Canadian bacon

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Canadian Bacon

Canadian bacon (pronunciation: /ˈkænədiən ˈbeɪkən/) is a type of bacon that is typically back bacon made from lean boneless pork loin. It is a popular breakfast food in many parts of the world, including Canada and the United States.


The term "Canadian bacon" is not used in Canada, where the product is simply referred to as "back bacon". The term is believed to have originated in the United States, where it was used to describe a product that was similar to the bacon found in Canada.


Canadian bacon is made from the loin cut of a pig, which is located in the middle of the back. It is leaner than streaky bacon, which is made from the belly of the pig. Canadian bacon is typically cured and then smoked or cooked. It is often sold in round slices, which distinguishes it from other types of bacon that are typically sold in strips.

Related Terms

  • Bacon: A type of salt-cured pork made from various cuts, typically from the pork belly or from the less fatty back cuts.
  • Back bacon: A cut of bacon that includes the pork loin from the back of the pig. It can be a leaner alternative to belly bacon.
  • Pork loin: The area on the pig's back from shoulder to hip. It is relatively lean and tender.


In the United States, Canadian bacon is often used as a topping for pizza, while in Canada, it is commonly served as part of a traditional breakfast alongside eggs and toast.

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