Minister of Health (France)

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Minister of Health (France)

The Minister of Health (France) (French: Ministre de la Santé) is a government official responsible for matters of public health in France. The position is currently held by Olivier Véran.


  • English: /ˈmɪnɪstər ɒv hɛlθ (frɑːns)/
  • French: /ministʁ də la sɑ̃te/


The term "Minister" comes from the Middle English word 'ministre', derived from the Old French word 'ministre', which in turn originates from the Latin 'minister' meaning "servant". "Health" comes from the Old English 'hǣlþ', which has the base meaning of "wholeness, a being whole, sound or well". The term "France" comes from Latin Francia, which means "country of the Franks".

Role and Responsibilities

The Minister of Health is responsible for maintaining and improving the health of the citizens of France. This includes the management of hospitals, health care facilities, and public health initiatives. The Minister also oversees the implementation of health policies, regulations, and laws.

Related Terms

See Also


External links


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