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Rotterdam (pronunciation: /ˈrɒtərdæm/; etymology: from "Rotte," a river in the Netherlands, and "dam," meaning a barrier that stops or restricts the flow of water) is the second-largest city and municipality in the Netherlands. It is located in the province of South Holland, at the mouth of the Nieuwe Maas channel leading into the Rhine–Meuse–Scheldt delta at the North Sea. Its history goes back to 1270 when a dam was constructed in the Rotte.


Rotterdam's history dates back to the 13th century when a dam was built on the river Rotte. The city has since grown to become one of the largest and most important ports in the world, known as the Port of Rotterdam.


Rotterdam is located in the western part of the Netherlands, in the province of South Holland. The city is situated at the mouth of the Nieuwe Maas, a channel that leads into the Rhine–Meuse–Scheldt delta at the North Sea.


The economy of Rotterdam is heavily influenced by the Port of Rotterdam, the largest port in Europe and one of the busiest in the world. The city is also a major international commercial centre with a wide range of industries including shipping, logistics, and petrochemicals.


Rotterdam is home to several renowned medical institutions, including the Erasmus MC, which is the largest and one of the most authoritative scientific University Medical Centers in Europe. The city also has a number of other hospitals and medical facilities providing a wide range of healthcare services.


Rotterdam has a number of educational institutions, including the Erasmus University Rotterdam, which is internationally recognized for its distinct social orientation in education and research.


Rotterdam is known for its vibrant cultural life, with numerous museums, art galleries, and music venues. The city is also famous for its modern architecture, with many innovative and distinctive buildings.

See also

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