throat
  • Stress fracture Sandbox - a bone break resulting from repeated pressure on the bone
  • Stretch marks Sandbox - lines on the skin that occur when the inner skin layer is stretched thin and loses its elasticity
  • Stroke Sandbox - damage to part of the brain because of a lack of blood supply (due to a blockage in an artery) or the rupturing of a blood vessel; leads to complete or partial loss of function in the area of the body that is controlled by the damaged part of the brain
  • Stye Sandbox - a pus-filled abscess in the follicle of an eyelash; caused by a bacterial infection
  • Subcutaneous Sandbox - a medical term meaning "beneath the skin"
  • Submucosa Sandbox - the layer of connective tissue under a mucous membrane
  • Suction lipectomy Sandbox - see Liposuction
  • Sudden infant death syndrome Sandbox - the unexpected, sudden death of an apparently healthy baby, the cause of which cannot be found; also called crib death
  • Suppository Sandbox - a solid cone or bullet-shaped object made up of a chemically inactive substance and a drug that is inserted into the rectum or vagina; used to administer a drug
  • Suppuration Sandbox - the production of pus
  • Surfactant Sandbox - a mixture of substances secreted by the air sacs of the lungs that prevents the air sacs from collapsing during exhalation
  • Surrogate Sandbox - a woman who agrees to become pregnant and give her baby to someone else when the child is born
  • Suture Sandbox - a surgical stitch that helps close an incision or wound so that it can heal properly
  • Sweat glands Sandbox - tiny structures in the skin that secrete sweat
  • Sweat test Sandbox - a measure of the saltiness of sweat to help diagnose cystic fibrosis
  • Swimmer's ear Sandbox - see Otitis externa
  • Sycosis barbae Sandbox - a bacterial infection of the hair follicles in the beard area
  • Sympathetic nervous system Sandbox - the part of the autonomic nervous system that raises blood pressure and heart rate in response to stress
  • Syndactyly Sandbox - a condition in which fingers or toes are fused together
  • Syndrome Sandbox - a group of symptoms that indicate a certain disorder when they occur together
  • Synovectomy Sandbox - surgical removal of the synovial membrane
  • Synovial fluid Sandbox - a lubricating fluid secreted by the synovial membrane
  • Synovial membrane Sandbox - the thin membrane that lines the inside of a joint capsule
  • Synovitus Sandbox - inflammation of the membrane lining a joint capsule as a result of injury or infection or due to a chronic illness such as rheumatoid arthritis; characterized by redness, swelling, stiffness, and pain
  • Syphilis Sandbox - a sexually transmitted disease; initially causes only painless sores on the genitals but can be life-threatening if untreated
  • Systemic inflammatory response syndrome Sandbox - a condition characterized by having two of the following four clinical criteria: fever, rapid breathing, increased heart rate, and abnormal white blood cell count
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus Sandbox - a disease of the immune system that causes inflammation of connective tissue in many areas of the body, including the skin, lungs, heart, joints, and kidneys
  • Systemic Sandbox - affecting the whole body
  • Systolic pressure Sandbox - the blood pressure measured while the heart is contracting
  • T cell Sandbox - see T-lymphocyte
  • T-cell leukemia Sandbox - a type of leukemia caused by a virus in which T-lymphocytes divide uncontrollably
  • T-lymphocyte killer cell Sandbox - a type of T-lymphocyte white blood cell that attaches to abnormal cells and releases chemicals that destroy them
  • T-lymphocyte Sandbox - a type of white blood cell that fights infections and destroys abnormal cells directly; as compared with releasing antibodies to fight infection
  • TB Sandbox - see Tuberculosis
  • TENS Sandbox - see Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
  • TIA Sandbox - see Transient ischemic attack
  • TMJ syndrome Sandbox - see Temporomandibular joint syndrome
  • TPA Sandbox - see Tissue plasminogen activator
  • Tachycardia Sandbox - a rapid heart rate (over 100 beats per minute)
  • Tapeworm Sandbox - a parasitic worm that lives in the intestines; causes diarrhea and abdominal discomfort
