Averrhoa bilimbi

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Averrhoa bilimbi

Averrhoa bilimbi (pronunciation: /əˌvɛroʊə bɪˈlɪmbi/), commonly known as the bilimbi, cucumber tree, or tree sorrel, is a fruit-bearing tree of the genus Averrhoa, family Oxalidaceae.


The genus name Averrhoa is named after Ibn Rushd, a philosopher and scientist from Al-Andalus, also known as Averroes. The specific epithet bilimbi is derived from the Indonesian name for the fruit, 'belimbing'.


The Averrhoa bilimbi is a small tropical tree native to Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. It produces a small, cucumber-like fruit which is used in various culinary and medicinal applications.

Related Terms

  • Averrhoa carambola: A related species also known as the star fruit.
  • Oxalidaceae: The family to which the Averrhoa bilimbi belongs.
  • Ibn Rushd: The philosopher and scientist after whom the genus Averrhoa is named.


The fruit of the Averrhoa bilimbi is used in traditional medicine in its native regions. It is also used in various culinary applications, including as a souring agent in dishes.

See Also

External links


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