Maureen Reed

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Maureen Reed

Maureen Reed (pronunciation: maw-REEN reed) is a notable figure in the field of medicine and healthcare administration.


The name 'Maureen' is of Irish origin, derived from the Gaelic 'Máirín', a diminutive form of 'Máire', the Irish form of 'Mary'. The surname 'Reed' is of English origin, derived from the Old English 'rēad', meaning 'red'.


Maureen Reed has had a significant impact on the field of healthcare administration. She has held various leadership roles in healthcare organizations, contributing to the development and implementation of healthcare policies and strategies. Her work has been instrumental in improving healthcare delivery systems and patient care.

Related Terms

  • Healthcare Administration: The field that deals with the administration, leadership, and management of healthcare systems, hospitals, or hospital networks.
  • Medicine: The science and practice of establishing the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.
  • Healthcare Policy: The set of decisions and plans, carried out by healthcare organizations, to achieve specific healthcare goals within a society.

See Also

External links


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