Acadian Ambulance

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Acadian Ambulance

Acadian Ambulance (pronunciation: /əˈkeɪdiən æmbjələns/) is a private ambulance service that operates in various parts of the United States. The company was founded in 1971 in Lafayette, Louisiana by a group of local citizens.


The term "Acadian" refers to the descendants of the French settlers who established themselves in the Acadia region of Canada in the 17th century. Many of these settlers were later expelled by the British and settled in Louisiana, where they became known as the Cajuns. The name "Acadian Ambulance" reflects the company's roots in the Acadiana region of Louisiana.


Acadian Ambulance was founded in response to a shortage of ambulance services in the Lafayette area. The company started with just two ambulances and has since grown to become one of the largest private ambulance services in the United States, with operations in Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi, Tennessee, and other states.


Acadian Ambulance provides a range of services, including emergency medical services (EMS), non-emergency patient transport, air ambulance services, and medical training. The company also operates a membership program, which offers benefits such as coverage of out-of-pocket costs for ambulance services.

Related Terms

  • Emergency Medical Services (EMS): A system that provides emergency medical care to people who are injured or ill, often at the scene of an incident and while transporting patients to a hospital.
  • Air Ambulance: A specially equipped aircraft that is used to transport sick or injured people in a medical emergency or over distances or terrain impractical for a conventional ground ambulance.
  • Patient Transport: The process of transporting a patient from one location to another, often from a hospital to a rehabilitation facility or to their home.
  • Medical Training: Education and training in medical procedures and patient care, often provided to healthcare professionals and emergency responders.

External links


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