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Biomedical (pronounced: /ˌbaɪoʊˈmɛdɪkəl/) is a term that combines the fields of biology and medicine to create a comprehensive approach to healthcare. The term is derived from the Greek words 'bios' meaning life and 'medicus' referring to a physician or healer.


The term 'biomedical' is a combination of two words: 'bio' and 'medical'. 'Bio' is derived from the Greek word 'bios' which means life. 'Medical' is derived from the Latin word 'medicus' which means physician or healer. Together, they form 'biomedical', referring to the application of biological and physiological principles to clinical practice.

Related Terms

  • Biomedicine: A branch of medical science that applies biological and physiological principles to clinical practice.
  • Biomedical Engineering: The application of engineering principles and design concepts to medicine and biology for healthcare purposes.
  • Biomedical Research: The exploration of processes that govern the functioning of molecules, cells, and organisms within a health and disease context.
  • Biomedical Sciences: A broad field of study that includes various disciplines such as biochemistry, genetics, immunology, neuroscience, pathology, pharmacology, and physiology.

See Also

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