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Hartford (HART-fərd)

Hartford (pronounced HART-fərd) is a term that is commonly associated with the capital city of the U.S. state of Connecticut. However, in the context of medical terminology, it may refer to the Hartford Hospital, a major teaching hospital affiliated with the University of Connecticut Medical School.


The term "Hartford" is of English origin, derived from the Old English words "hart" (stag) and "ford" (river crossing). The city was named for the River Hertford in England.

Related Terms

  • Hartford Hospital: A major teaching hospital and tertiary care center in Hartford, Connecticut. It is one of the largest healthcare facilities in the state and offers a range of medical services.
  • Connecticut: The U.S. state where Hartford is located. It is home to many healthcare facilities and medical schools.
  • Teaching Hospital: A hospital that provides clinical education and training to future and current health professionals. Hartford Hospital is a notable example of a teaching hospital.
  • Tertiary Care: A high level of healthcare that involves specialized consultative care, usually on referral from primary or secondary medical care personnel. Hartford Hospital is known for providing tertiary care.

See Also

External links


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