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Eager (/ˈiːɡər/), from the Old French aigre, meaning "sharp, keen, or bitter", is a term often used in medical contexts to describe a strong desire or enthusiasm. It is not a medical condition or diagnosis, but rather a descriptor of a patient's attitude or approach towards treatment, recovery, or participation in medical studies.


The term "eager" originates from the Old French aigre, which translates to "sharp, keen, or bitter". It was adopted into Middle English as egre and eventually evolved into the modern English "eager". The term is used to describe a keen or ardent desire or interest.

In Medical Context

In a medical context, an Eager patient is one who is highly motivated and enthusiastic about their treatment plan, often actively participating in their own care and recovery. This can be beneficial in terms of patient compliance and adherence to treatment protocols.

Eager syndrome is not a recognized medical condition, but the term may be used colloquially to describe a patient who is overly enthusiastic or anxious about their health, often seeking out unnecessary tests or treatments.

Related Terms

  • Enthusiasm: A strong excitement or fervor towards a cause or subject. In a medical context, it can refer to a patient's positive attitude towards their treatment or recovery.
  • Motivation: The psychological drive that gives purpose and direction to behavior. In a medical context, it can refer to a patient's willingness to adhere to treatment protocols.
  • Compliance (medicine): The degree to which a patient correctly follows medical advice. An eager patient is often highly compliant.
  • Patient participation: The involvement of the patient in their own healthcare. Eager patients often participate actively in their care.

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