Aggressive systemic mastocytosis

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Aggressive systemic mastocytosis
TermAggressive systemic mastocytosis
Short definitionaggressive systemic mastocytosis (uh-GREH-siv sis-TEH-mik MAS-toh-sy-TOH-sis) A rare condition in which too many mast cells (a type of white blood cell) build up in certain tissues and organs in the body, including the bone marrow, lymph nodes, bones, liver, spleen and small intestine. Aggressive systemic mastocytosis can quickly worsen, causing severe symptoms and organ damage. 
TypeCancer terms

aggressive systemic mastocytosis - (pronounced) (uh-GREH-siv sis-TEH-mik MAS-toh-sy-TOH-sis) A rare condition in which too many mast cells (a type of white blood cell) build up in certain tissues and organs in the body, including the bone marrow, lymph nodes, bones, liver, spleen and small intestine. Aggressive systemic mastocytosis can quickly worsen, causing severe symptoms and organ damage. Sometimes mast cell leukemia (a very rare type of leukemia) can occur. Aggressive systemic mastocytosis usually occurs in adults. Also called ASM

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