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Stock (medical term)

Stock (pronounced: /stɒk/) is a term used in various medical contexts. Its etymology is derived from the Old English stocc, meaning a log or block of wood, which metaphorically can refer to the basic or original part of something.

Usage in Medical Context

In a medical context, 'stock' can refer to:

  • Stock solution: A concentrated form of a substance used in laboratories, which can be diluted to create working solutions for experiments or procedures.
  • Stock vaccine: A large quantity of a vaccine that is kept ready for use in case of an outbreak of a particular disease.
  • Bone stock: The amount of bone available for a surgical procedure, such as joint replacement surgery.

Related Terms

  • Stock Syndrome: A hypothetical medical condition proposed to explain a set of symptoms that occur together, but which has not yet been recognized as a distinct disease.
  • Stock Management: In a medical context, this refers to the management of medical supplies, including medications, surgical equipment, and other necessary items.


The term 'stock' is pronounced as /stɒk/.


The term 'stock' is derived from the Old English stocc, meaning a log or block of wood. In a medical context, it metaphorically refers to the basic or original part of something.

See Also

External links


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Languages: - East Asian 中文, 日本, 한국어, South Asian हिन्दी, Urdu, বাংলা, తెలుగు, தமிழ், ಕನ್ನಡ,
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