Terminologia Embryologica

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Terminologia Embryologica

Terminologia Embryologica (pronunciation: ter-min-o-lo-gia em-bryo-lo-gica) is a standardized set of terms used in the field of embryology, the branch of biology that studies the prenatal development of gametes (sex cells), fertilization, and development of embryos and fetuses.

The term originates from the Latin words "terminus" meaning "end" or "boundary", and "embryo" meaning "young one". The suffix "-logia" is derived from the Greek word "λογία" meaning "study of".


The Terminologia Embryologica is a part of the international anatomical terminology which provides a standardized system of terms, allowing clear and precise communication among scientists and healthcare professionals worldwide. It is maintained by the Federative International Programme for Anatomical Terminology (FIPAT), a part of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA).

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