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Applicability (/ˌæplɪkəˈbɪlɪti/) refers to the degree to which a particular process, conclusion, or recommendation is directly relevant or applicable to a given situation or context, particularly in the field of medicine and healthcare.


The term "applicability" is derived from the Latin word "applicabilis", which means "that can be applied". It is a combination of the prefix "ad-", meaning "to", and "plicare", meaning "to fold". In its current usage, it refers to the suitability or relevance of a particular concept or method in a given context.

Related Terms

  • Applicability Criterion: A set of conditions that must be met for a particular method or process to be considered applicable.
  • Applicability Domain: The range or scope within which a particular method or process is considered applicable.
  • Applicability Statement: A document or statement that outlines the conditions under which a particular method or process is considered applicable.
  • Applicability Assessment: The process of determining the degree to which a particular method or process is applicable in a given context.

In Medicine

In the field of medicine, applicability refers to the degree to which the findings of a particular clinical trial or research study can be applied to the general patient population. This is often determined through an applicability assessment, which considers factors such as the characteristics of the study population, the nature of the intervention, and the setting in which the study was conducted.

Applicability is a key consideration in the development of clinical guidelines and treatment protocols, as it helps to ensure that these guidelines and protocols are relevant and useful in real-world clinical practice.

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