  • Tar Sandbox - the sticky, brown substance in cigarettes that coats the lungs; causes lung and other cancers
  • Tarsorrhaphy Sandbox - a procedure in which the eyelids are sewn shut; performed to protect the corneas
  • Tartar Sandbox - the hard deposit formed on teeth when mineral salts in saliva combine with plaque; can cause dental problems such as gum disease if not controlled
  • Tay-Sachs disease Sandbox - a severe genetic disorder that causes nervous system disturbances and death, usually before the age of 3
  • Tear duct Sandbox - a tiny passageway that drains lubricating tears from the surface of the eye to the back of the nose
  • Telangiectasia Sandbox - redness of an area of skin, caused by enlargement and proliferation of the underlying small blood vessels
  • Temperature method Sandbox - a natural method of family planning in which a woman determines her time of ovulation by changes in her daily temperature
  • Temporal arteritis Sandbox - inflammation and narrowing of arteries in the head and neck, including those in the scalp near the temple, which can cause blindness if untreated
  • Temporomandibular joint syndrome Sandbox - headache, facial pain, and jaw tenderness caused by irregularities in the way the joints, muscles, and ligaments in the jaw work together
  • Tendinitis Sandbox - inflammation of a tendon, usually caused by injury, characterized by pain, tenderness, and sometimes limited movement in the attached muscle
  • Tendon transfer Sandbox - surgical cutting and repositioning of a tendon so that the muscle attached to it has a new function
  • Tendon Sandbox - strong connective tissue cords that attach muscle to bone or muscle to muscle
  • Tennis elbow Sandbox - a form of tendinitis that causes pain and tenderness in the elbow and forearm
  • Tenosynovitis Sandbox - inflammation of the inner lining of the sheath that covers a tendon
  • Tenovaginitis Sandbox - inflammation of the fibrous wall of the sheath that covers a tendon
  • Tension headache Sandbox - a headache caused by emotional strain or tension in the muscles of the head and neck
  • Teratogen Sandbox - anything that causes abnormalities in a developing embryo or fetus, such as a drug or virus
  • Teratoma Sandbox - a tumor composed of cells not normally found in the part of the body when the tumor occurred
  • Termination of pregnancy Sandbox - see Abortion
  • Testicles Sandbox - the two male sex organs that produce sperm and the sex hormone testosterone
  • Testicular feminization factor Sandbox - a genetic disorder in which an individual who is genetically male has the external appearance of a female because the body is unresponsive to testosterone
  • Testicular torsion Sandbox - severe pain and swelling of a testicle, due to twisting of the spermatic cord
  • Testosterone Sandbox - the sex hormone that stimulates development of male sex characteristics and bone and muscle growth; produced by the testicles and in small amounts by the ovaries
  • Tetanus Sandbox - a sometimes fatal disease affecting the brain and spinal cord; caused by infection with bacterium present in soil and manure
  • Tetracyclines Sandbox - a group of antibiotic drugs used to treat a wide variety of infections, including bronchitis and some types of pneumonia
  • Tetralogy of Fallot Sandbox - a genetic heart disease involving four structural defects in the heart, which result in insufficient levels of oxygen in the blood
  • Thalamus Sandbox - a structure in the brain that relays and processes incoming sensory information from the eyes and ears and from pressure and pain receptors
  • Thalassemia Sandbox - a group of genetic blood disorders characterized by a defect in the ability to produce hemoglobin, leading to the rupturing of red blood cells (called hemolytic anemia)
  • Thallium scanning Sandbox - a type of radionuclide scanning used to assess the heart
  • Therapeutic range Sandbox - the range of doses of a drug that will produce beneficial results without side effects
  • Thoracoscopy Sandbox - examination of the membranes covering the lungs using an endoscope
  • Thoracotomy Sandbox - a procedure in which the chest is surgically opened to operate on an organ in the chest cavity
  • Thorax Sandbox - the chest
  • Thrill Sandbox - a vibration felt when the hand is placed flat on the chest; caused by abnormal blood flow through the heart as a result of disease
