Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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Magnetic Resonance Imaging
TermMagnetic Resonance Imaging
Short definitionMagnetic Resonance Imaging - (pronounced) (mag-NEH-tik REH-zuh-nunts SPEK-troh-SKAH-pik IH-muh-jing) A non-invasive imaging technique that provides information about cell activity (metabolic information). It is used together with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which provides information about the shape and size of the tumor (location information). 
TypeCancer terms

Magnetic Resonance Imaging - (pronounced) (mag-NEH-tik REH-zuh-nunts SPEK-troh-SKAH-pik IH-muh-jing) A non-invasive imaging technique that provides information about cell activity (metabolic information). It is used together with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which provides information about the shape and size of the tumor (location information). Also referred to as 1H nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, MRSI, and proton magnetic resonance imaging

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