Surrey Ambulance Service

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Surrey Ambulance Service

The Surrey Ambulance Service (pronunciation: /ˈsʌri æmˈbʊləns sɜːrvɪs/) is a public health service responsible for providing emergency medical services (EMS) in the county of Surrey, England.


The term "Surrey Ambulance Service" is derived from the name of the county it serves, Surrey, and the service it provides, which is ambulance service. The word "ambulance" comes from the Latin ambulare, meaning "to walk or move about" which is a reference to early medical care where patients were moved by lifting or wheeling.


The Surrey Ambulance Service was established to provide emergency medical care and transportation to the residents of Surrey. It is part of the National Health Service (NHS) in England, which was established in 1948.


The Surrey Ambulance Service provides a range of services including emergency medical response, patient transport, and community first responder schemes. It operates a fleet of ambulances, rapid response vehicles, and air ambulances to provide these services.

Related Terms

  • Emergency Medical Services: A system that provides emergency medical care to people who are injured or ill, often at the scene of an incident or en route to a hospital.
  • National Health Service: The publicly funded healthcare system in England, providing free or low-cost healthcare to all residents.
  • Patient Transport: Non-emergency transport of patients between their homes and healthcare facilities.
  • Community First Responder: A person who volunteers to be the first on the scene of an incident, often providing life-saving treatment before an ambulance arrives.
  • Ambulance: A vehicle equipped to provide emergency care to sick or injured people and to transport them to hospital.
  • Rapid Response Vehicle: A type of ambulance that is smaller and faster, used to reach patients quickly in emergencies.
  • Air Ambulance: A specially equipped aircraft that can be used to transport sick or injured people in an emergency.

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