  • Thrombectomy Sandbox - removal of a blood clot
  • Thrombocytopenic purpura Sandbox - a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood, causing abnormal bleeding of blood vessels into the skin
  • Thromboembolism Sandbox - blockage of a blood vessel by a blood clot fragment that has broken off and traveled from another area of the body
  • Thrombophlebitis Sandbox - inflammation of a vein, along with clot formation in the affected area
  • Thrombosis Sandbox - a condition in which a blood clot (thrombus) has formed inside a blood vessel
  • Thrombus Sandbox - a blood clot in a blood vessel
  • Thrush Sandbox - a candidiasis infection
  • Thymoma Sandbox - a tumor of the thymus gland
  • Thymus gland Sandbox - an immune system gland located in the upper part of the chest that plays an important role in the production of T-lymphocytes
  • Thyroglossal cyst Sandbox - a swelling at the front of the neck; forms from a duct that fails to disappear during embryonic development
  • Thyroid gland Sandbox - a gland located in the front of the neck below the voice box that plays an important role in metabolism (the chemical processes in the body) and growth; the gland produces thyroid hormone
  • Thyroiditis Sandbox - inflammation of the thyroid gland
  • Thyrotoxicosis Sandbox - a toxic condition resulting from overactivity of the thyroid gland
  • Thyroxin Sandbox - a hormone produced by the thyroid gland that helps regulate energy production in the body
  • Tibia Sandbox - the thicker of the two long bones in the lower leg; commonly called the shin
  • Tic douloureux Sandbox - see Trigeminal neuralgia
  • Tic Sandbox - an involuntary, repetitive movement such as a twitch
  • Ticks Sandbox - small, eight-legged animals that can attach to humans and animals and feed on blood; sometimes spread infectious organisms via their bites
  • Tietze's syndrome Sandbox - inflammation of the cartilage that joins ribs to the breastbone, causing chest pain
  • Tinea Sandbox - a group of common infections occurring on the skin, hair, and nails that are caused by a fungus; commonly referred to as ringworm
  • Tinnitus Sandbox - a persistent ringing or buzzing sound in the ear
  • Tipped uterus Sandbox - an abnormal condition in which the uterus is tilted backward instead of slightly forward
  • Tissue plasminogen activator Sandbox - a substance produced by the body and as a genetically engineered drug to prevent abnormal blood clotting
  • Tissue typing Sandbox - tests used to determine the compatibility of tissues used in grafts and transplants
  • Tolerance Sandbox - decreased sensitivity of the body to a certain drug, usually either because the liver becomes more efficient at breaking down the drug or the body's tissues become less sensitive to it; increased tolerance creates a need for a higher dose of the drug in order to have the same effects
  • Tonometry Sandbox - the procedure used to measure the pressure within the eye; is useful in detecting glaucoma
  • Tonsillectomy Sandbox - surgical removal of the tonsils, usually to treat tonsillitis
  • Tonsillitis Sandbox - infection and inflammation of the tonsils
  • Tonsils Sandbox - masses of lymphoid tissue located at either side of the back of the throat
  • Tourette's syndrome Sandbox - a movement disorder characterized by involuntary tics and noises, and in some cases uncontrollable shouting of obscenities
  • Tourniquet Sandbox - a device placed tightly around an arm or leg in order to stop blood flow; can be used to locate veins in order to take a blood sample or to control blood flow during some operations
  • Toxemia Sandbox - the presence of bacterial toxins in the blood
  • Toxic epidermal necrolysis Sandbox - a severe rash in which the outer layers of skin blister and peel off
  • Toxic shock syndrome Sandbox - a life-threatening condition caused by a staphylococci toxin
  • Toxicity Sandbox - the extent to which a substance is poisonous
  • Toxin Sandbox - a poisonous substance
  • Toxocariasis Sandbox - human infestation with the larvae of a worm found in the intestines of dogs
  • Toxoplasmosis Sandbox - a common protozoan infection that is usually only dangerous to a fetus in early pregnancy or a person who is immunocompromised
