Fresenius (company)

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Fresenius (company)

Fresenius (pronounced /frɛˈsiːniəs/) is a global health care group providing products and services for dialysis, hospitals, and outpatient medical care. The company, headquartered in Bad Homburg, Germany, is one of the world's leading providers of products and services for individuals undergoing dialysis due to chronic kidney failure.


The company is named after its founder, Dr. Eduard Fresenius, a German pharmacist who established the company in 1912.


Fresenius was founded in 1912 by Dr. Eduard Fresenius as a pharmaceutical laboratory. The company initially specialized in the production of injectable pharmaceuticals. During the 1950s, Fresenius expanded its product range to include products for clinical nutrition and infusion therapy. In the 1970s, the company entered the dialysis market and has since become a global leader in this field.

Products and Services

Fresenius provides a wide range of health care products and services. These include:

  • Dialysis: Fresenius is a leading provider of products and services for individuals undergoing dialysis due to chronic kidney failure. The company offers dialysis machines, dialyzers, and related disposables.
  • Hospital Care: Fresenius provides a range of products and services for hospitals, including infusion and transfusion therapies, clinical nutrition, and inpatient and outpatient care.
  • Outpatient Medical Care: Fresenius operates outpatient medical care centers, offering services such as dialysis, infusion therapy, and clinical nutrition.

Related Companies

Fresenius is the parent company of several subsidiaries, including:

  • Fresenius Kabi: Specializes in lifesaving medicines and technologies for infusion, transfusion and clinical nutrition.
  • Fresenius Vamed: Provides project development, planning, and management for health care facilities.

External links

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