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Medially (/mɛdiːəliː/), derived from the Latin word medius meaning middle, is a term used in anatomy and medicine to describe a position or direction towards the midline of the body. It is the opposite of laterally, which refers to a position away from the midline.


The term medially is derived from the Latin word medius, which means middle. It is used in anatomical terminology to describe a position or direction towards the midline of the body.

Usage in Medicine

In medicine, the term medially is used to describe the position of structures in relation to the midline of the body. For example, the heart is located medially within the thoracic cavity, meaning it is closer to the midline than the lungs. Similarly, the nose is located medially on the face, while the ears are located laterally.

Related Terms

  • Anatomy: The scientific study of the structure of organisms including their systems, organs, and tissues.
  • Laterally: An anatomical term of location that describes something on the side or sides.
  • Midline: An imaginary line down the center of the body, dividing it into left and right halves.
  • Thoracic cavity: The chamber of the body of vertebrates that is protected by the thoracic wall (rib cage and associated skin, muscle, and fascia).
  • Heart: A muscular organ in most animals, which pumps blood through the blood vessels of the circulatory system.
  • Lungs: The primary organs of the respiratory system in humans and many other animals.
  • Nose: A protuberance in vertebrates that houses the nostrils, or nares, which receive and expel air for respiration.
  • Ears: The organs of hearing and balance in vertebrates.

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