UCLA School of Dentistry

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UCLA School of School of Dentistry

The UCLA School of Dentistry is the dental school of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) located in the Westwood neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, United States. The school has several educational and training programs, conducts oral and dental health research, and offers affordable dental care at three locations: Westwood, Venice, and Inglewood.


UCLA School of Dentistry: /juː siː ɛl eɪ skuːl ɒv dɛntɪstri/


The name "UCLA School of Dentistry" is derived from its parent institution, the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and its focus on the field of dentistry.


The UCLA School of Dentistry was established in 1964 in response to the need for a public school of dentistry in the greater Los Angeles area. The School of Dentistry is part of the University of California system, which includes ten campuses throughout the state.


The UCLA School of Dentistry offers four-year DDS program for candidates that have completed the DAT test and have gone through the formal application process. The school also offers a two-year program for international dentists, where upon completion of the program, graduates will receive a DDS degree.


The UCLA School of Dentistry is involved in world-class research to advance the future of oral health. The school's research program is an integral part of its mission to advance knowledge in the field of dentistry.

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