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Anisomastia (pronunciation: /ˌænɪsoʊˈmæstiə/) is a medical condition characterized by a significant difference in size or shape between the breasts of an individual.


The term "Anisomastia" is derived from the Greek words "aniso" meaning unequal and "mastia" meaning breasts.


Anisomastia is a condition where there is a noticeable size discrepancy between the breasts. This can be a natural occurrence or can result from a medical or surgical condition. The degree of difference can vary from slight to severe.


Anisomastia can be caused by a variety of factors including hormonal changes, puberty, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and aging. It can also be a result of certain medical conditions such as breast cancer, breast cysts, or breast abscesses.


Treatment for Anisomastia depends on the underlying cause and the degree of difference between the breasts. Options may include breast augmentation, breast reduction, or breast reconstruction surgery.

Related Terms

  • Breast asymmetry: This is a broader term that refers to any difference in size, shape, or position between the breasts.
  • Mammoplasty: This is a general term for surgical procedures that alter the size or shape of the breasts.
  • Gynecomastia: This is a condition where males develop enlarged breast tissue.

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