Inferior nasal meatus

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Inferior Nasal Meatus

The Inferior Nasal Meatus (pronunciation: /ɪnˈfɪərɪər 'neɪzəl 'miːətəs/) is a part of the nasal cavity that is located below the inferior nasal concha.


The term "Inferior Nasal Meatus" is derived from the Latin words 'Inferior' meaning 'lower', 'Nasal' meaning 'related to the nose', and 'Meatus' meaning 'passage or opening'.


The Inferior Nasal Meatus is the largest of the three nasal meatuses, the others being the middle nasal meatus and the superior nasal meatus. It extends longitudinally from the anterior to the posterior part of the nasal cavity. The nasolacrimal duct opens into the anterior part of the Inferior Nasal Meatus.


The Inferior Nasal Meatus plays a crucial role in the process of respiration. It allows the passage of air to the nasopharynx, and also facilitates the drainage of the nasolacrimal duct, which carries tears from the lacrimal sac of the eye into the nasal cavity.

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