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Assured (/əˈʃʊərd/), from the Old French asseurer, meaning to reassure or to make sure, is a term used in various fields of medicine. It is often used to describe a state of certainty or confidence in a particular outcome or diagnosis.


In a medical context, the term "assured" is often used to describe a state of certainty or confidence in a particular outcome or diagnosis. For example, a doctor might say that they are "assured" of a patient's recovery based on their current health status and the effectiveness of their treatment plan.

Usage in Medicine

In medicine, "assured" can be used in various contexts. It can refer to the certainty of a diagnosis, the confidence in a treatment plan, or the guarantee of a patient's recovery. For example, a doctor might be "assured" of a patient's recovery if they respond well to treatment.

Related Terms

  • Assurance: The act of giving confidence or certainty.
  • Certainty: The state of being assured or confident.
  • Diagnosis: The identification of the nature of an illness or other problem by examination of the symptoms.
  • Treatment Plan: A detailed plan with information about a patient's disease, the goal of treatment, the treatment options for the disease and possible side effects, and the expected length of treatment.

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