  • Trachea Sandbox - the tube running from the larynx (the voice box) down the neck and into the upper part of the chest, where it divides to form the two bronchi of the lungs; commonly called the windpipe
  • Tracheitis Sandbox - inflammation of the trachea
  • Tracheotomy Sandbox - insertion of a tube through a surgical opening in the trachea to maintain an open airway
  • Trachoma Sandbox - a persistent, contagious form of conjunctivitis that can lead to complications such as blindness if untreated
  • Traction Sandbox - the use of tension to hold a body part in place or to correct or prevent an alignment problem
  • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation Sandbox - a method of relieving pain by applying tiny electrical impulses to nerve endings beneath the skin
  • Transcutaneous Sandbox - through the skin
  • Transferrin Sandbox - a substance in the blood that transports iron throughout the body
  • Transient ischemic attack Sandbox - a temporary block in the supply of blood to the brain, resulting in temporary loss of sensation, movement, vision, or speech; often called ministrokes and can be precursors to a real stroke
  • Transmissible Sandbox - able to be passed from one organism to another
  • Transplant Sandbox - transferring a healthy tissue or organ to replace a damaged tissue or organ; also refers to the tissue or organ transplanted
  • Transurethral prostatectomy Sandbox - removal of cancerous tissue from the prostate gland using a resectoscope (a long, narrow instrument passed up the urethra), which allows the surgeon to simultaneously view the prostate and cut away the cancerous tissue
  • Trauma Sandbox - physical injury or emotional shock
  • Travelers' diarrhea Sandbox - diarrhea when traveling in a foreign country, caused by contaminated food or water
  • Tremor Sandbox - an involuntary, rhythmic, shaking movement caused by alternating contraction and relaxation of muscles; can be the normal result of age or the abnormal effect of a disorder
  • Triage Sandbox - a system used to classify sick or injured people according to the severity of their conditions
  • Trichiasis Sandbox - growth of the eyelashes inward toward the cornea, causing persistent irritation of the eyeball
  • Trichinosis Sandbox - infestation by the larvae of the parasitic worm Trichinella spiralis, usually acquired by eating undercooked pork
  • Trichomoniasis Sandbox - infection of the vagina by the single-celled parasite Trichomonas vaginilis, which may cause inflammation, itchiness, and discharge from the vagina
  • Tricuspid valve Sandbox - the valve located between the two left chambers of the heart (the left atrium and the left ventricle)
  • Tricyclic antidepressants Sandbox - drugs used in the treatment of clinical depression
  • Trigeminal neuralgia Sandbox - a disorder of the trigeminal nerve (a cranial nerve) that causes brief attacks of severe pain in the lips, cheeks, gums, or chin on one side of the face
  • Triglyceride Sandbox - the main form of fat in the blood; determining levels of triglyceride is useful in diagnosing and treating diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease
  • Trimester Sandbox - one of three periods lasting about 3 months each; the stages into which pregnancy is divided
  • Triple X syndrome Sandbox - the presence of an extra X chromosome in a woman, which may cause some degree of mental retardation
  • Trismus Sandbox - the medical term for lockjaw
  • Trisomy 21 Sandbox - see Down syndrome
  • Trisomy Sandbox - the presence in the cells of three copies of a certain chromosome instead of the normal two copies
  • Tubal ligation Sandbox - a procedure in which the fallopian tubes are cut and tied off; usually a permanent form of sterilization
  • Tubal pregnancy Sandbox - a pregnancy that occurs in the fallopian tubes, with a fertilized egg implanting in the tube instead of the uterus; severely painful and can be fatal if not detected and treated
  • Tuberculin test Sandbox - skin tests performed to determine previous infection with tuberculosis; can help rule out the possibility of being currently infected with tuberculosis
  • Tuberculosis Sandbox - an infectious bacterial disease transmitted through the air that mainly affects the lungs
  • Tuberous sclerosis Sandbox - a genetic disorder of the skin and nervous system characterized by epilepsy, mental retardation, and a skin condition resembling acne
