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Full (fool)

Full (pronounced /fʊl/) is an English term that is often used in the medical field to describe a state of completeness or maximum capacity. The term is derived from the Old English fullian, which means "to make full."


The term "full" originates from the Old English fullian, which means "to make full." It is related to the Old High German fol, which means "full, complete."

Medical Usage

In the medical field, "full" is often used to describe a state of completeness or maximum capacity. For example, a patient may be described as having a "full bladder" when their bladder is at its maximum capacity. Similarly, a "full recovery" refers to a patient returning to their pre-illness state of health.

Related Terms

  • Full Recovery: A term used to describe a patient returning to their pre-illness state of health.
  • Full Bladder: A term used to describe a bladder that is at its maximum capacity.
  • Fullness: A sensation of being full, often used in relation to the stomach or bladder.
  • Full Blood Count: A common blood test that measures the number of different types of cells in a sample of your blood.

External links


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