Journal of Medical Biography

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Journal of Medical Biography

The Journal of Medical Biography (JMB) is a peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes articles related to the lives and works of individuals in the field of medicine.


Journal of Medical Biography: /ˈdʒɜːrnəl ɒv ˈmɛdɪkəl ˈbaɪəgrəfi/


The term "Journal of Medical Biography" is derived from three words. "Journal" comes from the Old French jurnal, meaning 'daily', referring to the regularity of updates in academic journals. "Medical" is derived from the Latin medicus, meaning 'physician'. "Biography" comes from the Greek bios, meaning 'life', and graphia, meaning 'writing'.

Related Terms


The Journal of Medical Biography publishes biographical, historical, and review articles, as well as contributions to debates and thematic issues. The journal is published by the Royal Society of Medicine and is indexed in PubMed, Scopus, and the Science Citation Index. The journal's focus is on the lives and achievements of notable health professionals and their contributions to the field of medicine.


The Journal of Medical Biography was first published in 1993. It is published quarterly and is available both in print and online. The journal is known for its rigorous peer-review process and its commitment to publishing high-quality research in the field of medical biography.

See Also

External links


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