Peripheral venous catheter

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Peripheral venous catheter
TermPeripheral venous catheter
Short definitionperipheral venous catheter - (pronounced) (peh-RIH-feh-rul VEE-nus KA-theh-ter) A device used for blood collection and treatment, including intravenous fluids, medication, or blood transfusions. A thin, flexible tube is inserted into a vein, usually in the back of the hand, lower arm, or foot. 
TypeCancer terms

peripheral venous catheter - (pronounced) (peh-RIH-feh-rul VEE-nus KA-theh-ter) A device used for blood collection and treatment, including intravenous fluids, medication, or blood transfusions. A thin, flexible tube is inserted into a vein, usually in the back of the hand, lower arm, or foot. A needle is inserted into a port to draw blood or give fluids

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