Hormone receptor positive

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Hormone receptor positive
TermHormone receptor positive
Short definitionhormone receptor positive (HOR-mone reh-SEP-ter PAH-zih-tiv) Describes cells that have a group of proteins that bind to a specific hormone. For example, some breast cancer cells have receptors for the hormones estrogen or progesterone. 
TypeCancer terms

hormone receptor positive - (pronounced) (HOR-mone reh-SEP-ter PAH-zih-tiv) Describes cells that have a group of proteins that bind to a specific hormone. For example, some breast cancer cells have receptors for the hormones estrogen or progesterone. These cells are hormone receptor positive and require estrogen or progesterone to grow. This can affect the treatment of the cancer. Knowing if the cancer is hormone receptor positive can help plan treatment

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