Noor Ophthalmology Complex

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Noor Ophthalmology Complex

The Noor Ophthalmology Complex (pronunciation: /nʊər/ /ˌɒfθælˈmɒlədʒi/ /ˈkɒmplɛks/) is a renowned medical institution specializing in the field of ophthalmology, the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders.


The term "Noor" is of Arabic origin, meaning "light". The name signifies the institution's commitment to restoring and preserving the light of vision. "Ophthalmology" is derived from the Greek words "ophthalmos" meaning "eye" and "logia" meaning "study of". "Complex" in this context refers to a group of buildings dedicated to a particular purpose, in this case, eye care.


The Noor Ophthalmology Complex was established in [insert year], with the aim of providing comprehensive eye care services. Over the years, it has grown into a leading eye care center, offering a wide range of services from routine eye examinations to advanced surgical procedures.


The Noor Ophthalmology Complex offers a variety of services including eye examinations, diagnostic tests, treatment of common eye conditions, and surgical procedures. It is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and staffed by a team of experienced ophthalmologists.

Related Terms

  • Ophthalmologist: A medical doctor who specializes in eye and vision care.
  • Optometrist: A healthcare professional who provides primary vision care.
  • Optician: A technician trained to design, verify and fit eyeglass lenses and frames.

See Also

External links


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