Cauliflower rice

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Cauliflower Rice

Cauliflower rice is a culinary preparation that involves grating cauliflower into small, rice-like pieces. It is often used as a low-carb substitute for traditional rice in various dishes.


Cauliflower rice: /ˈkɔːlɪˌflaʊər raɪs/


The term "cauliflower rice" is a compound word derived from "cauliflower" and "rice". "Cauliflower" comes from the Latin words caulis (cabbage) and floris (flower), while "rice" comes from the Old French ris, which is derived from the Italian riso.


Cauliflower rice is prepared by grating or processing raw cauliflower florets until they reach a rice-like consistency. This can be achieved using a food processor, grater, or knife. The resulting "rice" can then be cooked by sautéing, steaming, or microwaving.


Cauliflower rice is a popular choice among those following a low-carb diet, such as the keto diet. It is high in fiber, vitamin C, and other nutrients, while being low in calories and carbohydrates compared to traditional rice.

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