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Lombard (pronunciation: /ˈlɒmbɑːrd/) is a term with multiple meanings in the medical field. It can refer to a type of orthopedic brace, or to a phenomenon known as the Lombard effect.


The term Lombard is derived from the Lombardy region in Italy. The Lombard brace was named after the region where it was first used. The Lombard effect, on the other hand, is named after Étienne Lombard, a French physician who first described the phenomenon.

Lombard Brace

A Lombard brace is a type of orthopedic brace used to support and stabilize the spine. It is often used in the treatment of conditions such as scoliosis, kyphosis, and other spinal deformities. The brace is designed to apply pressure to the spine in a way that helps to correct the curvature and prevent further progression of the deformity.

Lombard Effect

The Lombard effect is a phenomenon in which individuals involuntarily increase their vocal effort in response to an increase in ambient noise. This effect is often observed in individuals with hearing impairment or auditory processing disorder. The Lombard effect can also be observed in normal hearing individuals when they are in a noisy environment.

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