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Naphazoline/Pheniramine (pronunciation: na-FAZ-oh-leen/FEN-ir-a-meen) is a combination medication used to relieve symptoms of eye irritation, such as redness, itching, and watering, caused by allergies or other conditions.


The term 'Naphazoline' is derived from the chemical structure of the compound, which includes a naphthalene ring and an imidazoline ring. 'Pheniramine' is derived from the chemical structure of the compound, which includes a phenyl ring and an amine group.


Naphazoline is a vasoconstrictor, which works by narrowing the blood vessels in the eye to reduce redness and swelling. Pheniramine is an antihistamine, which works by blocking the action of histamine, a substance in the body that causes allergic symptoms.

Related Terms

  • Vasoconstrictor: A type of medication that narrows blood vessels.
  • Antihistamine: A type of medication that reduces or eliminates the effects of histamine, a chemical that the body produces during an allergic reaction.
  • Histamine: A compound that is released by cells in response to injury and in allergic and inflammatory reactions, causing contraction of smooth muscle and dilation of capillaries.
  • Allergy: A damaging immune response by the body to a substance, especially pollen, fur, a particular food, or dust, to which it has become hypersensitive.

Side Effects

Common side effects of Naphazoline/Pheniramine include mild burning, stinging, or discomfort in the eye. Serious side effects are rare but may include severe eye pain, vision changes, or continuous eye redness/irritation.


Before using Naphazoline/Pheniramine, inform your doctor or pharmacist if you are allergic to either drug; or if you have any other allergies. This product may contain inactive ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems.

External links


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