Ernest Guglielminetti

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Ernest Guglielminetti

Ernest Guglielminetti (pronunciation: Er-nest Goo-glee-el-min-etti) was a Swiss physician and public health pioneer, best known for his work in the field of public health and road safety.


The name Ernest is of German origin, meaning "serious" or "resolute". Guglielminetti is an Italian surname, common in the Piedmont region of Italy. The exact etymology of Guglielminetti is unknown, but it is likely a diminutive form of the name Guglielmo, the Italian form of William.


Ernest Guglielminetti was born in 1862 in Brig, Switzerland. He studied medicine at the University of Geneva and later served as a military doctor in the French Foreign Legion. During his time in the legion, he observed the detrimental effects of dust on the health of the soldiers and the local population. This led him to develop a method of dust suppression by spraying roads with oil, a practice that greatly improved road safety and public health.

Related Terms

  • Public Health: The science and practice of protecting and improving the health of people and their communities.
  • Road Safety: The methods and measures used to prevent road users from being killed or seriously injured.
  • Dust Suppression: The application of water and/or chemicals on construction and other sites to help control and reduce the amount of airborne, respirable dust.


Guglielminetti's work in dust suppression had a significant impact on public health and road safety. His methods were adopted in many countries around the world, leading to a reduction in dust-related health issues and road accidents. Today, he is remembered as a pioneer in his field and his contributions continue to influence modern practices in public health and road safety.

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