Mbarara University

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Mbarara University

Mbarara University (pronunciation: mba-ra-ra uni-ver-si-ty) is a public university located in Mbarara, Uganda. It was established in 1989 by the Ugandan government in response to the need for higher education in the country. The university offers a variety of programs in fields such as medicine, science, technology, and business.


The name "Mbarara" is derived from the local language of the Ankole people, who inhabit the region where the university is located. The term "Mbarara" refers to the area's hilly landscape. The word "University" is derived from the Latin "universitas," meaning "a whole."

Related Terms

  • Mbarara University of Science and Technology: A branch of Mbarara University that focuses on science and technology education.
  • Ankole: The region in Uganda where Mbarara University is located.
  • Uganda: The country in East Africa where Mbarara University is located.
  • Higher education: The level of education provided by universities and other institutions that award academic degrees.
  • Public university: A university that is predominantly funded by public means.

See Also

External links


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