  • Tuboplasty Sandbox - surgical repair of a damaged fallopian tube to treat infertility
  • Tumor Sandbox - an abnormal mass that occurs when cells in a certain area reproduce unchecked; can be cancerous (malignant) or noncancerous (benign)
  • Tunnel vision Sandbox - loss of peripheral vision so that only objects directly ahead can be seen; most commonly due to damage caused by increased pressure within the eye (glaucoma)
  • Turner's syndrome Sandbox - a genetic disorder in women in which only one X chromosome is present, or both chromosomes are present but one is defective
  • Tympanic membrane Sandbox - the medical term for the eardrum
  • Tympanoplasty Sandbox - a surgical procedure used to treat hearing loss in which the eardrum or structures in the middle ear are repaired
  • Typhoid fever Sandbox - an acute bacterial infection causing fever, headache, abdominal discomfort, and enlargement of the liver and spleen
  • Typhus Sandbox - a group of diseases caused by the microorganism rickettsia, spread by the bites of fleas, mites, or ticks; symptoms include headache, fever, rash, and a series of complications if untreated
  • Ulcer Sandbox - an open sore that occurs on the skin or on a mucous membrane because of the destruction of surface tissue
  • Ulcerative colitis Sandbox - a chronic condition in which ulcers occur on the mucous membrane lining of the colon (the end of the large intestine) and the rectum
  • Ultrasound scanning Sandbox - an imaging procedure used to examine internal organs in which high-frequency sound waves are passed into the body, reflected back, and used to build an image; also sometimes called sonography
  • Ultraviolet light Sandbox - a form of invisible light in sunlight that is responsible for the tanning and burning of skin and can cause cataracts and skin cancer
  • Umbilical cord Sandbox - the tubal structure (consisting of two arteries and one vein) that connects the fetus to the placenta, supplying the fetus with oxygen and nutrients and removing some waste products
  • Umbilical hernia Sandbox - a condition present at birth in which a part of the baby's intestines bulge through a weak area of the abdominal wall, creating a swelling around the navel
  • Unconsciousness Sandbox - a temporary or prolonged loss of awareness of self and of surroundings
  • Undescended testicle Sandbox - a testicle that has not moved down from the abdomen, where it develops, into the scrotum
  • Unsaturated fat Sandbox - a fat or oil found mainly in vegetables; thought to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease
  • Urea Sandbox - a waste product of the metabolism of proteins that is formed by the liver and secreted by the kidneys
  • Uremia Sandbox - abnormally high levels of waste products such as urea in the blood
  • Ureters Sandbox - two tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder
  • Urethra Sandbox - the tube by which urine is released from the bladder
  • Urethritis Sandbox - inflammation of the urethra
  • Urethrocele Sandbox - a bulging of the urethra into the vagina
  • Urethrocystitis Sandbox - inflammation of the urethra and the bladder
  • Urinalysis Sandbox - a group of physical and chemical tests done on a sample of urine to check for various disorders, including those of the kidneys and urinary tract
  • Urinary diversion Sandbox - an operation to allow urine passage when the bladder or urethra has become blocked or been removed
  • Urinary incontinence Sandbox - the involuntary release of urine because of the inability to control bladder muscles; may occur as a natural part of the aging process or be caused by an injury or disorder
  • Urinary tract Sandbox - the structures in the body that are responsible for the production and release of urine, including the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra
  • Urticaria Sandbox - an allergic reaction in which itchy white lumps surrounded by areas of inflammation appear on the skin; commonly called "hives"
  • Uterine prolapse Sandbox - a condition in which the uterus moves downward into the vagina due to a weakness of the ligaments and muscles that hold the uterus in place
  • Uterus Sandbox - the hollow female reproductive organ in which a fertilized egg is implanted and a fetus develops
  • Uvea Sandbox - a structure consisting of the colored area of the eye and the middle layer of the eye that contains blood vessels
