Rangpur Medical College

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Rangpur Medical College (pronunciation: Rang-pur Med-i-cal Col-lege) is a prestigious institution for medical education located in Rangpur, Bangladesh. It was established in the year 1970 and has been providing quality medical education and healthcare services since then.


The name "Rangpur" is derived from the Bengali words "Rang" meaning color and "pur" meaning city. The "Medical College" part of the name signifies the institution's primary function as a place of higher learning in the field of medicine.


Rangpur Medical College was established in 1970 with the aim of providing quality medical education to the students of the northern region of Bangladesh. The college started its journey with only 50 students. Over the years, it has grown into a renowned institution with more than 1000 students.


Rangpur Medical College offers a five-year MBBS course, followed by a one-year internship in the associated Rangpur Medical College Hospital. The college also offers postgraduate courses in various disciplines of medicine and surgery.


Rangpur Medical College is affiliated with the University of Rajshahi and is recognized by the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council (BMDC).

Notable Alumni

Many of the alumni of Rangpur Medical College have made significant contributions to the field of medicine in Bangladesh and abroad. They are serving in various capacities in hospitals, research institutions, and universities around the world.

See Also

External links


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