Caregiver burden

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Caregiver Burden

Caregiver burden (pronunciation: /ˈkɛərˌɡɪvər ˈbɜːrdən/) is a term used in the medical and psychological fields to describe the physical, emotional, and financial stress experienced by individuals who provide care for a chronically ill, disabled, or aged family member or friend.


The term "caregiver burden" is derived from the words "caregiver", which refers to a person who provides care to someone who is unable to care for themselves, and "burden", which refers to a heavy load or responsibility.

Related Terms

  • Caregiver: A person who provides direct care to someone who is unable to care for themselves due to illness, disability, or age.
  • Chronic Illness: A long-term health condition that may not have a cure. It can affect a person's lifestyle in different ways and requires ongoing medical attention or therapy.
  • Disability: A condition that affects a person's ability to perform certain tasks or activities.
  • Aging: The process of becoming older, which is an important part of all human societies reflecting the biological changes that occur.
  • Stress: A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances.
  • Financial Stress: Anxiety and worry that arises from financial instability or difficulties.
  • Physical Health: The state of being free from illness or injury.
  • Emotional Health': The ability to handle and express emotions effectively and appropriately.

See Also


External links


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