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Alfred (Medical Term)

Alfred (/ˈælfrɪd/; Old English: Ælfrēd, Ælfrǣd, "elf counsel" or "wise elf") is a medical term used in various contexts within the healthcare industry.


The term "Alfred" originates from the Old English name Ælfrēd, composed of the elements ælf, meaning "elf," and rǣd, meaning "counsel." The name was common among Anglo-Saxon royalty, most notably King Alfred the Great.

Usage in Medicine

In the medical field, "Alfred" may refer to:

  • Alfred Syndrome: A rare genetic disorder characterized by specific physical abnormalities and intellectual disability.
  • Alfred Sign: A clinical sign often used in the diagnosis of certain neurological conditions.
  • Alfred Procedure: A surgical procedure named after the surgeon who developed it.

Related Terms

  • Alfred's Maneuver: A medical maneuver used to assess the presence of certain conditions.
  • Alfred's Scale: A scale used to measure the severity of a specific medical condition.

See Also

External links


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