  • Uveitis Sandbox - inflammation of the uvea
  • V/Q lung scans Sandbox - images produced by radionuclide scanning of the lungs; used to help diagnose a pulmonary embolism
  • VD Sandbox - see Venereal disease
  • VLDL Sandbox - see Very low-density lipoprotein
  • Vaccination Sandbox - a form of immunization in which killed or weakened microorganisms are placed into the body, where antibodies against them are developed; if the same types of microorganisms enter the body again, they will be destroyed by the antibodies
  • Vaccine Sandbox - a preparation of weakened microorganisms given to create resistance to a certain disease
  • Vacuum aspiration Sandbox - removal of the contents of the uterus using a suction device
  • Vacuum extraction Sandbox - a technique used to facilitate childbirth using a suction device to help move the baby through the birth canal
  • Vagina Sandbox - the muscular passage connecting the uterus with the outside genitals; a component of the female reproductive system
  • Vaginismus Sandbox - an involuntary muscle spasm at the opening of the vagina when sexual intercourse is attempted; can be quite painful and may make sexual intercourse nearly impossible
  • Vaginitis Sandbox - inflammation of the vagina, which can be the result of infection, aging, a hormone deficiency, or a foreign object (such as a tampon)
  • Valve Sandbox - a structure that allows fluid flow in only one direction
  • Valvotomy Sandbox - surgical correction of a narrowed heart valve
  • Valvular heart disease Sandbox - a heart valve defect
  • Valvuloplasty Sandbox - reconstruction or repair of a narrowed heart valve
  • Varicella Sandbox - the medical term for chickenpox
  • Varices Sandbox - enlarged or twisted blood or lymph vessels
  • Varicocele Sandbox - the appearance of varicose veins around the testicles; commonly occurs and is harmless, but may cause discomfort
  • Varicose veins Sandbox - enlarged, twisted veins just below the surface of the skin, caused by defective valves in the veins
  • Variola Sandbox - another term for smallpox
  • Vas deferens Sandbox - a thin tube that stores and transports sperm
  • Vascular Sandbox - pertaining to blood vessels
  • Vasculitis Sandbox - inflammation of blood vessels
  • Vasectomy Sandbox - a usually permanent method of sterilization in which the tubes carrying sperm from the testicles (the vas deferens) are cut and tied off; as a result, the semen will no longer contain sperm
  • Vasoconstriction Sandbox - narrowing of blood vessels
  • Vasodilation Sandbox - widening of blood vessels
  • Vasovagal attack Sandbox - a sudden slowing of the heart, causing fainting
  • Vein Sandbox - a blood vessel that carries blood toward the heart
  • Venereal disease Sandbox - any disease that is usually spread through sexual intercourse or genital contact
  • Venipuncture Sandbox - piercing of a vein with a hollow needle to inject fluid or withdraw blood
  • Venography Sandbox - an X-ray procedure for viewing veins
  • Venom Sandbox - a poisonous substance produced by certain animals
  • Ventilation Sandbox - the process through which oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged between the lungs and the air; also refers to the use of a machine to carry out this process in someone who cannot breathe on his or her own
  • Ventilator Sandbox - a machine used to take over breathing when a person cannot breathe on his or her own
  • Ventricle Sandbox - a small cavity or chamber; there are four ventricles in the brain that circulate cerebrospinal fluid through it, and two in the heart that pump blood throughout the body
  • Ventricular fibrillation Sandbox - rapid, irregular contractions of the heart
  • Ventricular septal defect Sandbox - a hole in the wall that separates the two lower chambers of the heart (called the ventricles)
  • Vernix Sandbox - the thick, greasy substance that covers the skin of a newborn baby
  • Version Sandbox - a shift in the position of the fetus inside of the uterus, either occurring naturally or as performed by a doctor to facilitate delivery
  • Vertebra Sandbox - any one of the 33 bones that make up the spine
  • Vertebral arteries Sandbox - a pair of arteries running up the neck to supply the brain with blood
