Brooklyn Hospital Center

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Brooklyn Hospital Center

Brooklyn Hospital Center (pronunciation: brook-lin hos-pi-tal cen-ter) is a healthcare institution located in Brooklyn, New York. It is a member of the New York-Presbyterian Healthcare System.


The name "Brooklyn Hospital Center" is derived from its location in the borough of Brooklyn in New York City. The term "hospital" originates from the Latin word hospes, meaning guest or stranger. It's a place where strangers or guests, in this case patients, are taken care of. The term "center" is used to denote the main or important place where a particular activity is concentrated.


The Brooklyn Hospital Center was founded in 1883 and has since been providing continuous health care services to the community. It is one of the oldest hospitals in Brooklyn.


The Brooklyn Hospital Center provides a wide range of medical services including emergency care, surgical services, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatric care, and psychiatric services.


The Brooklyn Hospital Center is affiliated with the Weill Cornell Medicine, providing a broad range of medical education opportunities.

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