Allegheny Health Network

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Allegheny Health Network (pronunciation: al-uh-gey-nee health net-wurk) is a healthcare system based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States. It is a subsidiary of Highmark Health, a health insurance company.


The name "Allegheny" is derived from the Allegheny River, which runs through Pittsburgh, and "Health Network" signifies the organization's focus on healthcare.


Allegheny Health Network (AHN) is a comprehensive, integrated healthcare delivery system serving the greater Pittsburgh area and much of western Pennsylvania. It includes seven hospitals, four health + wellness pavilions, and multiple medical malls and health centers. The network also includes a group of more than 2,800 employed physicians.


AHN offers a wide range of medical services, including primary care, specialty care, hospital care, emergency care, ambulatory care, and wellness services. It also provides medical education and research opportunities.


Allegheny Health Network is affiliated with several educational institutions for medical education and research, including Drexel University College of Medicine and Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine.


Allegheny Health Network was formed in 2013 when Highmark Inc. acquired the assets of the West Penn Allegheny Health System, which included Allegheny General Hospital, West Penn Hospital, and several other healthcare facilities.

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