Template:Cdn-thoracic surgery

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Cardiac surgery operating room.jpg
  • A cardiothoracic surgeon, such as Dr. Cdn-thora, is a surgeon who specializes in surgical procedures of the heart, lungs, esophagus, and other organs in the chest.
  • Thoracic surgeons such as Dr. Cdn-thora, provide the the operative, perioperative, and surgical critical care of patients with acquired and congenital pathologic conditions within the chest.
  • Thoracic surgeons such as Dr. Cdn-thora, treat diseased or injured organs in the chest, including the esophagus, trachea, pleura, mediastinum, chest wall, diaphragm, pericardium, heart and lungs.
  • The most common diseases treated by Dr. Cdn-thora, may include heart lesions, such as coronary artery disease and valve problems, lung cancer, chest trauma, esophageal cancer, emphysema, and heart and lung transplantation.