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Bestseller (pronunciation: /ˈbɛstˌsɛlər/) is a term commonly used in the publishing industry to refer to a book that has sold a significant number of copies. The term is often associated with commercial success and popular culture.


The term "bestseller" is derived from the English words "best" and "seller". It was first used in the late 19th century to describe books that were selling in large quantities.

Related Terms


A bestseller is a book or other media that is reported by its publisher to have sold a large number of copies. The exact number can vary depending on the source, but it is generally accepted that a bestseller is a book that has sold at least several thousand copies. The term is often used to refer to the top-selling books in a specific market, such as the New York Times Best Seller list or the bestseller list.

Criteria for Bestseller Status

The criteria for a book to be classified as a bestseller can vary widely depending on the source. Some sources consider a book a bestseller if it has sold a certain number of copies within a specific time period, while others base the classification on the book's ranking on various bestseller lists. The New York Times Best Seller list, for example, is based on sales data from a select group of independent and chain bookstores, as well as from online retailers.

Impact of Bestseller Status

Achieving bestseller status can have a significant impact on a book's sales and the author's career. It can lead to increased visibility and recognition, as well as additional publishing opportunities. However, it is also important to note that not all bestsellers are critically acclaimed, and the term does not necessarily indicate the quality of the book.

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