Abdominoperineal resection

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Abdominoperineal resection
TermAbdominoperineal resection
Short definitionabdominoperineal resection (ab-DAH-mih-noh-PAYR-ih-NEE-ul ree-SEK-avoid) Surgery to remove the anus, rectum, and part of the sigmoid colon through an incision in the abdomen. The end of the intestine is attached to an opening in the surface of the abdomen, and body waste is collected in a disposable bag outside the body. 
TypeCancer terms

abdominoperineal resection - (pronounced) (ab-DAH-mih-noh-PAYR-ih-NEE-ul ree-SEK-avoid) Surgery to remove the anus, rectum, and part of the sigmoid colon through an incision in the abdomen. The end of the intestine is attached to an opening in the surface of the abdomen, and body waste is collected in a disposable bag outside the body. This opening is called a colostomy. This surgery can also remove lymph nodes that contain cancer

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