Jacobs Medical Center

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Jacobs Medical Center

Jacobs Medical Center (pronounced: JAY-kubs MED-i-kal SEN-ter) is a state-of-the-art medical facility located in La Jolla, California. It is a part of the UC San Diego Health system and is named after philanthropist Irwin Jacobs and his wife, Joan.


The name "Jacobs Medical Center" is derived from the last name of Irwin Jacobs, the co-founder of Qualcomm, and his wife, Joan. The Jacobs family has been a significant benefactor to the UC San Diego Health system, contributing $75 million towards the construction of the medical center.


Jacobs Medical Center is a 245-bed hospital that provides advanced medical care in a wide range of specialties. The hospital is divided into three pavilions: the Thornton Pavilion, the Pauline and Stanley Foster Pavilion for Cancer Care, and the A. Vassiliadis Family Pavilion for Advanced Surgery.


Jacobs Medical Center offers a variety of medical services, including oncology, cardiology, neurology, orthopedics, and obstetrics and gynecology. The hospital also houses a neonatal intensive care unit and a maternity ward.

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