Esperanza Cabral

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Esperanza Cabral

Esperanza Cabral (pronounced: es-pe-ran-za cab-ral) is a notable figure in the field of medicine and public health in the Philippines.


The name "Esperanza" is of Spanish origin, meaning "hope". "Cabral" is a common surname in Portugal and Brazil, and it is derived from the Portuguese word "cabra" meaning "goat".


Esperanza Cabral served as the Secretary of the Department of Health in the Philippines from 2009 to 2010. Prior to this, she was the Secretary of the Department of Social Welfare and Development from 2008 to 2009.


Throughout her career, Cabral has been instrumental in implementing various health policies and programs aimed at improving the health status of Filipinos. She has been a strong advocate for reproductive health, family planning, and HIV/AIDS prevention and control.

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