Children's Hospice South West

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Children's Hospice South West

Children's Hospice South West (pronunciation: /ˈtʃɪldrənz ˈhɒspɪs saʊθ wɛst/) is a non-profit organization that provides palliative care services for children with life-limiting conditions and their families in the South West of England.


The term "hospice" originates from the Latin word hospitium, meaning hospitality or a place of rest and protection for the sick and weary. The term "children's" is used to specify the age group that the hospice caters to, and "South West" refers to the geographical location of the hospice in the South West region of England.


Children's Hospice South West provides a range of services including respite care, end-of-life care, bereavement support, and family support. These services are designed to improve the quality of life for children with life-limiting conditions and their families.

Related Terms

  • Palliative Care: A type of care that focuses on relieving and preventing the suffering of patients.
  • Non-profit Organization: An organization that uses its surplus revenues to further achieve its purpose or mission, rather than distributing its surplus income to the organization's directors.
  • Respite Care: Short-term care provided to people with health problems and their caregivers.
  • End-of-life Care: Health care provided to individuals in the final phase of their life.
  • Bereavement Support: Support given to individuals who have lost a loved one.
  • Family Support: Various types of support (emotional, social, financial) provided to families in order to help them perform their functions.

External links


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