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Orthotics (pronunciation: /ɔːrˈθɒtɪks/) is a specialized field of healthcare that involves the design, manufacture, and application of orthoses.


The term "Orthotics" is derived from the Greek word "orthos," which means "to straighten" or "align."


Orthotics are devices that are used to correct, support, or compensate for a body part that has a deformity, weakness, or injury. They can be used to improve function, alleviate pain, and prevent or reduce the progression of deformities.

Types of Orthotics

There are several types of orthotics, including:

  • Foot Orthotics: These are devices that are designed to fit inside the shoe and support the foot. They can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including flat feet, plantar fasciitis, and bunions.
  • Spinal Orthotics: These are devices that are used to support and align the spine. They can be used to treat conditions such as scoliosis, kyphosis, and spinal fractures.
  • Upper Limb Orthotics: These are devices that are used to support and align the upper limbs. They can be used to treat conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, and shoulder instability.
  • Lower Limb Orthotics: These are devices that are used to support and align the lower limbs. They can be used to treat conditions such as knee osteoarthritis, foot drop, and hip dysplasia.

Related Terms

  • Prosthetics: This is a related field that involves the design, manufacture, and application of prostheses, which are artificial devices that replace a missing body part.
  • Biomechanics: This is the study of the mechanical laws relating to the movement or structure of living organisms. It is a key concept in orthotics.
  • Orthopedic Surgery: This is a branch of surgery that deals with conditions involving the musculoskeletal system. Orthotics can be used in conjunction with orthopedic surgery to treat certain conditions.
  • Physical Therapy: This is a healthcare profession that uses physical methods to promote healing and recovery. Orthotics can be used as part of a physical therapy treatment plan.

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