  • Vertebrobasilar insufficiency Sandbox - episodes of dizziness and weakness caused by insufficient blood flow to the brain
  • Vertex presentation Sandbox - the usual, head-first presentation of the fetus during delivery
  • Vertigo Sandbox - the feeling that one or one's surroundings are spinning
  • Very low-density lipoprotein Sandbox - a class of blood proteins, a high level of which is associated with coronary heart disease
  • Vesicle Sandbox - a small skin blister, or any sac in the body, that contains fluid
  • Vestibular glands Sandbox - two small glands located at the opening of the vagina that secrete a lubricating fluid during sexual stimulation
  • Villi Sandbox - the millions of fingerlike projections on the lining of the small intestine that aid in the absorption of food
  • Viral Sandbox - a term describing something related to or caused by a virus
  • Viremia Sandbox - the presence of viruses in the blood
  • Virilization Sandbox - the process by which a woman develops male characteristics; caused by overproduction of male sex hormones
  • Virulence Sandbox - the relative ability of an organism to cause disease
  • Virus Sandbox - the smallest known disease-causing microorganism; viruses are very simple in structure and can only multiply when they are inside the cell of another organism
  • Visual acuity Sandbox - a measure of the sharpness of a person's vision
  • Visual field Sandbox - the area on both sides that can be seen while looking straight ahead
  • Vital sign Sandbox - any sign, such as a pulse, that indicates that a person is alive
  • Vitamin A Sandbox - a vitamin essential for normal growth and development of the body (most notably the bones and teeth), protection of mucous membranes from infection, normal vision, and healthy skin and hair
  • Vitamin B complex Sandbox - a group of vitamins including thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, biotin, and folic acid; plays a variety of important roles in the body, including in hormone production, metabolism, and functioning of the nerves, muscle, heart, and digestive system
  • Vitamin B12 Sandbox - a vitamin that is essential to the production of DNA (the genetic material in cells) and red blood cells and in the functioning of the nervous system
  • Vitamin B6 Sandbox - a vitamin that plays an important role in the breakdown and use of energy sources, production of red blood cells and antibodies, and normal functioning of the nervous system
  • Vitamin C Sandbox - a vitamin with many essential roles, including in maintaining healthy bones, teeth, gums, ligaments, and blood vessels and in the immune system's response to infection
  • Vitamin D Sandbox - a vitamin that plays a role in the absorption of calcium by the intestines and is essential for healthy bones and teeth
  • Vitamin E Sandbox - a vitamin that protects tissues from damage by oxygen free radicals, helps to form red blood cells, maintains the function of enzymes, and maintains cell structure
  • Vitamin K Sandbox - a vitamin that is essential for normal blood clotting and the body's absorption of calcium
  • Vitamins Sandbox - complex substances that are necessary in small amounts to maintain health and ensure proper development and functioning of the body
  • Vitiligo Sandbox - a condition in which patches of skin on the body lose their color; thought to be caused by the immune system attacking the skin tissues, causing the absence of melanin
  • Vitreous humor Sandbox - the clear, watery fluid that fills the cavity of the eye behind the lens
  • Vocal cords Sandbox - two strips of tissue in the voice box that have the ability to produce sound when air passing through them causes the tissues to vibrate
  • Volvulus Sandbox - twisting and obstruction of an area of intestine
  • Von Willebrand's disease Sandbox - a genetic disorder characterized by excessive bleeding
  • Vulva Sandbox - the outer, visible portion of the female genitals
  • Vulvitis Sandbox - inflammation of the vulva
  • Vulvovaginitis Sandbox - inflammation of the vulva and vagina
  • Walleye Sandbox - a condition in which one eye turns outward
  • Wart Sandbox - a contagious, harmless growth caused by a virus that occurs on the skin or a mucous membrane
  • Weber's test Sandbox - a test in which a vibrating tuning fork is held against the forehead to help determine the cause of hearing loss
