Krembil Research Institute

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Krembil Research Institute

The Krembil Research Institute (pronounced: KREM-bil) is a medical research facility based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is one of the principal research institutes of the University Health Network (UHN).


The institute is named after the Krembil family, who are notable philanthropists in the field of health research in Canada. The exact etymology of the name 'Krembil' is not known.


The Krembil Research Institute is dedicated to conducting advanced biomedical research. Its primary focus is on the areas of neuroscience, orthopedics, and arthritis. The institute is known for its multidisciplinary approach, combining expertise in molecular biology, genetics, and clinical medicine to develop new treatments and therapies.

Research Areas

The Krembil Research Institute is divided into three main research programs:

  • Arthritis Program: This program aims to understand the causes of arthritis and to develop new treatments for this debilitating condition.


The Krembil Research Institute is affiliated with the University of Toronto and is a key part of the Toronto Academic Health Science Network (TAHSN).

External links


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