Medical license

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Medical license

A Medical license (/ˈmɛdɪkəl ˈlaɪsəns/) is a legal document that permits a person to practice medicine within a specified jurisdiction. The license is granted by a medical board of the jurisdiction where the doctor intends to practice.


The term "license" originates from the Latin word licentia, meaning "authority" or "freedom". The prefix "medical" is derived from the Latin medicus, meaning "physician".


The practice of licensing doctors has been in place since the Middle Ages, with the first known medical license issued by the Medical Guild of Florence in 1301. The purpose of the license was to ensure that only qualified individuals practiced medicine, protecting the public from quackery and malpractice.

Obtaining a Medical License

To obtain a medical license, a person must first complete a medical degree from a recognized institution. After graduation, they must complete a period of residency in a hospital or clinic, gaining practical experience under the supervision of experienced doctors. Following the residency, the individual must pass a licensing examination, such as the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) in the United States or the Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board (PLAB) test in the United Kingdom.

Related Terms

  • Medical Board: A legal body responsible for issuing medical licenses and regulating the practice of medicine within a jurisdiction.
  • Residency (medicine): A period of medical training that a doctor must complete after graduating from medical school.
  • Medical Degree: An academic degree awarded for studies in fields associated with medicine and/or surgery.

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