Skin manifestations of sarcoidosis

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Skin manifestations of sarcoidosis

Skin manifestations of sarcoidosis (pronunciation: /ˈskɪn ˌmænɪfɪˈsteɪʃənz ɒv ˌsɑːkɔɪˈdoʊsɪs/) refer to the changes in the skin that occur due to sarcoidosis, a systemic inflammatory disease. The etymology of the term comes from the Greek words "sark" meaning flesh, and "-oid" meaning like, referring to the flesh-like granulomas that characterize the disease.


Sarcoidosis is a disease that leads to inflammation and can affect various organs in the body. When it affects the skin, it results in skin manifestations. These can vary widely in appearance and severity, and may include erythema nodosum, lupus pernio, and other skin lesions.


The most common skin manifestations of sarcoidosis include:

  • Erythema nodosum: A type of skin inflammation that results in reddish, painful, tender lumps most commonly located in the front of the legs below the knees.
  • Lupus pernio: A chronic skin condition characterized by painful, purple-red bumps that develop on the nose, cheeks, and ears.
  • Skin lesions: These can take many forms, including rashes, bumps, or patches of discolored skin.


Diagnosis of skin manifestations of sarcoidosis typically involves a physical examination, medical history, and possibly a skin biopsy. Other tests, such as blood tests or imaging studies, may be used to determine the extent of the disease.


Treatment for skin manifestations of sarcoidosis typically involves managing the symptoms and may include topical or systemic corticosteroids, immunosuppressive drugs, or other therapies as appropriate.

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