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Chao (/tʃaʊ/), in the context of medical terminology, is not a standalone term but is often used as a part of compound words or phrases. It is derived from the Greek word "chaos" meaning "gap" or "space".


The term "Chao" is derived from the Greek word "chaos" which means "gap" or "space". In medical terminology, it is often used to denote a state of disorder or confusion.

Related Terms

  • Chao1: A gene that encodes a protein involved in neurodevelopment and neurodegeneration. Mutations in this gene are associated with several neurological disorders.
  • Chao2: A variant of the Chao1 gene, also involved in neurodevelopment and neurodegeneration.
  • Chaos Theory: A mathematical concept that is used in various fields including medicine to describe complex systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions.
  • Chaos (disambiguation): Other uses of the term "chaos" in different contexts.


The term "Chao" is pronounced as /tʃaʊ/.

See Also

External links


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