  • Wegener's granulomatosis Sandbox - a disorder in which nodules associated with inflammation of blood vessels develop in the lungs, kidneys, and nasal passageways
  • Weight-bearing exercise Sandbox - exercise that puts stress on bones, such as walking, which helps build up bone density and prevent the bones from becoming brittle
  • Wernicke's encephalopathy Sandbox - a brain disorder characterized by abnormal eye movements, difficulties with muscle coordination, and confusion; usually the result of chronic alcoholism
  • Wheeze Sandbox - a high-pitched sound produced during breathing because of narrowing of the airways; common sign of asthma
  • Whiplash injury Sandbox - injury to the ligaments, joints, and soft tissues of the neck region of the spine because of a sudden, violent jerking motion of the head
  • Whipple's disease Sandbox - a rare disorder that has widespread effects on the body, including impaired absorption of nutrients, weight loss, joint pain, and anemia
  • Whipworm Sandbox - a small, parasitic worm that can live in the intestines of a human and may cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, and anemia
  • White blood cell count Sandbox - the number of white blood cells present in a blood sample; useful in diagnosing and evaluating various diseases and infections
  • White blood cell Sandbox - a group of colorless blood cells that are part of the immune system, helping prevent and fight infection
  • Whitehead Sandbox - a painless, small, white bump; usually occurs in groups on the nose, cheeks, or around the eyes
  • Whitlow Sandbox - an abscess on the end of a finger or a toe that is caused by the herpes simplex virus or a bacterial infection
  • Whooping cough Sandbox - see Pertussis
  • Wilm's tumor Sandbox - a type of kidney cancer that usually affects children under the age of 5
  • Wilson's disease Sandbox - a rare genetic disorder in which copper builds up in the liver and is released into other parts of the body, eventually causing damage to the liver and brain
  • Withdrawal bleeding Sandbox - bleeding from the vagina that occurs when hormone levels drop, such as menstruation or the bleeding that occurs at the end of each cycle of the combined oral contraceptive pill
  • X chromosome Sandbox - one of the two sex chromosomes; determines female sex characteristics
  • X-linked disorder Sandbox - a genetic disorder in which the abnormal gene is located on the X chromosome; those affected are almost always men
  • X-ray Sandbox - see Radiography
  • XYY syndrome Sandbox - a disorder in which a man has an extra Y chromosome, causing him to be unusually tall and to have behavioral disorders
  • Xanthelasma Sandbox - fatty deposits around the eyes that are common in elderly people and are associated with high levels of cholesterol in the blood
  • Xanthine Sandbox - a bronchodilator drug that is used to treat asthma
  • Xanthomatosis Sandbox - a condition in which fatty deposits occur in various parts of the body, possibly leading to atherosclerosis
  • Xeroderma pigmentosum Sandbox - a genetic disorder in which the skin is extremely sensitive to sunlight, causing it to age prematurely and leaving the individual particularly susceptible to skin cancer
  • Xerophthalmia Sandbox - excessive dryness of the cornea and conjunctiva due to a lack of vitamin A
  • Y chromosome Sandbox - one of the two sex chromosomes; determines male sex characteristics
  • Yeast infection Sandbox - a term usually referring to a candidiasis infection
  • Yellow fever Sandbox - a life-threatening viral infection transmitted by mosquitoes that causes jaundice, fever, headache, and vomiting
  • ZIFT Sandbox - see Zygote intrafallopian transfer
  • Zinc chloride Sandbox - a white powder used as an antiseptic and antiperspirant
  • Zollinger-Ellison syndrome Sandbox - a rare disorder in which tumors form in the pancreas and secrete the hormone gastrin, which causes increased production of gastric acid and recurrent peptic ulcers
  • Zoonosis Sandbox - a parasite-caused or infectious disease in animals that can be transferred to humans
  • Zygote intrafallopian transfer Sandbox - a method used to treat infertility in which an egg fertilized outside the body is placed into a woman's fallopian tube
  • Zygote Sandbox - the cell that results when an egg is fertilized by a sperm