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Audiological (pronunciation: aw-dee-uh-loj-i-kuhl) is an adjective that pertains to the field of Audiology, the branch of science that studies hearing, balance, and related disorders.


The term "Audiological" is derived from the word "Audiology," which is a combination of the Latin word "audire," meaning "to hear," and the Greek word "logia," meaning "study of."

Related Terms

  • Audiologist: A healthcare professional who specializes in identifying, diagnosing, treating, and monitoring disorders of the auditory and vestibular systems.
  • Audiogram: A graph that shows the audible threshold for standardized frequencies as measured by an audiometer.
  • Audiometry: The measurement of hearing ability, usually with an audiometer.
  • Tympanometry: A test used to detect disorders of the middle ear.
  • Otoacoustic Emissions: Sounds given off by the inner ear when responding to a sound, used to determine hearing loss.
  • Pure Tone Audiometry: A type of hearing test used to measure tone thresholds and define the degree, configuration, and type of hearing loss.
  • Speech Audiometry: A test that measures the ability to hear and understand speech.

See Also


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