New york

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New York

New York (pronunciation: /nuː ˈjɔːrk/) is a state in the northeastern United States. It is known for its largest city, also named New York City, which is a major global hub of finance, media, arts, and culture.


The name "New York" was in honor of the Duke of York (later King James II & VII) who would become the proprietor of the lands. The state was originally a Dutch colony named "New Netherland" before it was claimed by the English in 1664.

Related Terms

  • New York City: The most populous city in the United States, located in the state of New York.
  • Albany, New York: The capital of the state of New York.
  • Hudson River: A river in New York, named after the explorer Henry Hudson.
  • Adirondack Mountains: A mountain range in northeastern New York.
  • Long Island: An island in southeastern New York, known for its beaches, parks, and residential towns.
  • Upstate New York: The portion of New York State north of the New York metropolitan area.

External links


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